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HERMO´POLIS PARVA (Ἑρμοῦ πόλις μικρά, Steph. B. sub voce Strab. xvii. p.802; Ptol. 4.5.46; It. Anton. p. 154), the modern Damanhur, was a city of the Egyptian Delta, in the nome of Alexandria, or, as it was sometimes described, the chief town of a Deltaic Hermopolite nome. It stood in lat. 31° N. on the banks of a canal which connected the lake Mareotis with the Canopic or most westerly arm of. the Nile. It was 44 miles SE. of Alexandria. (Champollion, L'Egypte, vol. ii. p. 249.) There were, besides, two other towns of the same name: 1. on an island near the city Butosos (Strab. xvii. p.802); 2. another a little below Thmuis (Strab. l.c.; Steph. B. sub voce.


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