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Richmond Hill (Canada) (search for this): chapter 13
the Lord Chancellor's, where I met Lord Lyudhurst, Lord Lovelace; then to a reception at Lady Granville's. July 23. Dinner at the Earl Fortescue's, where were Lord John Russell, Lord Wensleydale, and General Sir William F. Williams of Woolwich. July 24. Breakfast at Lord Hatherton's, where were Lord Shaftesbury, Lord Glenelg, Mr. Curzon, the author of the book on monasteries in the Levant, and Admiral Martin, the commander at the dockyard at Portsmouth. Went with Lord Hatherton to Richmond Hill to call on Lord John Russell at Pembroke Lodge. He was out. Also called on the Duc d'aumale at Twickenham; in the evening attended debate on the divorce bill in House of Commons; heard Palmerston, but missed Gladstone. July 25. Went over the library of the British Museum with Mr. Jones, who is at the head of the department of printed books. The new reading-room is most beautiful. Early in the evening went to Argyll Lodge. Duke and Duchess took me with them to Lord Lansdowne's, at
Languedoc (France) (search for this): chapter 13
; traversed the mountain to Argeles, where I arrived about five o'clock; on the top was snow. Gave up going to Cauterets, to rest at the pleasant inn of Argeles; weary, very weary; on the way passed shepherds on the mountain. June 6. Left Argeles (after a night sleepless from fatigue) in a private carriage for Bagneres de Bigorre; then took another carriage for St. Gaudens, where I arrived about nine o'clock in the evening. June 7. In the diligence, hot and dusty, over the plains of Languedoc to Toulouse, which interested me much. June 8. Early in the morning took the train eastward; passed the day at Carcassonne, in order to explore its well-preserved and venerable ruins, reviving the Middle Ages; in the evening went on, passing ancient Narbonne and Beziers to Cette, where I arrived at midnight. June 9. Early again reached Montpellier at seven o'clock; rambled through its streets, visited its museum, and took the train for Lyons, passing Nimes, Avignon, and many other in
Kendal (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
in the evening went with Mr. Henry Ashworth to his house at Bolton, where I dined and passed the night. September 28. Again in Manchester, and all day at the Exhibition. In the evening dined with Mr. Thomas Bazeley, President of Chamber of Commerce, and passed the night at his house. September 29. Again all day at the Exhibition. In the evening went to Ellenbeck, the seat of Mr. Cardwell, where I dined and passed the night. September 30. Stopped an hour at Preston; also an hour at Kendal; saw these towns; went on to Ambleside to Miss Martineau's, where I passed the night. October 1. Left Ambleside early; stopped at Brougham Hall for a couple of hours; resisted pressing invitation to stay to dinner and all night; went on to Carlisle. October 2. Drove out to Scaleby Hall (seven miles) to call on Longfellow's correspondent, Miss Farrar; she was gone; her brothers received me kindly, took me to Scaleby Castle; took the train in the afternoon for Newcastle and South Shields
Canterbury (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
Dr. Lushington at Ockham Park, to T. Baring at Norman Court, to the Earl of Stanhope at Chevening, to the Archbishop of Canterbury at Addington, and to the Laboucheres at Stoke Park. He met Macaulay several times, as at Lord Belper's, the Duke of Arns, where I sat for some time; visited Westminster Abbey again; dined with Lord Hatherton, where were the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Lansdowne, Mr. Van de Weyer, Duke and Duchess of Argyll, etc. July 1. Breakfast at Lord Hatherton's, where we Lords Granville, Derby, Lyndhurst, Brougham, Dufferin, Argyll, the Bishops of London and Oxford, and the Archbishop of Canterbury; went late to a party at Stafford House. July 11. Invited by the Reform Club as honorary member; already invited alscaulay took me in his carriage fourteen miles as far as Bromley, where I took a dog-cart and drove to the Archbishop of Canterbury at Addington; in the afternoon walked with the Archbishop in the Park. July 30. At noon returned to London. Sat for
Heidelberg (Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) (search for this): chapter 13
t at the Hospice, and then by way of Martigny, Tete Noire, and Chamouni, reached Geneva, September 5. Here he was interested in the associations of Voltaire, Calvin, Rousseau, Madame de Stael, and Byron. At Lausanne he sought the garden of the Hotel Gibbon, to look upon the view that Gibbon looked upon; the cathedral, and also the library, where he traced out the manuscripts of La Harpe prepared for his pupil the Emperor Alexander. Then, by way of Lake Neuchatel, he went on to Basle and Heidelberg, where he called on his old friends Grosch and Mittermaier, from whom he received a cordial, kind, and most friendly welcome. To the latter he wrote as he left the town a letter warm with affectionate remembrance, closing thus: I can never think of you except with gratitude for your long life filled with laborious studies and inspired by the noblest sentiments. From Mayence he descended the Rhine to Cologne, with Dr. C. E. Stowe and family as fellow-passengers. Then followed a brief ex
Lake Maggiore (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
