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azing with his golden caparison, and exclaiming, Behold yonder battery, my men! Charge on it! Sweep the foeman from your path! The gay and elegant form of Stonewall Jackson will be seen as he leads his cavalry, and swears in the charge; Stuart will give his cautious counsel to fall back; and we shall have, in the yellow-covered e of the great commander of the Southern cavalry, of which he told me all the particulars, for I was not present. It was about the middle of August, 1862, and Jackson, after deciding the fate of the day at Cold Harbour, and defeating General Pope at Cedar Mountain, was about to make his great advance upon Manassas with the remapers containing the fullest information of his strength, position, and designs. Those papers were transmitted to General Lee, and probably determined him to send Jackson to Pope's rear. In addition to the papers Stuart made a capture which was personally soothing to his feelings. In his flight, General Pope left his coat behi
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A young Virginian and his spurs. (search)
nded in the melee, that the captures were considerable. Ii. Among those who were thus cut off and captured in this wild struggle made up of dust, smoke, blood, and uproar, was Lieutenant W— . His horse had mired in the swampy ground near the Barbour House, and he was incontinently gobbled up by his friends in the blue coats, and marched to the rear, that is to say, across the Rappahannock. Lieutenant W— was an excellent specimen of those brave youths of the Valley who gathered around Jackson in the early months of the war, and in the hot fights of the great campaign against Banks and Fremont had borne himself with courage and distinction. Wounded and captured at Kernstown — I think it was-he had been exchanged, secured a transfer to the cavalry, and was now again a prisoner. He was conducted across the Rappahannock with the Confederate prisoners captured during the day, and soon found himself minus horse, pistol, and sabre-all of which had, of course, been taken from him
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., From the Rapidan to Frying-Pan in October, 1863. (search)
ch outraged, it would appear, at the hasty manner in which Stuart had compelled him to evacuate Culpeper; and he now felt an ardent desire, before the campaign ended, to give the great cavalier a Roland for his Oliver. With about 3,000 cavalry he accordingly crossed Bull Run, following upon Stuart's track as the latter fell back; and soon he had reached the little village of Bucklands, not far from New Baltimore. Stuart had disappeared; but these disappearances of Stuart, like those of Jackson, were always dangerous. In fact, a ruse was about to be practised upon General Kilpatrick, who was known to want caution, and this ruse was of the simplest description. Stuart had arranged that he should retire before Kilpatrick as he advanced, until the Federal column was beyond Bucklandsthen Fitz Lee, who had fallen back from Manassas on the line of the Orange Railroad, would have an opportunity to fall upon the enemy's flank and rear. The sound of Fitz Lee's guns would be the signal
was a prisoner. It was this spectacle of gray nondescripts which aroused the general enthusiasm. As Stuart advanced, superb and smiling, with his brilliant blue eyes, his ebon plume, his crimson scarf, and his rattling sabre, in front of his men, the town, as I have said, grew wild. His hand was grasped by twenty persons; bright eyes greeted him; beautiful lips saluted him. Believe me, reader, it was something to be a soldier of the C. S. A., when the name of that soldier was Stuart, Jackson, Gordon, or Rodes. Fair hands covered them with flowers, cut off their coat-buttons, and caressed the necks of the horses which they rode. Better still than that, pure hearts offered prayers for them; when they fell, the brightest eyes were wet with tears. Most striking of all scenes of that pageant of rejoicing at Middleburg, was the ovation in front of a school of young girls. The house had poured out, as from a cornucopia, a great crowd of damsels, resembling, in their variegated
rest in the particulars. I mean the death of Jackson. The minute circumstances attending it have ist, and the Confederate advance force under Jackson, on the same evening, attacked General Hookerthat night, and on the morning of May second, Jackson set out with Hill's, Rodes's, and Colston's d in the evening, and without a moment's delay Jackson formed his line of battle for an attack. Rodents now about to be narrated took place. Jackson had advanced with some members of his staff, an error, the troops fired deliberately upon Jackson and his party, under the impression that theypared to guard against cavalry. By this fire Jackson was wounded in three places. He received onement when, from loss of blood and exhaustion, Jackson was about to fall from the saddle. The sceneral up in our arms and carry him off. But Jackson said faintly, No, if you can help me up, I ca though that of shot and shell continued; and Jackson rose to his feet. Leaning on the shoulders o[28 more...]
