HUGH de Lacie (of whom such memorable mention is made hertofore) the rather to méet with such hurlie burlies as were like to put the state of the Irish countrie in danger, if the same were not the sooner brought to quiet, erected and built a number of castels and forts in places conuenientlie seated, well and sufficientlie garnished with men, munitions, and vittels, as one at Derwath, where diuerse A castell built at Derwath. of the Irish praied to be set on worke for wages. Lacie came sundrie times thither to further the woorke, full glad to sée them fall in vre with anie such exercise, wherein might they once begin to haue a delight, and tast the swéetnesse of a true mans life, he thought it no small token of reformation: for which cause he visited them the oftner, and merilie would command his gentlemen to giue the laborers example to take their tooles in hand, and to woorke a season, whilest the poore soules looking on might rest them. But this pastime grew to a tragicall end. For on a time, as each man was busilie occupied, some lading, some heauing, some plastering, some grauing, the generall also himselfe digging with a pickaxe: a desperat villaine among them, whose toole the noble man vsed, espieng both his hands occupied, and his bodie inclining downwards, still as he stroke watched when he so 1186 Lacie is traitorouslie slaine. stooped, and with an axe cleft his head in sunder, little esteeming the torments that for this traitorous act insued. This Lacie was reputed to be the conqueror of Meth, for that he was the first that brought it to anie due order of obedience vnto the English power. His bodie the two archbishops, Iohn of Dublin, and Matthew of Cashill buried in the monasterie of Bectie, and his head in saint Thomas abbeie at Dublin.

By occasion of this murther committed on the person of Hugh Lacie, Iohn Curcie, and Hugh Lacie the yoonger, with their assistants, did streight execution vpon the rebels; and preuenting euerie mischiefe yer it fell, staied the realme from vprores. Thus they knitting themselues togither in friendship, continued in wealth Curcie and Hugh Lacie the voonger keepe the realme in quiet. 1199. King Iohn slaieth his nephue Arthur. and honor vntill the first yeare of king Iohus reigne, who succéeding his brother king Richard, tooke his nephue Arthur, son to his brother Geffreie earle of Britaine, and dispatched him (some said) with his owne hands, because he knew what claime he made to the crowne, as descended of the elder brother. And therefore not onelie the French king, but also certeine lords of England and Ireland fauored his title: and when they vnderstood that he was made awaie, they tooke it in maruelous euill part. And Curcie either of zeale to the truth, or parcialitie, abhorring Curcie vttereth displeasant words against King Iohn. such barbarous crueltie, whereof all mens eares were full, spake bloudie words against king Iohn, which his lurking aduersaries (that laie readie to vndermine him) caught by the end, and vsed the same as a meane to lift him out of credit: which they did not onelie bring to passe, but also procured a commission to attach his bodie, and to send him ouer into England. Earle Curcie mistrusting his part, and belike He is accused. getting some inkeling of their drift, kept himselfe aloofe, till Hugh Lacie lord iustice was faine to leuie an armie and to inuade Vlster, from whense he was oftentimes put backe: wherevpon he proclaimed Curcie traitor, and hired sundrie gentlemen He is proclamed traitor. with promise of great recompense, to bring him in either quicke or dead. They fought once at Downe, in which battell there died no small number on both parts; but Curcie got the vpper hand, and so was the lord iustice foiled at Curcies hands: but yet so long he continued in practising to haue him, that at length Curcies owne capteins were inueihed to betraie their owne maister: insomuch that vpon Good fridaie, whilest the earle out of his armour visited barefooted certeine religious houses for deuotion sake, they laid for him, tooke him as a rebell, & shipped him ouer into England the next waie, where he was adiudged to perpetuall prison. He is taken. One Seintleger addeth in his collections (as Campion saith) that Lacie paied the traitors their monie, and foorthwith therevpon hanged them.

