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True and false men.

One of the few men in the North in whom the South has not been disappointed, is Ex-President Pierce, of New Hampshire. The man is all be appears to be; a rare thing in this world. He foresaw long ago and predicted the present state of things, and he also predicted that, in the end, the North would be the greatest sufferer. He saw in Black Republicanism a war upon property, which first selected as, apparently, its easiest victim, property in slaves; but which, thwarted in this attempt, will make war upon property in the North. In a word, Black Republicanism will become avowed Agrarianism, and then, let those who have warmed the serpent into life beware its fangs!

Gen. Pierce is the truest friend the South ever had in the North, and the truest friend the North ever had in her own borders. The path of justice and honor is always the path of wisdom and of happiness. It cannot be otherwise, until a just Conetses to rule. If the North had followed the counsels of such men as Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire, Ex-Gov. Seymour, of Connecticut, (another true and noble gentleman, who, at the head of a respectable and increasing party, is still standing by the Right,) and Vallandigham, and others, of Ohio, she would still be peaceful, prosperous and powerful. But they and their counsels were treated with contempt, and the red flag of the New York Tribune symbolized the spirit, principles and policy of the Northern majority. Strange enough is the spectacle now presented by two former competitors for the Presidency--Gen. Scott, the Virginian, leading on the armed crusade of Black Republicanism against his native South, and Gen. Pierce, of New Hampshire, standing almost alone in his section in restating that crusade. Such facts show that the popular instincts are often right, and that when the South preferred the Northern Pierce to the Southern Scott, she acted wisely and bestowed her confidence and her condemnation where both were richly deserved.

What a contrast to the course of Pierce, Seymour, Vallandigham, and others, is that of Cushing, Dickinson, Everett, Fillmore, and their associates; what a contrast the public journals of Concord, Bangor, and the New York News and New York Day Book, to those journals which have been scared into the support of the Black Republican Administration. They are afraid of the mob, and the mob is the most cowardly of all animals. Not one of the brave men who stand up for the South has suffered an act of violence, because true courage and independence always command respect even from base and violent natures. Caleb Cushing, up to the last moment, professed to be a strong Southern man, leading off the Seceders from the Democratic Convention in Charleston, and presiding over the Southern Secession Convention in Baltimore. Dickinson, of New York, was as Southern and as pertinacious as Cushing.--And yet, the moment that the South drew her sword in self-defence, they both spring at a bound into the Coercion ranks. Cushing applied for a commission, but the shameless Dalgetty received the first instalment of the punishment that was due such a miracle of perfidy by a contemptuous refusal of his request Dickinson contributed his private means to the aid of the Government, and rivalled Horace Greeley in his abuse of the South and of her institutions. John Cochrane, Congressman from New York, made a speech in front of the Exchange Hotel in this city last Spring, in which he declared that if Abraham Lincoln should attempt coercion of the South, a hundred thousand men in New York would shed their blood in her defence. As soon as Abraham Lincoln did attempt coercion, John Cochrane commenced raising a regiment in New York to support that attempt! There are as few true men left among the Northern politicians as there were righteous men in Sodom.

We believe that, as a general rule, the private character of a man is the best guarantee of his public virtue. John C. Calhoun was one of the purest and best of men in private life, and so is Franklin Pierce. Such men may err; may be eccentric; may be inconsistent, but they can never be deliberately false.--The greater the strain upon their good faith and honesty, the more firmly and gallantly do they develop the power and integrity of their natures, like some stout ship that never displays her qualities as grandly as when she is in a tremendous gale, her storm-flag flying defiantly over her swelling canvass, and her bows buffeting with terrific collisions the opposing waves. But we never yet could understand how profligate and unprincipled men in private life could be relied upon in public life as sheet anchors of their party or their country. We need not particularize the men who have thrown off the mask of friendship for the South in her hour of trial, to illustrate the truth of our remarks. Those who know them will wonder that most of them could ever have commanded Southern confidence for a moment. The time will come when their own section will scorn and execrate them, and when the North itself will render homage to the manly virtues and moral courage of such men as Franklin Pierce, whom it will also recognize as its truest friends and wisest counsellors.

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