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Eth. NAMNE´TES, NANNE´TES (Ναμνῆται, Ptol. 2.8.9), for there is authority for both forms, were a Gallic people on the north side of the Liger (Loire), and on the sea. The river separated them from the Pictones or Pictavi. (Strab. iv. p.190.) Their chief town was Condivicnum (Nantes). When Caesar was carrying on his war with the Veneti, these maritime Galli called in to their aid the Osismi, Nannetes, and other neighbouring people. (Caes. Gal. 3.9.) The Brivates Portus of Ptolemy is within the limits of the Namnetes. The former diocese of Nantes exceeded the limits of the territory of the Namnetes.


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