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nātūrālis , e, adj. natura,
I.natural, i. e.,
I. By birth, one's own: “naturalis pater, opp. to adoptive father,Cic. Phil. 3, 6, 15: “in adoptionem dato redire in familiam liceat, si pater naturalis sine liberis decesserit,Quint. 3, 6, 96: filius ( = κατὰ φύσιν υίός), Liv. 42, 52: “Pauli nepos,id. 44, 44; Suet. Tib. 52; Gai. Inst. 2, 137; 3, 31: “qui in avi sui naturalis potestate est,Dig. 37, 8, 1, § 2; also, natural, illegitimate ( = nothus), Dig. 40, 5, 40; 36, 1, 80, § 2; Aug. Conf. 6, 12; Inscr. Grut. 945, 3.—
II. Of or belonging to the nature of things, produced by or agreeable to nature, natural: “naturale est alicui,it is natural to one, it is his innate quality, Plin. 11, 37. 54, § “144: historia, id. praef. § 1: motus naturalis,Cic. Fin. 1, 6, 19: “societas,id. Off. 1, 16, 50: “lex,id. N. D. 1, 14, 36: “notio naturalis atque insita in animis nostris,id. Fin. 1, 9, 31: “naturalis, non fucatus nitor,id. Brut. 9, 36: “bonum,id. Cael. 5, 11: dies, a natural day, i. e. from sunrise to sunset, opp. to the dies civilis, Censor. de Die Nat. 23; “v. civilis: mors,a natural, not a violent death, Plin. 7, 53, 54, § 180 (for the class. mors necessaria, Cic. Mil. 7, 16): “naturales exitus,the anus, Col. 6, 30, 8: “naturalia desideria,the serual impulse, id. 6, 24, 2; 6, 27, 7: loca naturalia, the sexual parts of men and animals, Cels. 1, p. 11 Milligan.—As subst.: nātūrāle , is, n., the private parts: “sanguinis pars per naturale descendit,Cels. 5, 26, 13; 7, 26, 1 al.—More freq. plur., nātūrālĭa , ĭum, n., in same sense, Cels. 4, 21 init.; 5, 20, 4; 6, 18, 2 al.; Col. 6, 27, 10; Just. 1, 4, 2.—
III. Of or concerning nature, natural: “naturales quaestiones,Cic. Part. 18, 64: “historia, Plin. H. N. praef. § 1: philosophia,Isid. Orig. 2, 24, 12.—
IV. Opp. to fictitious, natural, real: “philosophi duos Joves fecerunt, unum naturalem, alterum fabulosum,Lact. 1, 11. —Hence, adv.: nātūrālĭter , naturally, conformably to nature, by nature: “nec vero umquam animus hominis naturaliter divinat,Cic. Div. 1, 50, 113: “alacritas naturaliter innata,Caes. B. C. 3, 92: “inter naturaliter dissimillimos,Vell. 2, 60, 5; Plin. 11, 37, 47, § 130: “profluere (urinam),Cels. 7, 26, 1; Hirt. B. Alex. 8: “est aliquid in omni materiā naturaliter primum,Quint. 3, 8, 6.
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