This Curcie translated the church and prebendaries of the trinitie in Downe, to Translation of prebendaries to monks. an abbeie of blacke moonks brought thither from Chester, and caused the same to be consecrated vnto saint Patrike: for which alteration, taking the name from God to a creature; he déemed himselfe woorthilie punished. Not long after (as saie the Irish) certeine French knights came to king Iohns court, and one among them required the combat for triall of the right to the duchie of Normandie. It was not A chalenge for a combat made by certeine French knights. thought expedient to ieopard the title vpon one mans lucke, yet the chalenge they determined to answer. Some friend put them in mind of the earle imprisoned, a warrior of notable courage, and in pitch of bodie like a giant. King Iohn demanded Curcie, whether he could be content to fight in his quarrell? "Not for Cureies answer to king Iohn. thee" said the erle, "whose person I estéeme vnworthie th'aduenture of my blond, but for the crowne & dignitie of the realme, in which manie a good man liueth He taketh vpon him to defend the chalenge. against thy will, I shall be contented to hazard my life."

These words were not construed in the worst part, as procéeding from an offended mind of him that was therein estéemed more plaine than wise. Therefore being cherished and much made of, he was fed so woonderfullie (now he came to so large allowance in diet after hard keeping) that the French chalenger tooke him for a monster: and fearing to deale with him, priuilie stole awaie into Spaine. It is further reported, that the French king, being desirous to sée Curcie, requested king Iohn that he might come before them, and shew of what strength he was by striking a blow at an helmet. Herevpon foorth he was brought, and presented before the kings, where was an helmet set vpon a blocke. Curcie taking a sword in his hand, and with a sterne & frowning countenance cast vpon the kings, gaue such a stroke to the helmet, that cleaning it in sunder, the sword sticked so fast in the log, that no man there was able to plucke it foorth, except Curcie himselfe. When he therefore had plucked foorth the sword, the kings asked him what he meant to looke vpon them with such a grim & froward countenance before he gaue the blow to the helmet? He answered, that if he had missed in his stroke, he would haue killed all the whole companie, as well the kings as others. Then was he released of bonds, and crossing the seas towards Ireland whither he was bound, was fiftéene times beaten backe againe to the English shore, & going into France to change the coast died Curcie departeth this life. The description of Curcie. there. This Curcie was white of colour, mightie of lims, with large bones and strong of sinews, tall & broad in proportion of bodie, so as his strength was thought to excéed, of boldnesse incomparable, and a warrior euen from his youth; the formost in the front of euerie battell where he came, and euer readie to hazard himselfe in place of most danger, so forward in fight, that oftentimes forgetting the office of a capteine, he tooke in hand the part of a souldior, pressing foorth with the formost, so that with his ouer rash violence, and desire of victorie, he might séeme to put all in danger. But although he was thus hastie and hot in the field against his enimies, yet was he in conuersation modest and sober, and verie religious, hauing churchmen in great reuerence, ascribing all to the goodnesse of God, when he had atchiued anie praise-woorthie enterprise, yéelding thankes to his diuine maiestie accordinglie. But as seldome times anie one man is found perfect in all things, so these vertues were spotted with some vices; namelie, too much nigardnesse in sparing, and inconstaneie. He maried the daughter of Godred king of Man, and after manie conflicts and battels had against the Irish, he conquered (as before ve haue heard) the countrie of Vlster, and building diuerse strong castels therin, he established the same vnder his quiet rule and gouernment, till he and Lacie fell out, as before is expressed.

After Curcies decease, because he left no heires, the earledome of Vlster was giuen vnto Hugh Lacie in recompense of his good seruice. There was one of the Curcies remaining in Ireland that was lord of Rathermie and Kilbarrocke, whome (as an espiall of all their practises and informer thereof to the king) Walter and Hugh the sons of Hugh Lacie slue, by reason whereof great trouble and disquietnesse insued: those Lacies bearing themselues (now after the decease of their father) for gouernors out of checke. To set the realme in quiet, king Iohn was faine to passe thither King Iohn went into Ireland. himselfe in person with a maine armie, banished the Lacies, subdued the residue of the countrie yet not conquered, tooke pledges, punished malefactors, established Sée more hereof in Enland. the execution of English lawes, coined monie of like value currant sterling in both realmes. The two Lacies repenting their misdemeanors, fled into France disguised They fled into France. in poore apparell, and serued there in an aboeie as gardeners, till the abbat by their countenance and behauior began to gesse their estates, and opposed them so farre that they disclosed what they were; beséeching the abbat to keepe their counsels, who commending their repentant humblenes, aduised them yet to make sute for their princes fauor, if it might be had, promising to doo what he could in the matter, and so tooke vpon him to be a suter for them vnto the king that was his godcept and well acquainted with him. He trauelled so earnestlie herein, that at length he obteined their pardons: but yet they were fined, Walter at foure thousand, and They are pardoned, and put to their fines. Hugh at fiue and twentie hundred markes: and herevpon Walter was restored vnto the lordship of Meth, and Hugh to the earledome of Vlster.

