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Twelfth regiment Massachusetts Infantry.

Field and Staff.Line.companies.Unassigned Recruits.Totals.
Killed and died of wounds,—
Enlisted men,19171514211720111313160
Died by accident or disease,—
Enlisted men,9610425365555
Died as prisoners,—
Enlisted men,3126247227
Total losses,—
Enlisted men,34262522252825212720253

Casualties by Engagements.

Aug. 9, Cedar Mt., Va.,22
Aug. 28, Thoroughfare Gap, Va.,11
Aug. 30, 31, Manassas, or Bull Run, 2d, Va1123351522126
Sept. 14, South Mt., Md.,11
Sept. 17, Antietam, Md.,231074411279766
Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va.,143211233424
Dec. 18, Front of Fredericksburg, Va.11
Place unknown,14117
July 1-3, Gettysburg, Pa.,21121121112
July 8, Funkstown, Md.,11
Place unknown,11
May 5-8, Wilderness, Va.,13325333124
May 8-14, Spotsylvania, Laurel Hill, Va.3242112
May 24, North Anna River, Va.,11
June 1-3, Bethesda Church, Va.,11
June 18-21, Petersburg, Va,111115
Place unknown,123

Present also at Chancellorsville, Mine Run, Totopotomoy and Cold Harbor.

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