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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations around Winchester in 1863. (search)
ering and driving in our skirmishers, but were soon themselves, in turn, driven back. Receiving information that an attempt was being made to turn our left flank, I threw out two companies of the Third North Carolina to protect it. Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, commanding the artillery battalion attached to this division, had previously placed a piece of the Maryland artillery on the bridge, and the other pieces of that battery, and a section from each of the batteries of Captains Rains and Carpenter's, on the rising ground in rear of my left, rendering most valuable support. A column of the enemy was now observed passing round to our left and rear, and I directed the Third North Carolina to repel the attack, but, finding that two regiments of Nichols's brigade were coming up, that regiment was returned to its original position. Colonel Warren, of the Tenth Virginia, sent word from the right that the enemy were pressing him very hard, his supply of cartridges rapidly diminishing, and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign-operations of the Artillery. (search)
uring the night. On the morning of the 15th Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, with Dement's and sections from Raines's and Carpenter's batteries, had a sharp engagement with the enemy's infantry, who were retreating on the road towards Charlestown by Jon an eminence in rear of the battalion with Captain Graham's battery. Captain Brown's battery occupied the right, Captain Carpenter's occupied the centre, while Captain Dement and Captain Raine, the latter with one section of his battery, took theht. The enemy in the meantime planted some guns on the left, which partially enfiladed our batteries, which caused Captain Carpenter to suffer very severely. By this time two of Captain Dement's pieces had expended all their ammunition, and one caur men wounded; nine horses killed or permanently disabled; one caisson exploded and one disabled. Casualties in Captain Carpenter's battery: One Corporal killed; four men killed; one Sergeant wounded; one Corporal wounded; seventeen enlisted men
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia, (search)
you do sah. Sides, I don't think you orter blame me cause my horse kin beat yours a runnina. A roar of laughter greeted this sally, for it was perfectly evident that each man had done his level best in getting away from the whizzing of dem ar things. Meantime the battle raged furiously. Hastening towards the front, I saw the bleeding, mangled form of the gallant Winder, who was mortally wounded just as he was putting in his division and skillfully directing the fire of Poague's and Carpenter's batteries. A West Point officer of rare merit, General C. S. Winder had succeeded General Garnett in the command of the Stonewall brigade, was now in command of the old Stonewall division, and had already won a reputation which opened before him a most brilliant career. Jackson said of him in his official report: It is difficult within the proper reserve of an official report to do justice to the merits of this accomplished officer. Urged by the Medical Director to take no part in
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Artillery on the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
from our encampment at Cedarville on the Front Royal and Winchester pike, Captain Carpenter's battery, Lieutenant Lambie commanding, being detached, and following thcampment which the enemy had just vacated. Therefore Colonel Andrews moved Carpenter's battery through the woods to the left of the road, reaching an open field eattery, which was not engaged, but exposed to the fire, lost one man killed. Carpenter's battery was, for some time after this, exposed to a severe fire from heavy elonging to Raine's battery, under command of Captain Raine, and a section of Carpenter's battery (rifle guns), under command of Lieutenant Lambie, were taken by Colt longer range than the first two guns, except Lieutenant Lambie's section of Carpenter's battery which, shortly after getting into position, was by direction of Col, of the first gun; Sergeant Glascock and Corporal May, of second gun. Captain Carpenter's battery, under command of Lieutenant Lambie, was served in the most eff
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Ewell's report of the Pennsylvania campaign. (search)
y Newman's cavalry, drove in the enemy's pickets on the Front Royal and Winchester road, and formed line of battle two miles from town preparatory to an attack. After some skirmishing, the enemy opened from a battery near the Milwood road, and Carpenter's battery (Lieutenant Lamber commanding) was placed by Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews to the left of the Front Royal road and opened vigorously, soon driving off the opposing battery and blowing up a caisson. This drew upon our battery a heavy firccordingly, anticipating the possibility of the enemy's attempting to retreat during the night, I ordered General Johnson with the Stonewall, Nicholls', and three regiments of Steuart's brigade and Dement's battery, with sections of Rains's and Carpenter's (the whole under Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews) to proceed to a point on the Martinsburg road, about two and one-half miles east of Winchester, so as to intercept any attempt to escape, or to be ready to attack at daylight if the enemy held the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 9.91 (search)