King Iohn appointed his lieutenants in Ireland, and returning home, subdued the Welshmen, and soone after with Pandulfus the legat of pope Innocentius the third, who came to release him of the censure, wherin he stood excommunicat, to whom as to the popes legat he made a personall surrender of both realines in waie of submission; and after he was once absolued, he receiued them againe. Some adde, that he gaue awaie his kingdoms to the see of Rome for him and his successors, recognising to hold the same of the popes in fée, paieng yearelie therefore one thousand markes, as seauen hundred for England, and three hundred for Ireland. An hundred marks of gold. Blondus. Blondus saith, "Centum pro vtroque auri marchias." Sir Thomas More (as Campion saith) a man both in calling & office likelie to sound the matter to the depth, writeth preciselie, that neither such writing the pope can shew, neither were it effectuall if he could. How farre foorth, and with what limitation a prince may or may not addict his realme feodarie to another, Iohn Maior a Scotish chronicler, and a Sorbonist not vnlearned partlie scanneth, who thinketh three hundred markes for Ireland no verie hard peniworth. The instrument (as Campion thinketh) which our English writers rehearse, might happilie be motioned and drawen, and Iohn Bale in bis apologie against vows. yet not confirmed with anie seale, nor ratified: but though the copie of this writing remaine in record, yet certeine it is, king Iohns successors neuer paid it. After Iohn Comin archbishop of Dublin, and founder of saint Patriks church succéeded Henrie Londores in the sée, who builded the kings castell there, being lord chéefe iustice of Ireland, him they nicknamed (as the Irish doo commonlie giue additions in respect of some fact or qualitie) Scorchuillein, that is, Burnebill, because he required to peruse the writings of his tenants, colorablie pretending to learne the kind of ech mans seuerall tenure, and burned the same before their faces, causing them either to renew their takings, or to hold at will.

In the yeare one thousand two hundred and sixtéene king Iohn departed this life. In his daies diuerse monasteries were builded in Ireland, as (besides those that before are mentioned) in the fourth yeare of his reigne the abbeie of Dowish was founded; in the sixt the abbeie of Wetherham in the countie of Limerike, by Theobald le Butler lord of Cacrackie, and in the twelfe yeare Richard Oute builded the monasterie of Grenard. In the daies of Henrie the third that Henrie the third. Warres betwixt Lacie and Marshall. succéeded his father king Iohn great warres were raised in Ireland betwixt Hugh Lacie & William Marshall, so that the countrie of Meth was gréeuouslie afflicted. In the yeare of our Lord 1228, after the death of Londores archbishop of Dublin, 1228 that was lord chéefe iustice, king Henrie the third vnderstanding the good seruice doone by the Giraldines euer since their first comming into Ireland, although by The Giraldines. wrong reports the same had beene to their preiudice for a time sinisterlie misconstrued, so as the gentlemen had still béene kept backe, and not rewarded according to their deserts. The king now informed of the truth made Morice Fitzgerald the Morice Fitzgirald. Lucas archbishop. 1230 sonne of Morice aforesaid lord chéefe iustice of Ireland. Lucas succeeded Londres in the archbishops sée, and was consecrated. In the yeare one thousand two hundred and thirtie, Richard Marshall was taken prisoner in battell at Kildare. Some write that he was wounded there, and within few daies after died of the 1234 hurt at Kilkennie, and was buried there in the queere of the church of the friers preachers, néere to the place where his brother William was interred, who departed this life in the yeare one thousand two hundred thirtie and one.

