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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.). Search the whole document.

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When the dispatches from the consul andB.C. 216 the praetor had been read out, the senate voted to send Marcus Claudius,M. Claudius Marcellus, one of the best of the Roman generals in the war, had won renown by his defeat of the Gauls at Clastidium in 222 B.C., where he killed the enemy's chief, Virdomarus, with his own hand and won the spoils of honour (I. x. 5, and IV. xx. tell of the only other instances recorded). He fell in a cavalry engagement in 208, when a detachment with which he was making a reconnaissance was overwhelmed by a greatly superior force of Carthaginians (XXVII. xxvi.-xxvii ). the praetor commanding the fleet at Ostia, to Canusium, and to write to the consul to turn the army over to him and come to Rome at the earliest moment compatible with the welfare of the state. They were terrified not only by the great disasters they had suffered, but also by a number of prodigies, and in particular because two Vestals, Opimia and Floronia, had in that year been convic
ime, by the direction of the Books of Fate, some unusual sacrifices were offered; amongst others a Gaulish man and woman and a Greek man and woman wereB.C. 216 buried alive in the Cattle Market, in a place walled in with stone, which even before this time had been defiled with human victims, a sacrifice wholly alien to the Roman spirit.Livy means that the sacrifice, prescribed by the Greek Sibylline Books, was a Greek and not a Roman rite. The earlier instance referred to in the text was in 228 B.C. (Zonaras VIII. xix.). Deeming that the gods had now been sufficiently appeased, Marcus Claudius Marcellus sent fifteen hundred soldiers whom he had under him, enrolled for service with the fleet, from Ostia to Rome, to defend the City; and sending before him to Teanum Sidicinum the naval legion (to wit, the thirdIn chap. liii. ยง 2 the third legion is one of those which fought at Cannae. Possibly the naval legions were separately numbered, or (more probably) there had now been a new numb