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378 BC 2 2 Browse Search
361 BC 1 1 Browse Search
367 BC 1 1 Browse Search
368 BC 1 1 Browse Search
357 BC 1 1 Browse Search
345 BC 1 1 Browse Search
337 BC 1 1 Browse Search
400 BC 1 1 Browse Search
83 BC 1 1 Browse Search
51 BC 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 6 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.). Search the whole document.

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ne should be certain of success, while his competitors are struggling for office; who would withdraw himself from your judgment; who would have you vote for him from compulsion, not from choice —not as freemen, but as slaves. I say nothing of Licinius and Sextius, whose years of continuous power you reckon like those of the kings on the Capitol:Statues of the kings were set up on the Capitol, and on their bases were recorded the years they had reigned. But this had not yet been done in 368 B.C. who is there in the state to-day so lowly that the opportunities afforded by that law would not make access to the consulship easier for him than for us and for our children? To elect us will sometimes be beyond your power, even though you wish it; but those persons you would be compelled to elect, even against your inclinations. Of the indignity of the thing I have said enough. But dignity after all is concerned with men: what of religious observances and auspices —for the immortal god