In the yeare one thousand two hundred fortie and one, Walter Lacie lord of Meth 1241 departed this life in England: he left two daughters behind him that were his heires, Margaret married to the lord Verdon, and Matild the wife of Geffrie Genuill. The lord Verdon. Geffreie Genuill. 1252 1253 King Henrie in the six & thirtith yeare of his reigne, gaue to Edward his eldest sonne, Gascoigne, Ireland, and the countie of Chester. In the yeare following, Hugh Lacie earle of Vlster departed this life, and was buried at Cragfergus, in the church of the friers minors, leaning a daughter behind him, that was his heire, whome Walter de Burgh or Bourke married, and in right of hir was created earle of Vlster, as after shall appeare. Morice Fitzgirald lord iustice of Ireland, being requested by this prince to come and assist him with a power of men against the Welsh rebels, left a sufficient garrison of men in the castell of Scligath, which he The castell of Scligath. had latelie builded, and then came oner with Phelin Ochonher, and a lustie band of souldiers: & meeting the prince at Chepstow, behaued themselues so valiantlie, that returning with victorie, they greatlie increased the fauor of the king and prince towards them; and vpon their returne into Ireland, they ioined with Cormacke Mac Dermot Mac Rorie, and made a notable iournie against Odonill the Irish enimie, that when Lacie was once dead, inuaded & sore annoied the kings subicets of Vlster. Odonill being vanquished, the lord iustice forced pledges and Odonill. tribute of Oneale to keepe the kings peace, and diuerse other exploits praise-worthic did he, during the time of his gouernment, as Flatsburie hath gathered in his notes for the lord Girald Fitzgirald earle of Kildare, in the yeare one thousand fiue hundred and seuentéene. After Morice Fitzgirald succeeded in office of lord iustice, Iohn Fitzgeffrie knight, and after him Alaine de la Zouch, whome the earle of Iohn Fitzgeffrie lord iustice. Alaine de la Zouch lord iustice. Surrie Fitzwarren slue. And after de la Zouch, in the yeare one thousand two hun- dred fiftie and eight, being the two and fortith of Henrie the third his reigne, was Stephan de long Espée sent to supplie that roome, who slue Oneale with thrée hundred Stephan de long Espée. William Dene lord iustice. Gréene castell destroied. Mac Carcie. 1261. fiftie & two of his men in the stréets of Downe, and shortlie after departed this life; then William Dene was made lord iustice, and Gréene castell was destroied. Also Mac Careie plaid the diuell in Desmond.

In the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie and one, sir William Dene lord instice of Ireland deceased, and sir Richard Rochell (or Capell as some copies haue) Sir Richard Capell lord iustice. was sent to be lord iustice after him, who greatlie enuied the familie of the Giraldins; during his gouernement the lord Iohn Fitzthomas and the lord Morice his Lord Iohn Fitzthomas slaine. son were slaine. In the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie and foure, Walter de Burgh was made earle of Vlster, and Morice Fitzmorice tooke the lord iustice The lord iustice taken. of Ireland togither with Theobald Butler, Miles Cogan, and diuerse other great lords at Tristildermot, on saint Nicholas daie. And so was Ireland full of warres, betwixt the Burghs and Giraldins. In the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie 1266 1267 and six, there chanced an earthquake in Ireland. In the yeere following, king Henrie tooke vp the variance that was in Ireland betwixt the parties, and discharging Dene, appointed Dauid Barrie lord iustice in his place, who tamed the insolent Dauid Barrie lord iustice. dealings of Morice Fitzmorice, cousine germane to Fitzgirald.

