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ANDILLY-EN-BASSIGNY Haute-Marne, France.

Large Gallo-Roman settlement about 20 km NE of Langres, in S Champagne. The site lies near Mont Mercure, which divides the waters flowing to the Mediterranean (the Saône), the North Sea (Meuse) and the English Channel (Marne), and close to the point where the road from Langres to the Rhine crosses that from Chaumont to Bourbonne-les-Bains.

A huge complex has been uncovered, over 140 m long, arranged around a long rectangular courtyard. To the N are some living quarters, to the W several large halls and some rooms used as workshops, and to the S some very complete baths with well-preserved hypocausts; the rooms include frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium, laconicum, apodyteriuin, latrine, and others. Digging has begun on some living areas 50 m to the W, at the foot of a hill immediately over the site. Finds have been abundant: tools and various metal objects (an anvil, brick-making instruments, a prisoner's shackle with a double lock), as well as mirrors, lamps, terra sigillata and common ware, coins, and some sculptures. The finds point to continuous occupation until at least the 3d c. A.D. and to further activity, perhaps after some interruption, under Constantine. Abandoned thereafter, the site was taken over by a Merovingian necropolis (6th-7th c.) in which were found weapons, shields and shield-disks, fibulas, and necklace elements.

A certain luxury in construction and decoration is shown by architectural blocks (particularly a large sandstone capital), some multicolored marble facings, many cubes of mosaic, and fragments of wall paintings. No agricultural buildings have yet been found, and the proximity of connecting roads may suggest a road mutatio. Some historians have proposed (without presenting decisive arguments) that the site should be identified with Andesina in the Peutinger Table. Perhaps, however, it is simply the residential section of a large villa; although no farm buildings have been uncovered so far, there could be traces in some unexplored parts of the site.

The finds are housed in the Chaumont Museum and especially in a small antiquarium on the site.


V. Multier, Bull. Soc. Hist. et Arch. de Langres 4 (1896) 86ff; P. Ballet, Cahiers Haut-Marnais 74 (1963) 108ff; 76 (1964) 1ff; 78 (1964) 97; 82-83 (1965) 110ff; 87 (1966) 133ff; 92 (1968) 1ff; 100 (1970) 27ff; id., Le site gallo-romain d'Andilly-en-Bassigny (1970)PI; R. Martin, Gallia 22 (1964) 320f; E. Frézouls, ibid. 25 (1967) 287PI; 27 (1969) 304f; 29 (1971) 299ffPI; 31 (1973) 414.


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