New York, then renting a villa near the town, drove him in the neighborhood, and up to the Alte Schloss. Next he went to Basle, Berne, Thun, Interlachen, the Lake of Brienz, the Brunig Pass, Alpnach, and to Lucerne, where he met his old friend Theodore S. Fay, whom he had been disappointed in not finding at Berne, and the two recalled earlier days in long conversations. Then, after a day of the grandest scenery between Lucerne and Hospenthal, he crossed St. Gothard, took the steamer on Lake Maggiore, passing the Isola Bella and Lesa, the home of Manzoni, and went on by railway from Arona to Turin, then the capital of Piedmont, a city he had not before visited. Here he looked wistfully towards the south, but turning back, by mule or carriage, traversed the Val d'aosta, and crossed the Great St. Bernard, passing a night at the Hospice, and then by way of Martigny, Tete Noire, and Chamouni, reached Geneva, September 5. Here he was interested in the associations of Voltaire, Calvin, R
Fort William (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
estern Highlands. October 9. At seven o'clock went on board the steamer Iona down the Clyde, by Rothesay, through the Kyles of Bute to the Crinan Canal; then by canal boat; then again by steamer in sight of Mull, Jura, stopping at Oban, to Fort William, where I arrived some time after dark; stopped at the Lochiel Arms at Banavie, opposite Fort William. October 10. At eight o'clock by steamer on my way to Mr. Ellice's Edward Ellice, Sr. (1781-1863), an old acquaintance of Sumner. Ante,Fort William. October 10. At eight o'clock by steamer on my way to Mr. Ellice's Edward Ellice, Sr. (1781-1863), an old acquaintance of Sumner. Ante, vol. II pp. 13, 62. at Glenquoich; stopped near the mouth of Glengarry; then by gig and dog-cart to this distant retreat in the midst of lakes and mountains; arrived before dark. Here were my host and his son, Lord Digby and family, and Lady Harriet Sinclair Married afterwards to the Comte de Munster of Hanover, and died in 1867. (a Die Vernon), daughter of the Earl of Rosslyn. October 12. Started early this morning in dog-cart; took the steamer near Fort Augustus, then to Inverness, wh
Brussels (Belgium) (search for this): chapter 13
mbrance, closing thus: I can never think of you except with gratitude for your long life filled with laborious studies and inspired by the noblest sentiments. From Mayence he descended the Rhine to Cologne, with Dr. C. E. Stowe and family as fellow-passengers. Then followed a brief excursion to Holland and Belgium, including glimpses of Amsterdam, the Hague, Delft (two churches with the tombs of William of Orange, Grotius, and Van Tromp, also the house where William was killed), Antwerp, Brussels, and Ghent. September 19. Reached London [from Ostend] about noon; in the evening went to Mr. Russell Sturgis's at Walton. September 20. Returned to London, and went to Lord Cranworth's in Kent; his place is Holwood, once the residence of William Pitt; walked in the grounds. September 21. Called on Mr. Hallam, who was with his son-in-law, Colonel Cator, in the neighborhood of Lord Cranworth's; found him looking well in the face, but unable to use his legs; sat with him half an ho
Biarritz (France) (search for this): chapter 13
lock took the train for Bordeaux, passing Angouleme; also Contras, the scene of Henry IV.'s battles, and St. Emilion. In the evening went for a little while to the magnificent theatre. May 31. Walked and drove, in order to see everything; found, after two efforts, the tomb and effigies of Montaigne; in the evening tired, tired, tired; obliged to take to my bed. June 1. Left Bordeaux by rail for Bayonne. Dreary country, flat, with peasants on stilts. On reaching Bayonne, went out to Biarritz, the famous watering-place, where the emperor has built a chateau. June 2. Left Bayonne early by rail for Dax, where at breakfast met a Frenchman who insisted upon knowing my age and business; he set me down at thirty-five, perhaps thirty-eight. The Eaux-Chaudes there are striking. Thence by diligence to Pan, where I arrived at evening; the view here is far more beautiful than I had expected,—I think the most beautiful thing of the kind which I have seen in France. June 3. This whol
Chester (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
he fine old ruin. At dinner were Sir Stephen Glynne, Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, Lord Lyttleton, who has recently lost his wife, a sister of this family; also Rev. Mr. Glynne, a brother, who has the valuable living in the neighborhood. Mr. Gladstone is much engaged in three volumes on Homer. I found in him the eloquent conversation which I have admired. November 5. This morning, in the rain, drove through the park with Mr. Gladstone; then at eleven o'clock left the castle; at noon reached Chester, where I drove about the town, visited the old cathedral, walked on the old town walls, and then drove to Eaton Hall, the magnificent seat of the Marquis of Westminster, in pursuance of a kind invitation which I had received from the Marchioness. Arrived there before lunch; the Marchioness showed me through the house and took me to my room most hospitably; notwithstanding rain, visited the gardens and stables; at dinner were Sir Edward Cust, master of ceremonies at the palace, Mr. Antrobu
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