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‘ [70] over they went, mounting the embankment, driving everything before them at the point of the bayonet.’1 Brig.-Gen. C. Grover, commanding brigade, says that the ‘11th and 16th Mass. have under every trial won new distinction.’ Lieut. Hiram B. Banks of the 16th was killed in this charge, as were also Lieut.-Col. George F. Tileston, Capt. Benjamin Stone and Lieut. William R. Porter of the 11th. Capt. Charles W. Carroll and Lieuts. Pardon Almy and J. E. Simmons of the 18th fell also in this battle; Col. Fletcher Webster and Capt. Richard H. Kimball of the 12th; together with three lieutenants, J. M. Mandeville of the 1st, Bartlett Shaw of the 29th and William H. Flynn of the 28th. It was upon the 18th Mass. that the heaviest losses of all fell. Maj. (afterwards general) G. L. Andrews, U. S. A., a Massachusetts officer commanding the 17th U. S. Infantry, especially compliments in his report the services of Lieut. (afterwards captain) W. W. Swan, U. S. A., also of Massachusetts.

At Chantilly, Sept. 1, 1862, fell prematurely a Massachusetts officer, Gen. Isaac I. Stevens, who had left West Point, it is said, with higher honors than had been won by any previous graduate. He led an attack on foot at the head of the 79th New York, a Scotch regiment. The fire was severe and the color-sergeant was wounded, when General Stevens took the colors, calling, ‘We are all Highlanders; follow, my brave Highlanders.’ He was almost instantly struck and killed by a bullet in the right temple, this being, as he had previously said, the death he had most wished to die.

There also died at Chantilly, Lieut.-Col. Joseph P. Rice of the 21st, with Capt. John D. Frazer, and Lieuts. Henry A. Beckwith, Frederick A. Bemis and William B. Hill, also Lieut. Alexander Barrett of the 28th. The losses fell upon these two regiments, especially on the 21st, which lost thirty-eight killed and mortally wounded out of four hundred. The 8th Mass. Battery was also engaged, but without loss.

On the following day, September 2, General Pope was withdrawn; he returned to Washington and his army was merged in the Army of the Potomac. His boastful early proclamations, with their very inadequate result, threw a cloud over his whole campaign; but that accomplished professional critic, Col. T. A. Dodge, says that ‘from Cedar Mountain to ’

1 Official War Records, XII (2), 441.

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