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the Athenians, realizing the necessity that was upon them, went on board their ships themselves, joined battle with Pollis under the leadership of Chabrias, and were victorious in the battle. Thus the corn was brought in for the Athenians. Again,375 B.C. while the Lacedaemonians were preparing to transport an army across the gulf to proceed against the Boeotians, the Thebans requested the Athenians to send an expedition around Peloponnesus, believing that if this were done it would not be possibd the territory of Thebes in the year when Cleombrotus was in command of the army and did not do so in the year when Timotheus made his voyage, the Thebans boldly undertook expeditions against the neighbouring cities of Boeotia and recovered them375 B.C. a second time. As for Timotheus, after he had sailed round Peloponnesus he brought Corcyra at once under his control; he did not, however, enslave the inhabitants or banish individuals or change the government. As a result of this he made all th
r by sea a polemarch and one regiment, and thus kept Thespiae garrisoned. When the spring came, however, the ephors again377 B.C. called out the ban against Thebes and, just as before, requested Agesilaus to take command. Now since he held the same ve before even offering the sacrifice at the frontier and ordered him to occupy in advance the summit overlooking the road377 B.C. which leads over Cithaeron and to guard it until he himself arrived. And when he had passed this point and arrived at Ply were drawn up and hurried toward the city on the run, by the road which leads to Potniae; for this was the safer route.377 B.C. And it really seemed that Agesilaus' expedient proved a clever one, for though he led his army directly away from the ene the riding is good foot-soldiers are quickly overtaken by horsemen. Now when Agesilaus had arrived at Thespiae, finding377 B.C. that the citizens were involved in factional strife, and that those who said they were supporters of Lacedaemon wanted t
eized the Acropolis, and the city revolted; so that thereafter the Thebans brought in supplies of corn easily. As the spring came on again, Agesilaus was confined376 B.C. to his bed. For when he was leading his army back from Thebes, and, in Megara, was ascending from the Aphrodisium to the government376 B.C. building, some vein o376 B.C. building, some vein or other was ruptured, and the blood from his body poured into his soundSee III. iii. 3 and note. leg. Then as the lower part of his leg became immensely swollen and the pain unendurable, a Syracusan surgeon opened the vein at his ankle. But when once the blood had begun to flow, it ran night and day, and with all they could do theit was within their power to man far more ships than the Athenians had and to capture their city by starvation; and it was also within their power to transport an376 B.C. army across to Thebes in these same ships, steering for Phocis if they chose, or, if they chose, for Creusis. Influenced by these considerations they manned sixt
s, just seven of the exiles were enough to destroy the government of these men.379 B.C. How all this came to pass I will proceed to relate. There was a certain Phillir they were that sort of men — expected to spend the night very pleasantly. Now379 B.C. when they had dined and with his zealous help had quickly become drunk, after When these things had been done, Phillidas took two of the men and went to the379 B.C. prison, and told the keeper of the prison that he was bringing a man from the l who were coming against them, — for there were also offers of large prizes to379 B.C. those who should first ascend the Acropolis — being frightened in consequence — this being the first time that he had a command, — in the dead of winter. Now379 B.C. the road which leads through Eleutherae was guarded by Chabrias with peltasts ith his army and was crossing the mountain ridge which runs down to the sea, it379 B.C. hurled down the precipice great numbers of packasses, baggage and all, whil
The Thebans, for their part, being also fearful in378 B.C. case no others except themselves should make war u that he would finish the journey to Piraeus before378 B.C. daybreak. But he was still at Thria when daylight resent himself for the trial, he was acquitted. And378 B.C. it seemed to many that the decision in this case w to converse with Agesilaus, and again, if it was a378 B.C. stranger, he did the same, and again he even made he has done something wrong, let him for our sakes378 B.C. obtain pardon at your hands.” And Agesilaus said: quitted. As for the Athenians, those among them who378 B.C. favoured the Boeotians pointed out to the people td had arrived at Thespiae, he made that his base of378 B.C. operations and proceeded against the country of tht when Agesilaus had noted that it was always after378 B.C. breakfast that the enemy also appeared, he offeredg where they could cross. Now the peltasts were few378 B.C. in number; the foremost of them were therefore sei