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KOROPE Thessaly, Greece.

City and site of the oracular Shrine of Apollo Koropaios. The god was one of the Magnesian triad; the sanctuary was in existence from at least archaic times. The city was incorporated into Demetrias on its foundation in 293 B.C., but the oracle continued to function through Roman times. The site is located on the right bank of the (modern) river Bufa, ca. 20 km S of Volo on the shore road which runs along the inner coast of Magnesia. A small modern settlement is presently known as Korope. The site was identified in 1882 by the discovery of a decree of Demetrias relating to the management of the shrine. In 1906 and 1907 the area of the sanctuary was discovered and partially excavated. This is on level ground above the modern road and just below a hill called Petralona. The excavation has now entirely filled in. Parts of the base of the NW corner of the peribolos (?) wall constructed of rough stones was found, and joining the W wall another wall (E end not found) parallel to the N peribolos wall and 8 m away, perhaps belonging to a stoa. Numerous terracotta figurines and black-glazed and black-figure sherds of the 7th-6th c. B.C. were found, and a number of pieces of the handsomely painted archaic terracotta revetment of the temple (?) and part of the wing of a lateral acroterion, a gryphon or sphinx. Some terracottas and fragments of terracotta revetment were also found. The finds from the excavation (unpublished) are in the Volo Archaeological Museum.

On a peak of the hill Petralona (175 m) above and ca. one km to the E of the sanctuary are traces of habitation in the form of roof tiles, sherds, etc. To the SE of the peak, at the edge of a flattish area is a semicircular retaining wall about one to two m high, built of polygonal masonry. Between the peak of the hill and the sanctuary are two ancient tombs. There is no sign of acropolis or city defense walls. The remains on the hill date from the archaic through the early Hellenistic periods. By the shore, SW of the sanctuary are remains of a Roman tomb, and a floor probably of the Roman or Christian period. Late Hellenistic and Roman sherds are commonly found in this area, indicating that the settlement of Korope moved from the hill to the shore.


IG IX2 1109; H. G. Lolling,AM 7 (1882) 71; A. S. Arvanitopoullos,Praktika (1906) 123-25; (1907) 175; (1910) 225; F. Stählin, RE (1922) s.v. Korope; id., Das Hellenische Thessalien (1924) 53f; id., AM 54 (1929) 219-20; E. D. Van Buren, Greek Fictile Revetments in the Archaic Period (1926) 44I; N. D. Papahadjis, “Korope and its Sanctuary,”Thessalika 3 (1960) 3-24MPI.


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