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Situated 93 km W-NW from Paris and 25 km from Evreux, at the edge of a plateau overlooking the left bank of the Seine, this was the site of a sanctuary in Gallo-Roman times.

Excavations carried out from 1910 to 1913 revealed small twin temples (fana) with their annexes. All these buildings stood in a large walled courtyard 80 x 58 m. Backed against the N wall was a rectangular building, 26 x 3 m; it was divided into six rooms, one of them a cellar 2 m deep reached by a flight of eight steps. The principal fanum in the middle of the courtyard consisted of a cella measuring 9 x 6.50 m and opening to the E. An altar was kept in the middle of the cella; steps faced with marble led up to it. Surrounding the cella was a concentric portico, 17.50 x 15.40 m, built on a raised floor and approached by a flight of steps. Twelve m to the S was the second fanum; smaller than the first (5 x 4.10 m), it was built with its back to the S face of the great surrounding wall. Between the main fanum and the N wall was a little two-room building of workmanlike construction. In the course of digging, several marble fragments were found; also sigillate pottery consisting of vases from Lezoux (2d c.) and Argonne (4th c.); a bronze tripod; mirrors, fibulae, and coins ranging from Claudius to Magnentius, as well as neolithic stone axes and fossils of sea-urchins.

Examination of the coins and pottery suggests that this place of worship was occupied from the 1st to the 4th c. No ruins can be seen today.


Leon Coutil, “Les Ruines romaines de St Aubin sur Gaillon,” Journal d'Evreux (18 Jan. 1911); G. Poulain, “Les fana de St Aubin sur Gaillon,” Bull. arch. (1912) 403; id., “Le péribole du temple de St Aubin sur Gaillon,” Bull. de la Ste Normande d'Etudes prehist. 31 (1913); id., Les fana de St Aubin sur Gaillon (1919).


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