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4 اعذر ذ : see 1, in five places from the commencement. ― -b2- Also He had an excuse; [or he was, or became, excusable;] (S, O, K;) and so ↓ اعتذر . (S, O, K.) It is said in a prov., أَعْذَرَ مَنْ أَنْذَرَ [He has an excuse, or is excusable, who warns]. (S. [See also below: and see art. نذر. It is held by some in the present day that the ا in اعذر, in this phrase, has a privative effect, and that the meaning is, He deprives of excuse who warns: but for this I have not found any authority.]) And Lebeed says, (S, O, TA,) addressing his two daughters, (O, TA,) and telling them to wail and weep a year for him after his death, (TA,) “ إِِلَى الحَوْلِ ثُمَّ ا@سْمُ السَّلَامِ عَلَيْكُمَا
وَمَنْ يَبْكِ حَوْلًا كَامِلًا فَقَدْ ا@عْتَذَرْ
” [Until the end of the year: then the name of peace be an you both: for such as weeps a whole year has become excusable]. (S, O.) You say also, أَعْذَرْتُ عِنْدَ السُّلْطَانِ I got excuse of the Sultán [or ruling power]. (TA.) ― -b3- And He manifested an excuse: (K, TA:) in which sense, عُذْرٌ is said to be its inf. n., as well as إِِعْذَارٌ; but the former is correctly a simple subst. (TA.) And He pleaded that by which he should be excused. (TA.) [See also 8.] ― -b4- He did that by which he should be excused. (TA.) ― -b5- He did that in which he should be excused: hence the saying of Zuheyr, *سَتَمْنَعُكُمْ أَرْمَاحُنَا أَوْ سَنُعْذِرُ [Our spears shall prevent you, or shall defend you,] or we will do that in which we shall be excused. (S, O: but in the latter, وَتَمْنَعُكُمْ.) ― -b6- And He exceeded the usual bounds, (A, Mgh, O,) or went to the utmost point, (TA,) in excuse, (A, Mgh, O, TA,) i. e. in being excused. (A.) So in the saying أَعْذَرَ مَنْ أَنْذَرَ [He exceeds the usual bounds in rendering himself excused who warns]. (A, Mgh, O. [See also above, third sentence.]) And it is said in a trad., لَقَدْ أَعْذَرَ ا@للّٰهُ إِِلَى مَنْ بَلَغَ مِنَ العُمُرِ سِتِّينَ سَنَةً [app. meaning Verily God hath freed himself from the imputation of injustice to an extraordinary degree, or to the utmost point, to him who hath attained sixty years of age:] i. e. He hath left him no plea for excuse [for his sins], since He hath granted him respite for all this length of time and he hath not excused himself. (TA. [As اعذر is here followed by إِِلَى, I do not think that this explanation is meant to show that the ا has a privative effect, and that the verb signifies “ he deprived of excuse. ”]) ― -b7- [Hence,] He exerted himself, acted vigorously, took extraordinary pains, or exceeded the usual bounds, [so as to render himself excused,] (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) فِى الأَمْرِ in the affair; (S, O, Msb;) as, for instance, in eating, in relation to which it occurs in a trad., wherein one is enjoined to do so when eating with others, [app. meaning with guests and with a host,] such having been the custom of the Prophet; for, when he ate with others, he was the last in eating. (TA.) [Hence also,] أَعْذَرْتُ إِِلَيْكَ I took extraordinary pains, or exceeded the usual bounds, in exhortation and precept to thee. (TA.) ― -b8- And He was remiss, wanting, deficient, or defective; he fell short, or did less than was incumbent on him; feigning (يُرِى [in the CK, erroneously, يُرىٰ]) that he was doing the contrary: as though the verb bore two contrary significations. (K.) [See also 2.] -A2- Also I. q. أَنْصَفَ: (O, K:) you say, أَعْذِرْنِى مِنْ هٰذَا i. e. أَنْصِفْنِى مِنْهُ [Give thou me, or obtain for me, my right, or due, from this person]: and hence the saying of the Prophet to Aboo-Bekr, respecting 'Áïsheh, أَعْذِرْنِى مِنْهَا إِِنْ أَدَّبْتُهَا [Obtain thou for me my right, or due, from her if I discipline her, or chastise her]: (O:) or this means undertake thou to excuse me [for my conduct to her &c.]: (TA:) and the Arabs say, أَعْذَرَ فُلَانٌ مِنْ نَفْسِهِ [Such a one became bound to render an excuse for his conduct to himself; (see عَذِيرٌ;)] meaning such a one was destroyed by himself. (Yoo, TA.) -A3- As signifying He circumcised: see 1, latter half. It is said in a trad., كُنَّا إِِعْذَارَ يَوْمٍ وَاحِدٍ, meaning We were circumcised in one day. (TA.) ― -b2- Also (tropical:) He made a feast on the occasion of a circumcision, (AZ, Msb, K, TA,) لِلْقَوْمِ for the people, or party: (K:) he prepared such a feast: from the same verb signifying “ he circumcised. ” (TA.) [See also 2: and see إِِعْذَارٌ as a subst.] -A4- اعذر الفَرَسَ and اللِّجَامَ: see 1, latter half, in five places. ― -b2- And أَعْذِرْ عَنِّى بَعِيرَكَ: see 2, near the end. ― -b3- أَعْذِرْ عَلَى نَصِيبِكَ Make a mark upon thy share. (O.) ― -b4- اعذر فِى ظَهْرِهِ He beat him (O, K) with whips (O) so as to make a mark, or marks, upon his back. (O, K.) And ضَرَبَهُ حَتَّى أَعْذَرَ مَتْنَهُ He beat him so that he made the beating heavy upon his back and obtained from him relief from his anger. (TA.) And ضُرِبَ فَأُعْذِرَ, (S, O, K,) in the Tahdheed of IKtt فَأَعْذَرَ, (TA,) He (a man) was beaten so that he was at the point of death. (S, O, K, TA.) And أُعْذِرَ مِنْهُ He had wounds inflicted upon him so that fear was excited for him in consequence thereof. (O.) And أَعْذَرَ بِهِ He, or it, left a scar upon him. (O, * TA.) ― -b5- And أَعْذَرْتُ الدَّارَ and فِى الدَّارِ I made a mark, or marks, in, or upon, the house, or dwelling. (O.) -A5- اعذر also signifies He (a man, TA) voided his ordure. (O, K.) ― -b2- And اعذرت الدَّارُ The house, or dwelling, had in it much عَذِرَة [or human ordure]. (S, O.)

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