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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 10, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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Thomas White (search for this): article 7
Fatal Affray at Abingdon. Abingdon, Va. Nov. 9. --Thos. White, proprietor of the Abingdon Hotel, was shot and mortally wounded in a difficulty with Col. Clarence Prentice last night.
Clarence Prentice (search for this): article 7
Fatal Affray at Abingdon. Abingdon, Va. Nov. 9. --Thos. White, proprietor of the Abingdon Hotel, was shot and mortally wounded in a difficulty with Col. Clarence Prentice last night.
Abingdon, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 7
Fatal Affray at Abingdon. Abingdon, Va. Nov. 9. --Thos. White, proprietor of the Abingdon Hotel, was shot and mortally wounded in a difficulty with Col. Clarence Prentice last night.
Tax paying in North Carolina. --Confederate Tax Collector Hurdle informs us that he has collected in this town and country for the October tax alone the sum of $106,506.99. And that he has collected all that is due with the exception of $26.11, of which all but $5.40 is due by persons who joined the army since the 1st of July. The prompt meeting of this high obligation to their country and themselves is worthy of the people of this county, who have shirked no duty imposed upon them by the war. Men and money they have given cheerfully and without stint. And as they have done heretofore so they will do hereafter, till their liberties are achieved. That is the great object now to be accomplished. If we would save anything we must triumph in this war, and to do that we had better give all than by withholding any one all.-- Fayetteville (N. C.) Observer.
January, 7 AD (search for this): article 8
Tax paying in North Carolina. --Confederate Tax Collector Hurdle informs us that he has collected in this town and country for the October tax alone the sum of $106,506.99. And that he has collected all that is due with the exception of $26.11, of which all but $5.40 is due by persons who joined the army since the 1st of July. The prompt meeting of this high obligation to their country and themselves is worthy of the people of this county, who have shirked no duty imposed upon them by the war. Men and money they have given cheerfully and without stint. And as they have done heretofore so they will do hereafter, till their liberties are achieved. That is the great object now to be accomplished. If we would save anything we must triumph in this war, and to do that we had better give all than by withholding any one all.-- Fayetteville (N. C.) Observer.
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 8
Tax paying in North Carolina. --Confederate Tax Collector Hurdle informs us that he has collected in this town and country for the October tax alone the sum of $106,506.99. And that he has collected all that is due with the exception of $26.11, of which all but $5.40 is due by persons who joined the army since the 1st of July. The prompt meeting of this high obligation to their country and themselves is worthy of the people of this county, who have shirked no duty imposed upon them by the war. Men and money they have given cheerfully and without stint. And as they have done heretofore so they will do hereafter, till their liberties are achieved. That is the great object now to be accomplished. If we would save anything we must triumph in this war, and to do that we had better give all than by withholding any one all.-- Fayetteville (N. C.) Observer.
August 17th (search for this): article 9
Statistics of the bombardment of Sumter. --Since the bombardment of Sumter commenced — on the 17th of August.--up to Thursday last, 15,583 shots had been fired at it, of which 12,302 struck. Of the garrison, 27 have been killed and 69 wounded. The flag during the same time has been cut down 34 times.
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