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Georgia (Georgia, United States) 830 0 Browse Search
Savannah (Georgia, United States) 289 5 Browse Search
William J. Hardee 218 4 Browse Search
John B. Hood 212 2 Browse Search
Joseph E. Johnston 197 15 Browse Search
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 191 1 Browse Search
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 188 0 Browse Search
Joseph Wheeler 183 7 Browse Search
James Longstreet 180 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). Search the whole document.

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Hoods (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ad been ordered to Poplar Springs, and soon afterward to the trenches on the west of the Marietta road. From that time until the close of the siege they were under close fire, night and day, and moving from one station to another had their full share of all the hardest places, from the Marietta road to the extreme right. Sherman, finding that he could not push his lines closer immediately south of Atlanta, determined to move his whole army further south, beyond the stretching capacity of Hood's army, and ride over opposition by sheer force of concentrated strength. But before beginning he ordered down from Chattanooga four 4 1/2-inch rifled guns to try on the city. They were put to work night and day, and he observed that they caused frequent fires and created confusion, yet the enemy seemed determined to hold his forts even if the city was destroyed. During this furious cannonade, we are told by General Hood, women and children fled into cellars, and were forced to seek shelter
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
Arkansas and Tennessee brigade, Govan's Arkansas brigade, Lowrey's Alabama and Mississippi brigade, and Granbury's Texas brigade. Major-Generg Deas' Alabama brigade, Tucker's Mississippi brigade, Manigault's Alabama and South Carolina brigade, and Walthall's Mississippi brigade. Ma Col. Thomas Harrison, Kentucky brigade of Col. J. W. Grigsby, and Alabama brigade of Col. M. W. Hannon. The artillery of Hardee's corps cek toward New Hope church, and was met by Col. Bush Jones with his Alabama regiment and sharpshooters, of Stewart's division, in all 300 men, organized cavalry movements to protect the West Point railroad in Alabama, and Gen. Stephen D. Lee —who had won distinction by the repulse oand had since been active in command of cavalry in Mississippi and Alabama—was promoted to lieutenant-general and assigned to the command of epleted force. He went on nearly to Nashville and thence south to Alabama, repulsing the attacks of Major-Generals Rousseau, Steedman, and B
Flint River, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
t he had taken all necessary precautions. General Adams at Opelika, Ala., was warned of danger; General Hardee, at East Point, was instructed to act on his own discretion, and Generals Lee and Armstrong were both asked to find out where the enemy was. Yet during this day (29th) the armies of Schofield and Thomas took their designated positions on the line selected by Sherman, and Howard going still further, drove away the plucky Confederate cavalry and artillery at Shoal creek, saved the Flint river bridge, and on the night of August 30th took and began intrenching a position a half mile from Jonesboro. On the same night Hood called his corps commanders in consultation, and finally determined to send Hardee's and Lee's corps, under Hardee, that night to Jonesboro to drive the Federals across Flint river. This, I hoped, Hood says in his report of February, 1865. would draw the attention of the enemy in that direction, and that he would abandon his works on the left, so that I could a
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
arolina brigade, and C. H. Stevens' Georgia brigade. Maj.-Gen. William B. Bate's division, composed of Lewis' Kentucky brigade, Bate's (Tyler's) Georgia and Tennessee brigade, and Finley's Florida brigade. Hood's corps: Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman's division, including Deas' Alabama brigade, Tucker's Mississippi brigade, Manigault's Alabama and South Carolina brigade, and Walthall's Mississippi brigade. Maj.-Gen. C. L. Stevenson's division, composed of Brown's Tennessee brigade, Reynolds' North Carolina and Virginia brigade, Alfred Cumming's Georgia brigade, and Pettus' Alabama brigade. Maj.-Gen. Stewart's division, composed of Stovall's Georgia brigade, Gibson's Louisiana brigade, Clayton's Alabama brigade, and Baker's Alabama brigade. Wheeler's cavalry corps: Maj.-Gen. W. H. Martin's division, including the Alabama brigade of Gen. J. T. Morgan and the Georgia brigade of Gen. Alfred Iverson; Brig.-Gen. J. H. Kelly's division, composed of the Confederate brigade of Gen. W. W. Allen
Covington (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
1st near the Howard house on the hills in that vicinity. General Wheeler, meanwhile, was making a heroic resistance against the advance of McPherson. The latter, leaving a brigade of infantry at Decatur, and sending his cavalry on a raid to Covington, was slowly moving toward Atlanta from the east. Wheeler's men fought dismounted behind successive lines of breastworks, inflicting heavy losses upon the enemy, and repulsing several assaults of the skirmish lines, which were almost dense enoul cavalry had started on a raid south from the east side of the city. He pursued vigorously, got ahead of them on the road to Jonesboro, and drove back a column under Garrard. Then learning that a heavier column under Stoneman had started for Covington, about 50 miles southeast of Atlanta, with the reported intention of continuing toward Macon, while a simultaneous raid was made from the west flank of the Federal army, he sent General Iverson, with his own Georgia brigade and the brigades of
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ost mountains, across the railroad and before Marietta near Kenesaw mountain. Here he held Sherman General McPherson was ordered to move toward Marietta, his right on the railroad; General Thomas onan, to preparing a new line (the third before Marietta), the famous one which included the crest of lry on the flanks, formed a semi-circle about Marietta on the west and north. Hood was massed on thhe mountain and swept over the heights toward Marietta. On the 22d of June, Hood, on the left, wa ended the twenty-six days of fighting before Marietta, in which the total Confederate loss was 3,94 afterward to the trenches on the west of the Marietta road. From that time until the close of the ull share of all the hardest places, from the Marietta road to the extreme right. Sherman, findintions; destroy them at various points between Marietta and Chattanooga; then cross the Tennessee rivroopers, and first tore up the railroad above Marietta, next near Cassville, and then near Calhoun. [2 more...]
