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John Greenleaf Whittier 327 1 Browse Search
John G. Whittier 296 0 Browse Search
J. G. Whittier 190 0 Browse Search
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Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) 70 2 Browse Search
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Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
ster, cited, 6 n. New England Magazine, mentioned, 32, 175. New England Review, mentidned, 37, 48; Whittier edits, 34. New Hampshire, 7, 35, 101. New Jersey, 120. New Orleans, paper of, gives account of Philadelphia fire, 63, 64. New York, N. Y., 77, 91, 108,109, 172. New York Critic, quoted, 178, 179. N. New York Independent, the, quoted, 89, 143-145. New York Nation, the, mentioned, 81; quoted, 82. Newbury, Mass., 18, 53. Newburyport, Mass., 21, 41, 42, 107. Newport, R. I., 92, 98, 100, 121. Nicolini, Giovanni, 167. Norton, Professor C. E., 178. O. Oak Knoll, Danvers, 97, 180. Ohio, 108. Osgood, Dr., 81. Otway, Thomas, 24. P. Paine, Thomas, 57. Palfrey, J. G., 44. Palmer, Mrs., Alice Freeman, 91. Parkman, Francis, 93. Parliament of Religions, meets at Chicago, 162. Patmore, Coventry, 159. Paul, Jean. See Richter. Peabody, George, erects Memorial Church, 89; criticism of Memorial, 90. Peasley, Joseph, 5. Pedro II., Dom, h
Deer Island (Canada) (search for this): chapter 15
, N. H., 58, 61, 65. Congress, United States, 39, 40, 42, 43, 138. Country Brook, 6, 7, 11. Covington, Ky., 137. Cowper, William, his Lament for the Royal George, mentioned, 159. Crandall, Dr., Reuben, imprisoned, 48; death, 49. Cushing, Caleb, 40, 42, 69, 77; candidate for Congress, 41; elected, 43; defeated, 43, 44. D. Dana, R. H., 42. Danvers, Mass., 97, 180. Dartmouth College, 19. Declaration of Independence of United States, 69. Declaration of Sentiments, 74. Deer Island, 107. De Quincey, Thomas, his Confessions of an Opium Eater, mentioned, 175. Derby, Mr., 88. Dexter, Lord, Timothy, 97. Dinsmore, Robert, 155. Douglass, Frederick, 181. Douw, Gerard, 9. Dustin, Hannah, 4. E. Earle, Edward, 121. East Haverhill, Mass., 23, 51, 58. East Salisbury, Mass., 44. Edinburgh, Scotland, 107. Elliot, Me., 142. Ellis, Rev. G. E., 83. Emancipator, the, mentioned, 67. Emerson, Nehemiah, 137. Emerson, Mrs., Nehemiah, 137. Emerson, Ralph Wald
Bearcamp River (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
84. B. Bachiler, Rev., Stephen, 5, 6. Bacon, Francis, 38, 179; quoted, 150. Baltimore, Md., 48, 79. Bancroft, George, 100, 181. Banks, Gen. N. P., 47. Barbadoes, 85. Barclay of Ury, 56. Barefoot boy, the, quoted, 14-16. Barnard, F. A. P., 35. Barton, Bernard, 25; the Letters and poems of, quoted, 174. Batchelder, Charles E., 6 n. Batchelder family, 19, 156. Bates, Charlotte Fiske (Madame Roger), Whittier's letter to, 128-130. Beacon Street, Boston, 3. Bearcamp River, 143. Bell, Mr., 181. Bellingham, Dep. Gov., treatment of Quakers, 84. Benezet, Anthony, 49, 51. Bennington, Vt., 25, 73. Blaine, James G., 181. Border Ruffians, 78. Boston, Mass., 1, 3, 19, 25, 26, 32, 34, 46, 50, 51, 57, 60, 62, 74-78, 81, 85, 88, 91, 108-111, 127, 135, 157, 176, 178; libraries, 34; newspapers, 61; first Quakers in, 84. Boston Transcript, quoted, 90; mentioned, 98, 164. Boutwell, G. S., 97. Bowditch, Dr. Henry I., 78. Bowen, H. C., 143. Brahmo-Som
Meramec (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