In the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie and eight, Conhur Obren was 1263 slaine by Dermot Mac Monerd, and Morice Fitzgirald earle of Desmond was drowned in the sea, betwixt Wales & Ireland. And Robert Vffort was sent ouer Robert Vffort. to remaine lord iustice of Ireland, and Barrie was discharged, who continued till the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie and nine, and then was Richard de Excester Richard de Excester. 1270 1271 made lord iustice. And in the yeare following, was the lord Iames Audleie made lord iustice. Richard Verdon, and Iohn Verdon were slaine, and Fulke archbishop of Dublin deceased. Also the castels of Aldlecke, Roscoman, & Scheligagh, were destroied. The same yeare was a great dearth and mortulitie in Ireland. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seuentie & two, the lord Iames Audleie was The lord Audleie. Randon. The decease of king Henrie the third. 1272 Walter Genuill. 1275 slaine by a fall from his horsse in Thomond, and then was Morice Fitzmorice made lord iustice of Ireland, and the castell of Randon was destroied. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seauentie and two, king Henrie the third departed this life, and the lord Walter Genuill latelie returned home from his iournie into the holie land, was sent into Ireland, and made lord iustice there. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seuentie and fiue, the castell of Roscoman was eftsoones repared and fortified.

In the yeare one thousand two hundred seuentie and six, there was an ouerthrow 1276 An ouerthrow at Glenburie. giuen at Glenburie, where William Fitzroger, prior of the knights hospitalers, & manie other with him, were taken prisoners, and a great number of other were slaine. The same yeare, Iohn de Verdon departed this world, and Thomas de Clare maried the daughter of Morice Fitzmorice. In the yeare following, Robert Vffort was appointed to supplie the roome of Genuill, being called home, and so was this Vffort the second time ordeined lord iustice of Ireland. He hauing occasion to passe into England, made his substitute Fulborne bishop of Waterford till his returne, and then resumed the gouernement into his owne hands againe. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seauentie and seauen, Thomas de Clare slue Obrenroth 1277 king of Tholethmond: and yet after this the Irish closed him vp in Slewbani, togither with Maurice Fitzmaurice, so that they gaue hostages to escape, and the eastell of Roscoman was woone. In the yere next insuing, was Iohn de Derlington 1278 consecrated archbishop of Dublin. There was also a councell holden at Grenoke, and Mac Dermot slue Cathgur Oconthir king of Connagh. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seuentie and nine, Robert Vffort vpon occasion of busines came ouer into England, and left frier Fulborne bishop of Waterford to supplie his roome, and Rafe Piphard and Ohaulan chased Oneale in a battell.

In the yeare one thousand two hundred and foure score, Robert Vffort came 1280 the third time to occupie the roome of lord chiefe iustice in Ireland, resuming that roome into his hands againe. In the yeare following, the bishop of Waterford was 1281 established by the king of England lord iustice of Ireland. Adam Cusacke the yoonger slue William Barret, and manie other in Connagh. And in the next yeare, to wit, one thousand two hundred foure score and two, Penqueit slue Murertagh, & his brother Art Mac Murgh at Athlon. Also the lord Iames de Birmingham, and Piers de Tute departed this life. Also the archbishop Derlington deceassed. And about the same time, the citie of Dublin was defaced by fire, and the stéeple of Christs church vtterlie destroied. The citizens before they went about to repare their owne priuat buildings, agreed togither to make a collection for reparing the Christ church repared. ruines of that ancient building first begun by the Danes, and continued by Citrius prince of Dublin at the instance of Donat sometime bishop of that citie, and dedicated Donat bishop of Dublin. to the blessed trinitie.

At lengh Strangbow earle of Peubroke, Fitzstephans, & Laurence, that for his vertue was called saint Laurence archbishop of Dublin, and his foure successors, Iohn of Euesham, Henrie Scortchhill, and Lucas, and last of all Iohn de saint Paule finished it. This notable building, since the time that it was thus defaced by fire, hath béne beautified in diuerse sorts by many zealous citizens. Strangbowes Strangbows too ne restored by Henrie Sidneie. toome defaced, by the fall of the roofe of the church, sir Henrie Sidneie, when he was lord deputie, restore; & likewise did cost vpon the earle of Kildares chappell for an ornament to the quier, ouer the which he left also a monument of capteine Randolfe, late coronell of the English bands of footmen in Vlster that died there Capteine Randolfe. valiantlie, fighting in his princes seruice, as after shall appeare. In the yeare one thousand two hundred foure score and three, Furmund chancellor of Ireland, and Richard Tute departed this life, and frier Stepiran Fulborne was made lord iustice of Ireland.

