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MARGUM (Dubravica) Yugoslavia.

The Roman municipium Aurelium Augustum Margum in Moesia Superior near the mouth of the Morava (ancient Margus) river. In antiquity it lay between Singidunum and Viminacium.

Margum is first mentioned (Ptolemy) as the winter quarters of Legio VII Claudia in A.D. 169. The Roman prefect of the Danube fleet had his headquarters here in 400. The town was represented by a bishop from the early 5th c. It recovered sufficiently from the Hunnic invasion of 441 to become in 505 the residence of the magister militum of the province of Illyricum.

Excavations have revealed that the Roman town was founded on the site of an extensive prehistoric site of the Late Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age. Parts of several Roman houses were uncovered, in some of which parts of mosaic floors and wall paintings were preserved; one of the houses had floors heated by a hypocaust.


M. & D. Garalanin, Arheološka nalazišta u Serbiji (1951) 183-84.


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