the, 176. M. Mabel Martin, 165. Macaulay, T. B., quoted, 7. McKim, J. Miller, describes Whittier, 54. Maine, 53. Martineau, Dr., James, 163. Massachusetts, 3, 41, 44, 45, 50, 83, 85, 94, 110. Massachusetts Colony, 84. Massachusetts Historical Society, 83, 86, 176. Mather, Cotton, his Magnalia, mentioned, 35. May, Rev. Samuel J., 52, 59-62; reads Declaration, 53; mobbed, 56,57. Mead, Edwin D., 163. Melrose Abbey, 174. memories, 147-149. Merrill, John, 42. Merrimac River, 4; valley of, 53, 155. Milton, John, 139, 152; G. W. Childs gives window as memorial of, 181; Whittier writes inscription for memorial window, 182; Dr. Farrar's letter about, 183. Minot, George, 30. Minot, Harriet. See Pitman. Minot, Hon., Stephen, 29. Montaigne, Michel de, 179. Mott, Lucretia, letter of, 71. Mt. Agamenticus, 173. Music Hall, Boston, 110. My birthday, 132-134. my namesake, 131, 132. My Playmate, 141. National Era, mentioned, 165, 171, 172. Neal
Kittery (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
James II., 6. Jefferson, Thomas, 69. Johnson, Oliver, his William Lloyd Garrison and his Times, mentioned, 72; introduction to, quoted, 73-75. Johnson, Samuel 162. Johnson, the Misses, 180. Journal of the Times, the, quoted, 25; mentioned, 73. Julian Hall, Boston, 59. K. Kansas, 64, 78. Keats, John, 50, 142. Kelley, Abby, 81. Kellogg, F. W., 108. Kennebec River, 36. Kennedy, William S., his Whittier, quoted, 84-86. Kent, Colonel, 58. Kent, George, 58, 59. Kittery , Me., 142. Kittredge, Mr., 41, 42. Knapp, Isaac, 76. L. La Fontaine, de, Jean, 160. Lamb, Charles, 105, 126, 128. Latimer, George, case of, 94. Law, Jonathan, 38. Law, Mrs., Jonathan, 39. Leverett Street, Boston, 74. Liberator, the, established, 48; mentioned, 66, 76, 78. Liberty Party, the, 68. Linton, W. J., 145, 165; his Whittier, quoted, 64; cited, 166 n. Lippincott, Mrs. Sarah J., Whittier's letter to, 45, 46. Literary World, the, quoted, 98, 99; ment
Kennebec (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
5, 37. Isles of Shoals, 127, 179. Italy, 166, 167. J. Jackson, Mrs., Helen, her Spoken, mentioned, 163. James II., 6. Jefferson, Thomas, 69. Johnson, Oliver, his William Lloyd Garrison and his Times, mentioned, 72; introduction to, quoted, 73-75. Johnson, Samuel 162. Johnson, the Misses, 180. Journal of the Times, the, quoted, 25; mentioned, 73. Julian Hall, Boston, 59. K. Kansas, 64, 78. Keats, John, 50, 142. Kelley, Abby, 81. Kellogg, F. W., 108. Kennebec River, 36. Kennedy, William S., his Whittier, quoted, 84-86. Kent, Colonel, 58. Kent, George, 58, 59. Kittery , Me., 142. Kittredge, Mr., 41, 42. Knapp, Isaac, 76. L. La Fontaine, de, Jean, 160. Lamb, Charles, 105, 126, 128. Latimer, George, case of, 94. Law, Jonathan, 38. Law, Mrs., Jonathan, 39. Leverett Street, Boston, 74. Liberator, the, established, 48; mentioned, 66, 76, 78. Liberty Party, the, 68. Linton, W. J., 145, 165; his Whittier, quoted, 64; cited
Boston (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
f Ury, 56. Barefoot boy, the, quoted, 14-16. Barnard, F. A. P., 35. Barton, Bernard, 25; the Letters and poems of, quoted, 174. Batchelder, Charles E., 6 n. Batchelder family, 19, 156. Bates, Charlotte Fiske (Madame Roger), Whittier's letter to, 128-130. Beacon Street, Boston, 3. Bearcamp River, 143. Bell, Mr., 181. Bellingham, Dep. Gov., treatment of Quakers, 84. Benezet, Anthony, 49, 51. Bennington, Vt., 25, 73. Blaine, James G., 181. Border Ruffians, 78. Boston, Mass., 1, 3, 19, 25, 26, 32, 34, 46, 50, 51, 57, 60, 62, 74-78, 81, 85, 88, 91, 108-111, 127, 135, 157, 176, 178; libraries, 34; newspapers, 61; first Quakers in, 84. Boston Transcript, quoted, 90; mentioned, 98, 164. Boutwell, G. S., 97. Bowditch, Dr. Henry I., 78. Bowen, H. C., 143. Brahmo-Somaj, 116. Brainard, J. G. C., 37. Brazil, 100. Bremer, Miss Fredrika, 110. 87 Bright, John, 94, 112; Whittier on, 113. Brown, David Paul, 62. Brown, J. Brownlee, his Thalatta, men
