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TORRE DE PALMA Alentejo, Portugal.

Large Roman villa 5 km from Monforte, inhabited from at least the 2d c. A.D. to the Visigoth period. The villa has both an urban and a rural section, constituting a unique architectural complex of ca. 100 by 50 m. A large courtyard separates this complex from the press and storerooms for olive oil. Two baths serve both masters and servants. The mosaics, of excellent quality, are in the National Museum of Archaeology in Lisbon. From the Visigoth period are remains of a basilica with two apses, a baptistery, and a cemetery.


M. Heleno, “A villa lusitano-romana de Torre de Palma (Monforte),” O Arqueólogo Português NS 4 (1962) 313-38MPI.


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