In the yeare 1285, the lord Theobald Butler fled from Dubline, and died shortlie 1285 after, and the lord Theobald Verdon lost his men and horsses as he went towards Offalie, & the next day Gerald Fitzmaurice was taken, and Iohn Samford was consecrated Iohn Samford consecrated archbishop of Dublin. An ouerthrow at Rathod. Norwagh and Ardscol burnt 1286 archbishop of Dublin. Moreouer at Rathod, the lord Gerfreie Genuill fled, and sir Gerard Doget, and Rafe Petit were slaine, with a great number of others. The Norwagh and Ardscoil with other townes and villages were burnt by Philip Stanton the sixteenth daie of Nouember, in the yeare 1286. Also Calwagh was taken at Kildare. In the yeare 1287, dinerse nobles in Ireland deceased, as Richard Decerer, Gerald Fitzmaurice. Thomas de Clare, Richard Taffic, & Nicholas Teling knights. The yeare next insuing, deceased frier Fulborne lord iustice of 1288 Samford archbishop of Dublin lord iustice. Ireland, and Iohn Samford archbishop of Dublin was aduanced to the roome of lord iustice. Also Richard Burgh earle of Vlster besreged Theobald Verdon in the castell of Athlon, and came with a great power vnto frim, by the working of Walter Lacie.

In the yeare 1290, was the chase or discomfiture of Offalie, & diuerse Englishmen 1290 slaine. Also Mac Coghlan slue Omolaghelin king of Meth, and William Burgh was discomfited at Deluin by Mac Coghlan. The same yeare 1290, William Vescie was made lord iustice of Ireland, and entered into that office on S. Martins William Vescie lord iustice. daie. Vnto this iustice, Edward Balioil king of Scotland did homage for an earledome which he held in Ireland, in like maner as he did to king Edward for the crowne of Scotland. In the yeare 1292, a fifteenth was granted to the king, of all 1292 the temporall goods in Ireland, whilest Vescie was as yet lord iustice. This Vescie was a sterne man and full of courage, he called Iohn earle of Kildare before him, charging him with foule riots and misdemeanors, for that he ranged abroad, and sought reuenge vpon priuat displeasures out of all order, and not for anie aduancement of the publike wealth or seruice of his souereigne.

The earle as impatient to heare himselfe touched as the iustice to suffer euill The earle of Kildare. dooing, answered thus. "By your honor and mine (my lord) and by king Edwards hand (for that was accompted no small oth in those daies among the Irish) you would if you durst appeach me in plaine termes of treason or felonie: for where I haue the title, and you the fléece of Kildare. I wote well how great an eiesore I am in your sight, so that if I might be handsomlie trussed vp for a fellon, then might my master your sonne become a gentleman." "A gentleman" quoth the iustice, "thou proud earle? I tell thée, the Vescies were gentlemen before Kildare was an earledome: and before that Welsh bankrupt thy cousine fethered his nest in Leinster. But seeing thou darest me, I will suerlie breake thy heart." And therwith he called the earle a notorious théefe and a murtherer. Then followed facing and bracing among the souldiers, with high words, and terrible swearing on both sides, vntill either part appeased his owne.

The lord iustice shortlie after, leaning his deputie William Haie, tooke the sea, and hasted ouer to the king. The earle immediatlie followed, and as heinouslie as the lord iustice accused him of felonie, Kildare no lesse appealed him of treason. For triall heereof, the earle asked the combat, and Vescie refused not: but yet when the lists were prouided, Vescie was slipt awaie into France, and so disherited of all his lands in the countie of Kildare, which were bestowed vpon the earle and his heires for euer. The earle waxing loftie of mind in such prosperous successe, squared with diuerse nobles, English and Irish of that land. The same yeare died 1294 The death of the archbishop Samford. The earle of Vlster taken prisoner. Iohn Samford archbishop of Dublin, and Iohn Fitzthomas earle of Kildare, and Iohn de la Mare tooke prisoners, Richard Burgh earle of Vlster, and William Burgh within the countrie of Meth, and the castell of Kildare was taken, and all the countrie wasted by the English on the one side, and the Irish on the other, and Calwagh burnt all the rolles and talies concerning the records & accompts of that countie. Great dearth and death reigned in Ireland this yeare, and the two yéeres Great dearth and death. next insuing. The earle of Kildare deteined the earle of Vlster prisoner, vntill by authoritie of a parlement holden at Kilkennie, he was deliuered out of the castell of Leie, for his two sonnes, and for the inuasion which the earle of Kildare had made into Meth, and other his vnrulie and misordred parts, was disseized of the castell of Sligagh, and of all his lands in Connagh.