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Facetiae of the camp: souvenirs of a C. S. Officer. (search)
young African was observed to pause, assume an attitude of extreme attention, remove his hat, scratch his head, and listen. Then turning to his master, he said with dignity, Hear that artillery, sir. Those are, beyond a doubt, the guns of Stonewall Jackson. 2. Second illustration. A Federal officer of high rank and character, a bitter Democrat and opponent of the negro-loving party, with an extreme disgust, indeed, for the whole black race; this gentleman visited the house where the young sped the collar of a straggler, who would not stop at his order, and was discharging at him a perfect torrent of curses, when, chancing to turn his head, he saw close behind him no less a personage than the oath-hating and sternly-pious General Stonewall Jackson. Jackson's aversion to profanity was proverbial in the army. It was known to excite his extreme displeasure. Colonel Wtherefore stopped abruptly, hung his head, and awaited in silence the stern rebuke of his superior. It came
currences, the reader would soon comprehend how steady the Captain's nerve is, how ready his resources in an emergency, and how daring his conception and execution. For the present, I must content myself with one recent adventure, prefacing it with a statement which will probably throw some light upon the motives of the chief actor, and the feelings which impelled him to undertake the expedition. In the summer of 1862, Captain Mosby was sent from Hanover Court-House on a mission to General Jackson, who was then on the Upper Rapidan. He was the bearer of an oral communication, and as the route was dangerous, had no papers about him except a brief note to serve as a voucher for his identity and reliability. With this note, the Captain proceeded on his journey, and stopping at Beaver Dam Station on the Virginia Central Railroad, to rest and feed his horse, was, while quietly sitting on the platform at the depot, surprised and bagged by a detachment of the enemy's cavalry. Now,
When not marching he was fighting. The officer who commanded his brigade was a certain Colonel Jackson, afterwards known popularly as Old Stonewall. This officer could not bear Yankees, and thi rapidly approached. They arrived in time — the order passed along the line — the corps of General Jackson went in with colours flying. Yesterday was the most terrific fire of musketry I ever heard. Such were the words of General Jackson an hour past midnight. On that succeeding morning, I set out to find Corporal Bumpo --for to this rank he had been promoted. I met General Jackson General Jackson on the way, his men cheering the hero, and ascertaining from him the whereabouts of the brigade, proceeded thither. Corporal Bumpo smiling and hungry — a cheerful sight. He was occupied in stockual, got into a battle immediately. He says the enemy pressed hard at Cedar mountain, but when Jackson appeared in front, they broke and fled. The Corporal followed, and marched after them through <
of Napoleon. This is the Old Stonewall Brigade of Jackson. The Old Stonewall Brigade! What a host of thouearts of men fighting within sight of their homes. Jackson called to them; they came from around Winchester, aies yield. Many dropped by the way, but few failed Jackson. The soul of their leader seemed to have entered eforty miles, almost without a moment's rest; and as Jackson rode along the line which was still moving on briskcond Manassas, when Longstreet was at Thoroughfare, Jackson at Groveton: He's in the saddle now! Fall in! Quick-step-we're with him before dawn! That's Stonewall Jackson's way. The sun's bright lances rout the mistsharge, Stuart! Pay off Ashby's score! That's Stonewall Jackson's way! Lastly, hear how the singer at the t defeat has met the enemy so persistently wherever Jackson has delivered battle at the head of the Old Brigadedren, when the war is ended, that they fought under Jackson, in the Old Stonewall Brigade. They may be pardone
to cross the Potomac at Williamsport, and Colonel Jackson was sent forward with the First Brigade, ence that Patterson had crossed his army; and Jackson immediately got his brigade under arms, intennd gallant fight near Falling Water, in which Jackson met the enemy with the same obstinacy which aatement, knowing in what light marching order Jackson had been, and resolved philosophically to awa I started up joyfully, fully convinced that Jackson was attacking the town, when the Corporal camin Longbow, I believe. Yes, sir. Of Colonel Jackson's command? Of the command which engaged you escape? I was truly sorry to hear from Jackson that you had ridden to look for me, and neveraw General Johnston turn and look at me; then Jackson beckoned to me. I rode up and saluted the Gengot him from General Patterson--I believe Colonel Jackson told you how. Ah! that is the horse? the fight by his assault upon their right. Jackson and Smith belonged to the Army of the Shenand[7 more...]
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