nd Brigade. Colonel Bradley T. Johnson. 21st Virginia. 42d Virginia. 48th Virginia. 1st Virginia Battalion. Third Brigade. Colonel A. G. Taliaferro. 47th Alabama. 48th Alabama. 10th Virginia. 23d Virginia. 37th Virginia. Fourth Brigade. Brigadier-General W. E. Starke. Colonel Leroy A. Stafford. 1st Louisiana. 2d Louisiana. 9th Louisiana. 10th Louisiana. 15th Louisiana. Coppens's Louisiana Battalion. Artillery. Major L. M. Shumaker. Brockenbrough's Maryland Battery. Carpenter's Virginia Battery. Caskie's Va. Battery, (Hampden Artillery.) Poague's Va. Battery, (Rockbridge Artillery.) Raine's Virginia Battery, (Lee Artillery.) Wooding's Va. Battery, (Danville Artillery.) Hill's light division. Major-General Ambrose P. Hill. Branch's Brigade. Brig. Gen. L. O'B. Branch. 7th North Carolina. 18th North Carolina. 28th North Carolina. 33d North Carolina. 37th North Carolina. Gregg's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. Maxey Gregg. 1st South Carolina. 1st South Carolin
s follows: Commander.—Raphael Semmes. Lieutenants.—John M. Kell; Robert T. Chapman; John M. Stribling; William E. Evans. Paymaster.—Henry Myers. Surgeon.—Francis L. Galt. 1st Lieutenant of Marines.—B. Howell. Midshipmen.—William A. Hicks; Albert G. Hudgins; Richard F. Armstrong; Joseph D. Wilson. Engineers.—Miles J. Freeman; William P. Brooks; Matthew O'Brien; Simeon W. Cummings. Boatswain.—Benjamin P. Mecasky. Gunner.—Thomas C. Cuddy. Sailmaker.—W. P. Beaufort. Carpenter.—William Robinson. Captain's Clerk.—W. Breedlove Smith. Commissions had been forwarded to all the officers entitled to receive them, and acting appointments had been given by me to the warrant officers. It will thus be seen, how formally all these details had been attended to. These commissions were to be our warrants for what we were to do, on the high seas. And now the poor boon will be permitted to human nature, that before we launch our frail bark, on the wil
ope to be superscribed. Nordyke, March 1, 1859. The envelopes on an endless conveyer are fed beneath the forms which are fed upon one track and discharged upon another, being subjected at a given point to the action of a pressure-roller. carpenter, May 5, 1857. The forms are placed in pockets in the periphery of a wheel. The news- paper being held above the form, the platen is depressed by a treadle and the impression obtained. On releasing the treadle the spring raises the platen, ants of a framing of wroughtiron tubular ribs B B, with external coils of steel wire a a, and surrounding casings of india-rubber b b. Corrugated plates c c confine the tubes together, and serve as attachments for the inner and outer skins c d. Carpenter's armor. carpenter's Ship's Armor, May 23, 1865. In this device the middle plates, of steel or wroughtiron, have dovetailed projections fitting into corresponding grooves in their outer facings, which, as well as the inner backingplates, a
s held by the stop j on the sliding-piece h, which is moved by the end-screw g. When a board is placed edgeways in the vise e, its bottom edge may rest on a pin m, which is placed in either one of the vertical series of holes in the post. Carpenter's bench. Bench-camps. Bench-clamp. A jaw-tool attached to a workbench for holding an article to be operated on in place. The bench-clamp is shown on a painting in Herculaneum, where it is used to dog a timber to a bench while it is ed vertically from the hole by throwing the rack at the side in gear with a wheel on the crank-shaft, and rotating the latter. The rack is thrown in and out by an eccentric; an arrangement patented by Stanley and Johnson, September 12, 1865. Carpenter's boring-machine. Boring-machines of various kinds are in use in bedstead, furniture, and other manufactories. In some cases the bits or augers are arranged in gangs in a gate or slide, which is slipped forward towards the work, making a w
t a determinate distance from the fence A. Carpenter's gage. Carpenter's levels. Car′pen-teCarpenter's levels. Car′pen-ter's Lev′el. An implement for determining horizontality and verticality. It has a base piece, ermining a slope. Car′pen-ter's plane. Carpenter's planes are of various descriptions, adapteanother board, or by the edge of a panel. Carpenter's rule. Car′pen-ter's rule. Ordinarild since. See specific index, Woodworking. Carpenter's vise. Fig. 1122 shows a variety of oldg.Femerell. Carpenter's clamp.Fender-beam. Carpenter's square.Filling — in pieces. Carpenter's tCarpenter's tools.Fishing. Carriage.Flap. Carriage-piece.Flight. Cartouch.Flitch. Case-bay.Floor. Tongue.Wash-board. Tools. Carpenter's and joiners (see wood-working tools)Weathes-mouth chisel. Cant-chisel.Dental chisel. Carpenter's chisel.Diamond-point chisel. Carving-chisved considerable outlay for machinery. In Carpenter's process everything is carried on in as str[1
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