William Dodingsels, being this yeare made lord iustice of Ireland, after Vescie William Dodingsels lord iustice. 1295 Thomas Fitzmaurice lord iustice. 1296 1298 Rec. Turris. died, in the yéere next following, that is 1295, and the thrée and twentith of king Edward the first. After him succéeded in that roome the lord Thomas Fitzmaurice. In the yeare 1296, frier William de Bothum was consecrated archbishop of Dublin. In the yeare 1298, and six and twentith of Edward the first, the lord Thomas Fitzmaurice departed this life, and an agréement was made betwixt the earle of Vlster and the lord Iohn Fitzthomas earle of Kildare, by Iohn Wogan that was ordeined lord iustice of Ireland. In the yéere 1299 William archbishop of Dublin departed 1299 this life, and Richard de Fringis was consecrated archbishop in his place. The king went vnto Iohn Wogan lord iustice, commanding him to giue summons vnto the nobles of Ireland, to prepare themselues with horsse and armor to come in their best arraie for the warre, to serue him against the Scots: and withall wrote vnto the same nobles, as to Richard de Burgh earle of Vlster, Geffreie de Genuill, Iohn Fitzthomas, Thomas Fitzmaurice, Theobald lord Butler, Theobald lord Verdon, Piers lord Birmingham of Thetemoie, Eustace lord Powre, Hugh lord Purcell, Iohn de Cogan, Iohn de Barrie, William de Barrie, Walter de Lastice, Richard de Excester, Iohn Pipurd, Walter Lenfant, Iohn of Oxford, Adam de Stanton, Sunon de Pheibe, William Cadell, Iohn de Vale, Maurice de Carre, George de la Roch, Maurice de Rochford, and Maurice Fitzthomas de Kerto, commanding them to be with him at Withwelaun the first of March. Such a precept I remember I haue read, registred in a close roll among the records of the tower. But where Marlburrow saith, that the said Iohn Wogan lord iustice of Ireland, and the lord Iohn Fitzthomas, with manie others, came to king Edward into Scotland, in the nine and twentith yeare of king Edwards reigne, Campion noteth it to be in the yere 1299, which fell in the seuen & twentith of the reigne of king Edward: & if my remembrance faile me not, the close roll aforementioned beareth date of the foure and twentith yeare of king Edwards reigne. All which notes may be true, for it is verie like, that in those warres against the Scots, the king sent diuerse times to the Irish lords to come to serue him, as it behooued them to doo by their tenures: and not onelie he sent into Ireland to haue the seruices of men, but also for prouision of vittels, as in close rolles I remember I haue also séene recorded of the seauen and twentith and thirtith yeare of the said king Edward the first his reigne. For this we find in a certeine abstract of the Irish chronicles, which should séeme to be collected out of Flatsburie, whom Campion so much followed, that in Cbr. Pembrig. 1301 Irishmen inuade Scotland the yeare 1301, the lord Iohn Wogan lord iustice, Iohn Fitzthomas, Peter Birmingham, & diuerse others went into Scotland in aid of king Edward, in which yeare also a great part of the citie of Dublin, with the church of saint Werburgh was burnt in the night of the feast daie of saint Colme. Also the lord Genuill married the daughter of Iohn de Montfort, and the lord Iohn Mortimer married the daughter and heire of Peter Genuill, also the lord Theobald de Verdon married the daughter of the lord Roger Mortimer. The same yeare in the winter season, the Irish of Leinster raised warre against the townes of Wicklow and Rathdon, dooing much hurt by burning in the countrie all about: but they were chastised for their wickednesse, loosing the most part of their prouision and cattell. And in the Lent season the more part of them had béene vtterlie destroied, if discord and variance had not risen among the Englishmen, to the impeachment of their purposed enterprises.