Allatoona Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
In the meantime Gen. W. H. Jackson, commanding the cavalry on the other wing, observed that the Federal troops were still moving to their right, and were crossing the Etowah near Stilesboro. Information from Wheeler and Jackson given Johnston near the pass of Allatoona, satisfied him that Sherman was making a detour toward Dallas, and he promptly took advantage of two strong lines extending thence toward Dallas, and facing nearly northwest. One of these lines capable of defense was on Allatoona creek, the front line on Pumpkin Vine creek, running southwest from the vicinity of Allatoona. The Federal forces crossed the, Etowah at Rome and other points between there and Stilesboro, and, to meet this movement, Johnston on the 23d sent Hardee's corps toward Dallas, Polk moving in the same direction on the left, and on the next day Hood followed Hardee. Hood's corps was placed with its center at New Hope church, Polk and Hardee between that corps and the highway to Atlanta from Dalla
Newnan (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ith the west, from Opelika to West Point. On the 14th, a division of Federal cavalry also crossed the Chattahoochee near Newnan, and was bravely met and repelled by Armstrong's brigade. Meanwhile the work of strengthening and extending the Confederfight of the 28th, made a hot pursuit, and with Harrison attacked McCook near Lovejoy's. McCook then started back toward Newnan, leaving 20 dead and wounded and 50 prisoners on Ross hands, and taking 300 Confederate prisoners. Wheeler, reaching Jonto the enemy of more than 40 killed. Not satisfied, he kept pushing McCook's rear guard, capturing 20 more prisoners near Newnan, on the West Point railroad. At Newnan, McCook cut the West Point railroad in three places, but the halt was fatal. WheNewnan, McCook cut the West Point railroad in three places, but the halt was fatal. Wheeler, reinforced by part of Cook's regiment and two regiments under General Ross, increasing his force to 700 men, sent one column under Colonel Ashby to cut off McCook's retreat, while he struck him in flank. The result was that McCook conceived th
Noonday Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
jor-general. On June 8th, up to which time there had been constant but not extensive skirmishing, especially by the cavalry along the railroad, Johnston's army was formed on a line extending across the railroad north of Kenesaw mountain. Hardee's left was at Gilgal church, Bate's division occupying the summit of Pine mountain, a hill about 300 feet high and considerably to the front of the main line; Polk's right was near the Acworth and Marietta road east of the railroad, covered by Noonday creek; and Hood was massed on the right of the Acworth road. The cavalry extended this line to the right and left. Between the 1st and 4th of June, Wheeler's troops captured about 100 prisoners. After a succession of skirmishes, they drove the enemy before them beyond Big Shanty. Sherman, meanwhile, was establishing a secondary base at Allatoona, building a bridge over the Etowah and completing the railroad in order to bring up supplies. On the 8th of June, Gen. Frank P. Blair arrived at
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
country as far as you can, inflicting all the damage you can against their war resources. About the same time Sherman received a map marked to show the contemplated movements, indicating that he was expected to advance to Atlanta, and thence to Savannah. On April 24th he reported that he was ready except getting up McPherson's command from Cairo, mostly on furlough. He also stated his opinion that in the coming campaign Johnston would be compelled to hang to his railroad, the only possible a The Georgia brigade of Gen. H. W. Mercer, composed of the First volunteer regiment, Col. C. H. Olmstead; Fifty-fourth, Lieut.-Col. Morgan Rawls; Fifty-seventh, Lieut.-Col. C. S. Guyton; Sixty-third, Col. G. A. Gordon, was afterward added, from Savannah, and assigned to Walker's division. Cantey's brigade was brought from Mobile to Rome. The strength of the army of Tennessee, according to the abstract of returns for April 30th, was as follows: Hardee's corps, 25,782; Hood's corps, 24,379; W
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