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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 52 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 20 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 14 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 12 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 10 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 8 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 6 0 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 6 0 Browse Search
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army 6 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 6 0 Browse Search
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he Hypocaustum, or underground furnace. Here the oils and perfumes were applied. A douche bath is one in which the water is driven or dropped forcibly upon the person or the part affected. An earth bath is one in which the patient is covered with warm sand. The names of other baths are sufficiently descriptive without detailed description under this general head. Air-bath.Shower-bath. Electro-galvanic bath.Sitz-bath. Medicated bath.Steam-bath. Mercurial bath.Turkish bath. Russian bath.Vapor-bath. (Photography.) A solution in which plates or papers are immersed or floated; or the vessel holding said solution. Baths are known as sensitizing (the nitrate of silver bath), fixing, toning, or washing. They are of various forms, horizontal or vertical; the materials are glass, porcelain, or hard rubber. Bath-brick. A fine silicious material, found in the vicinity of Bath, England, compacted into the form of bricks, and used as an abradant. Bath-chair.
ission of heat. The necessary strength is obtained by means of numerous interior stays connecting the two cylindrical surfaces. The steam is admitted through the axis. Cloth Em-boss′ing. This is performed in a rolling-press, the engraved cylinders of which act upon the fabric (or paper), which is passed continuously between them; or one or more of the cylinders may be printing-cylinders having the usual colorvats and doctors. Clothes-brush. A brush usually having good black Russian bristles, adapted for brushing cloth. Clothes-dry′er. A frame on which clothes are suspended to dry. Among the multitude of forms may be mentioned the post with extensible bars and parallel cords, Fig. 1339; this may be dismounted and collapsed like an umbrella. The toggle-jointed frame, with cross-rounds like a ladder, and folding up on the lazy-tongs principle. Others are clotheshorses, consisting of frames with cross-bars, and shutting together like book-covers. Another form has
form. Also upon gravers which are rhombal, and not square in crosssection. 3. A valuable gem, the hardest of all, and of various colors. It has many uses in the mechanic arts, derived from its extreme hardness; some uses in optics, owing to its high refractive and small dispersive power. Sp. gr. 3.521. Among the celebrated diamonds may be noted the following:— Great Mogul. Found in 1550, in Golconda, and seen by Tavernier. Weighed 793 carats; cut to 279 carats (carat, 4 grains). Russian. Taken from a Brahminical idol by a French soldier; sold to the Empress Catherine for £ 90,000 and an annuity of £ 4,000. Weighs 194 carats. Pitt. Brought from India by Mr. Pitt, the grandfather of the first Earl of Chatham; sold to the Regent Duke of Orleans, in 1717, for £ 135,000. Weighed when rough, 400 carats; cut to 136 1/2 carats. Napoleon placed it in the hilt of his sword. Koh-i-noor. Seen by Tavernier in 1665, in the possession of the Great Mogul. Seized by Nadir Shah, in
re are 12 boilers, which will require at full speed 132 tons of coal in 24 hours; and at this rate of consumption the engines will work at 10,000 effective horse-power, and the ship will be driven at 14 1/2 knots speed per hour. If the engines are worked at the second grade of expansion, she will have coal for 17 days, steaming 12 1/2 to 13 knots per hour. With the single exception of the teak-wood backing, all the materials of the ship, engines, and armament were produced in Russia, by Russian workmen. A round vessel invented by the Russian Admiral Popoff is 100 feet in diameter, plated with 9 inches of iron, and propelled by six screws on the part which may, by courtesy, be called the stern. A turret amidships carries two guns, which are fired en barbette. Below the water-line the vessel is divided into a large number of water-tight compartments. I′ron, Cor′ru-ga-ted. Corrugated iron is used in many structures, — houses, sheds, cars, carriages, boats, tanks, etc. A<
hole of a wheel for the reception of the key, whereby the wheel is fastened to the shaft. Kib′ble; kib′bal. (Mining.) A strong iron kettle with a bail, made of 1/4-inch sheet-iron, riveted, and used as a bucket in raising ore from a mine. The term is used in copper-mining, and may have a Cornish origin. Kib′bling-mill. A hand-mill of steel attached to a post, and used for crushing or grinding beans or other grain for feed. A kibbling-machine. Kibbles. Ki-bit′ka. Russian one-horse vehicle with two wheels. The kibitka is of various sizes, and may be either completely covered, entirely open, or provided with a hood behind. It has a single pair of long runners, and, to prevent upsetting, is provided with a guard-frame, which, starting from the body of the sleigh in front, spreads out some twelve or eighteen inches from the sides at the rear end. As soon as the vehicle tips, this framework touches the ground, and must break before the vehicle can capsize.