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
111, 122, 124, 136, 137, 167, 179, 180, 183; Ten Hour Bill at, 86, 87; Derby strike at, 87, 88. Amy Wentworth, 3, 142. Antislavery Society, American, 71, 72, 74, 77. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 129. Appledore Island, 179. Armstrong, Gen. S. C., 98. Arnold, Matthew, 20, 140. Asquam House, 169. Athenaeum Gallery, 135. Atlantic Club, 89, 104. Atlantic Monthly, cited, 50; mentioned, 143, 176, 177; quoted, 153, 154. Aubignd, da, J. H. M., 166. Augustine, Saint, 116. Austin, Anhittier's letter to, 37, 38. Sims, Thomas, case of, 46. Sisters, the, 145-147. Smalley, George W., 94. Smith, Mary Emerson, the object of Whittier's poem Memo ries, 137, 138. Snow-bound, quoted, 6,8-13. Southampton, England, 4. South Carolina, 60, 115. Stanton, Henry B., 77. Stedman, Edmund C., 185; his opinion of Whittier, 154-157. Sterne, Laurence, 37, 103, 179. Stetson, Mr., 59. Stoddard, R. H., 178. Story, W. W., 178. Stowe, Dr. C. E., 104. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 10
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
bert S., 109; quoted, 86; his delineation of Whittier, 110; his description of Whittier's funeral, 185. Republican party, 68. Reynolds, Mrs., 105. Richardson, Samuel, 165. Richter, Jean Paul, 21. Robinson, Gov. G. D., 110. Rogers, Nathaniel P., 58. Rolfe, Henry, 5. Rosa, Salvator, 14. Rossetti, Dante G., 145; Whittier's fondness for the ballad of Sister Helen, 117, 118. Russ, Cornelia, 137, 138. S. St. Margaret's Church, London, 181. St. Pierre, eruption at, 142. Salem, Mass., 10, 28, 58, 85, 109. Salisbury, Lord, 113. Salisbury, Mass., 4,107. Saltonstall, Leverett, 28. Salvator. See Rosa. Sargent, Mrs. John T., her Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club, quoted, 100, 101. Sargent, Rev. John T., 100. Scotland, 6. Scott, Sir, Walter, 107, 109; his Fair Maid of Perth, mentioned, 7; quoted about Melrose Abbey, 174. Sedgwick, Catherine M., 16. Sewall, Samuel E., 50, 51, 68. Sewall family, 52. Shakespeare, William, 19, 150, 152, 154.
Nebraska (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
9, 152; G. W. Childs gives window as memorial of, 181; Whittier writes inscription for memorial window, 182; Dr. Farrar's letter about, 183. Minot, George, 30. Minot, Harriet. See Pitman. Minot, Hon., Stephen, 29. Montaigne, Michel de, 179. Mott, Lucretia, letter of, 71. Mt. Agamenticus, 173. Music Hall, Boston, 110. My birthday, 132-134. my namesake, 131, 132. My Playmate, 141. National Era, mentioned, 165, 171, 172. Neall, Elizabeth, Whittier's letter to, 70, 71. Nebraska, 46. New England, 3, 8, 18, 47, 141; life in, 31. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, cited, 6 n. New England Magazine, mentioned, 32, 175. New England Review, mentidned, 37, 48; Whittier edits, 34. New Hampshire, 7, 35, 101. New Jersey, 120. New Orleans, paper of, gives account of Philadelphia fire, 63, 64. New York, N. Y., 77, 91, 108,109, 172. New York Critic, quoted, 178, 179. N. New York Independent, the, quoted, 89, 143-145. New York Nation, th
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