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1 قَدَحَ الدُّودُ ذ , (S, A,) [aor. قَدَحَ ,] inf. n. قَدْحٌ, (Lth, S, Mgh,) The worm, or worms, effected a cankering, or corrosion, (Lth, S, A, Mgh,) فِى الشَّجَرِ, [in the trees], (Lth, S, Mgh,) or فِى العُودِ [in the wood], (A,) and فِى الأَسْنَانِ [in the teeth]. (Lth, S, A, Mgh.) And قُدِحَ and قُدِحَ فِيهِ, inf. n. as above, It (the tree, and the tooth,) became cankered, or corroded. (L.) ― -b2- [Hence,] قَدَحَ فِيهِ, (Msb, K,) or فِى عِرْضِهِ, and فِى سَاقِهِ, (A,) aor. قَدَحَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. as above, (Msb,) from the incidency of the قَوَادِح [or canker-worms] in the سَاق [or stem] of the tree, (A,) (tropical:) He impaired, injured, detracted from, impugned, or attacked, his honour, or reputation; blamed, censured, or reproached, him; found fault with him; or spoke against him. (A, Msb, K.) And قَدَحَ فِى نَسَبِهِ (tropical:) He found fault with, or spoke against, his parentage, genealogy, or pedigree. (S, A, Msb.) And قَدَحَ فِى عَدَالَتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He impugned his rectitude as a witness, mentioning something that should have the effect of causing his testimony to be rejected. (Msb.) And قَدَحَ فِى سَاقِ أَخِيهِ (tropical:) He acted dishonestly, or insincerely, towards his brother, and did that which was displeasing to him, or that which he hated. (L, TA.) And فُلَانٌ يَفُتُّ فِى عَضُدِ فُلَانٍ وَيَقْدَحُ فِى سَاقِهِ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one seeks to injure such a one by diminishing, or impairing, (in number or power) the people of his house, or his aiders, or assistants; and blames, censures, or reproaches, him]: by عَضُدِهِ being meant أَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ; and by نَفْسِهِ سَاقِهِ. (IAar, T. [See عَضُدٌ.]) ― -b3- قَدَحَ فِى القِدْحِ, (A, K, TA,) aor. as above, (TA,) He (a maker of arrows, A) made a hole in [the end of] the [arrow in the state in which it is termed] قِدْح with the tang of the iron head [for the insertion of the said tang]: (A, K, TA:) which hole is termed ↓ مَقْدَحٌ . (A, TA.) ― -b4- قَدَحَ خِتَامَ الخَابِيَةِ He broke the sealed clay upon the mouth of the [wine-jar called] خابية. (TA. [Accord. to the TA, a verse of Lebeed cited voce أَدْكَنُ presents an ex. of the verb in this sense: but see the explanation given in art. دكن.]) ― -b5- قَدَحَ العَيْنَ [He (the operator termed ↓ قَدَّاح , A) performed upon the eye the operation of couching;] he extracted from the eye the corrupt fluid. (S, A. [See نَقَبَ العَيْنَ.]) ― -b6- قَدَحَ النَّارَ, (S, L,) aor. and inf. n. as above, He struck, or produced, fire with a flint &c.: (L:) or قَدَحَ النَّارَ مِنَ الزَّنْدِ [or الزَّنْدَةِ i. e. He produced fire from the piece of stick, or wood, called زند, or rather from that called زندة]; as also ↓ اقتدحها : (A:) or قَدَحَ بِالزَّنْدِ, and ↓ اقتدح , (K,) or الزَّنْدَاقتدح , (S,) He endeavoured to produce fire with the زند. (K.) اُحْنُ لِى أَقْدَحْ لَكَ [app. Bend thou to me branches and I will produce fire for thee to kindle them] is a prov., meaning كُنْ لِى أَكُنْ لَكَ [Be thou a helpmate for me and I will be a helpmate for thee]. (TA.) See also another prov. cited and expl. voce دِفْلَى. ― -b7- قَدَحَ الشَّىْءُ فِى صَدْرِى (assumed tropical:) The thing made an impression in my bosom, or mind. (L.) ― -b8- قَدَحَ, (S, A, L,) aor. and inf. n. as above; (L;) and ↓ اقتدح ; (S, A, L, K;) He laded out broth [&c.] (S, A, L, K) with a ladle. (A.) And قَدَحَ القِدْرَ He laded out what was in the cookingpot. (L.) And قَدَحَ مَا فِى أَسْفَلِ القِدْرِ He laded out with pains what was in the bottom of the cooking-pot. (L.) And قَدَحَ مَا فِى أَسْفَلِ البِئْرِ [He laded out what was in the bottom of the well]. (A.) -A2- قَدَحَتْ عَيْنُهُ, (S, A,) inf. n. قَدْحٌ; (K;) and ↓ قدّحت , (S,) inf. n. تَقْدِيحٌ; (K;) (assumed tropical:) His eye sank, or became depressed, (S, A, K,) so that it became like the قَدَح [q. v.]. (A. [See an ex. of the latter v. in a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. سلب.])

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