In haruest there were thrée hundred théeues slaine by the Phelanes. Also Walter le Power wasted a great part of Mounster, burning manie farmes and places in that Walter Power. countrie. In the yeare 1302, pope Boniface demanded a tenth of all the spirituall 1302 liuings in England and Ireland, for the space of thrée yeares, to mainteine wars in defense of the church of Rome, against the king of Arragon. In the yeare 1303, 1303 The earle of Vlster. the earle of Vlster, and Richard Burgh, and sir Eustace le Power, with a puissant armie entered Scotland. The earle made thrée and thirtie knights at Dublin, before he-set forwards. The same yeere Girald, sonne and heire to the lord Iohn Fitzthomas departed this life, and likewise the countesse of Vlster. William de Wellisleie, and sir Robert de Persiuall were slaine the two and twentith of October. In the yeare 1304, a great part of the citie of Dublin was burnt by casuall fire. 1304 In the yeare next insuing, lordaine Comin with his complices slue Maritagh Oconhur king of Offalie, and his brother Calwagh, with diuerse others within the court of Piers de Birmingham at Carricke in Carbrie. Also sir Gilbert Sutton steward of Wexford was slaine by the Irishmen, néere to the farme of Heimond de Grace, which Heimond bare himselfe right valiantlie in that fight, and in the end through his great manhood escaped.

In the yeare 1306 a great slaughter was made in Offalie néere to the castell of 1306 A discomfiture at Offalie. Geschill, the thirteenth daie of Aprill vpon Oconhur and his fréends by the Odempsies, in the which place were slaine a great number of men. Also Obren king of Thomond was slaine. Moreouer, Donald Oge Mac Arthie slue Donald Russe king of Desmond. And vpon the twelfe of Maie in the confins of Meth, a great ouerthrow chanced to the side of the lord Piers Butler, and Balimore in Leinster was Balimore burnt. burnt by the Irish, where Henrie Celfe was slaine at that present time. Hereof followed great wars betwixt the English and Irish in Leinster, so that a great Warres in Leinster. armie was called togither foorth of diuerse parts of Ireland, to restreine the malice of the Irish in Leinster, in which iournie sir Thomas Mandeuill knight entred into a conflict with the Irish néere to Glenfell, in the which he bare himselfe right manfullie, till his horsse was slaine vnder him, and yet then to his great praise and high commendation he saued both himselfe and manie of his companie. The lord chancellor The lord chancellor consecrated bishop of Imaleie. of Ireland, Thomas Caucocke, was consecrated bishop of Imaleie within the Trinitie church at Dublin, and kept such a feast as the like had not lightlie beene séene nor heard of before that time in Ireland, first to the rich & after to the poore. Richard Flerings archbishop of Dublin deceased on the euen of saint Luke the The archbishop of Dublin deceased. euangelist, to whom succéeded Richard de Hauerings, who after he had continued in that sée about a fiue yeares, resigned it ouer by dispensasion obteined from Rome, and then his nephue Iohn Léech was admitted archbishop there.

In the yeare 1307 the first of Aprill, Murcod Ballagh was beheaded néere to 1307 Merton by sir Dauid Caunton knight, and shortlie after was Adam Daune slaine. Also, a great discomfiture and slaughter fell vpon the Englishmen in Connagh by A discōfiture in Connagh. the Oscheles the first daie of Maie, and the robbers that dwelt in the parties of Offalie raised the castell of Geischell, and in the vigill of the translation of Thomas Becket, being the sixt of Iulie, they burnt the towne of Leie and besieged the castell: but they were constreined to depart from thense shortlie after, by Iohn Fitzthomas and Edmund Butler that came to remoue that siege. In the yeare 1308 1308 king Edward the first departed this life the seuenth of Iulie.

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