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عُبْرِىٌّ ذ , applied to the [species of lote-tree called] سِدْر, means That grows on the banks of rivers, and becomes large: (S, O:) an anomalous rel. n. from عِبْرٌ: (TA:) [or a regular rel. n. from عُبْرٌ as syn. with عِبْرٌ:] or, accord. to 'Omárah, such as is large in the leaves, having few thorns, and taller than the ضَال: or, as Aboo-Ziyád says, that has no thorns except such as hurt [not (see سِدْرٌ)]; the thorns [that hurt] being of the سِدْر called ضال: he does not say, as others do, that it is that which grows upon the water: some assert that it is also called عُمْرِىٌّ, the ب being changed into م: (O:) or, as some say, such as has no trunk; and such is only of those that are near to the عِبْر [or bank of a river]: Yaakoob says that the terms عُبْرِىّ and عُمْرِىّ are applied to the سِدْر that imbibes water; and that such as does not this is that of the desert, and is the ضال: AZ says that the سدر, and such as is large of the عَوْسَج, are called عُبْرِىٌّ; and عُمْرِىٌّ is applied to the سدر that is old. (TA.) [See also عُمْرِىٌّ.]

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