Phoenician22Spanish27 Armenian38Irish18 Arabic28Anglo-Saxon25 Persian32Danish28 Turkish33Gothic25 Georgian38French28 Coptic32German26 Greek24Welch4 Latin25Russian35 Sanscrit328 The letter J was introduced into the alphabets by Giles Beye, a printer of Paris, 1660. Short-hand writing was known to the Greeks and Romanan war, as compiled from official data, is as follows: French, 29,460,363; English, 15,000,000; Piedmontese, 50,000; Turks, 50,000; Naval forces (Allied), 35,000; Russian, 45,000,000. Total, 89,595,363. Killed and wounded by these projectiles: French, 50,836; English, 21,038; Piedmontese, 183; Turks, 1,000; Naval forces (Allied), 2,000; Russian, 100,000 Total, 175,057. One projectile in 512 did execution, upon the supposition that no two projectiles struck one person. Fig. 3970 is a diagram showing the perforating and penetrating power, at various distances, of Palliser projectiles, fired from the service rifled muzzle-loading guns, with battering
ats, 50,000 rock-martens, 20,000 pinemartens, 20,000 badger-skins, 6,500 otter-skins, and 125,000 black cats. Foxes fetched from 16 to 22 thalers, according to quality, — on an average, about 18 thalers, — per ten skins. Polecats from 60 to 100 thalers per lot of 40 skins, according to country. Rock-martens reached 6 thalers per skin for German, 7 1/2 thalers for Bosnian and Greek goods; pine-martens, 6 to 7 1/2 thalers per skin. Black cats were sold for 9 to 15 thalers per dozen. Of Russian and Siberian furs were offered 2,000,000 squirrels of all sorts, 160,000 ermine, 30,000 kolinsky, and 8,000 Siberian sables. Of the productions of North America, about 1,800 sea- otters were quickly bought up by several Russian merchants. About 80,000 beavers, 40,000 of which were reserved for the demand in England. There were also 3,000 Virginian polecats, 6,000 bear-skins, 220,000 raccoon-skins, 950,000 skunks, 800 silver foxes, 3,500 cross foxes, 45,000 red foxes, 3,000 gray foxes, a
one Square Inch. metals. Lbs. Copper, wrought34,000 Copper, rolled36,000 Copper, cast, American24,250 Copper, wire61,200 Copper, bolt36,800 Iron, cast, Low Moor, No. 214,076 Lbs. Iron, Clyde, No. 116,125 Iron, Clyde, No. 323,468 Iron, Calder, No. 113,735 Iron, Stirling, mean25,764 Iron, mean of American31,829 Iron, mean of English19,484 Lbs. Iron, Greenwood, American45,970 Iron, gun-metal, mean37,232 Iron, wrought wire103,000 Iron, best Swedish bar72,000 Iron, Russian bar59,500 Iron, English bar56,000 Iron, rivets, American53,300 Iron, bolts52,250 Iron, hammered53,913 Iron, mean of English53,900 Iron, rivets, English65,000 Iron, crank shaft44,750 Iron, turnings55,800 Iron, plates, boiler, American48,000 62,000 Iron, plates, mean, English51,000 Iron, plates, lengthwise53,800 Iron, plates, crosswise48,800 Iron, inferior, bar30,000 Iron, wire, American73,600 Iron, wire, American, 16 diameter80,000 Iron, scrap53,400 Lead, cast1,800 Lead, m