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our men belonging to different brigades rallied by Hill and other officers, and parts of Walker's and R. H. Anderson's commands. Colonel Cooke, with the Twenty-seventh North Carolina Regiment, stood boldly in line without a cartridge. The firm front presented by this small force and the well-directed fire of the artillery checked the progress of the enemy, and in about an hour and a half he retired. Another attack was made soon afterward a little farther to the right, but was repulsed by Miller's guns of the Washington Artillery, which continued to hold the ground until the close of the engagement, supported by a part of R. H. Anderson's troops. The corps designated the Washington Artillery was composed of Louisiana batteries, organized at New Orleans in the beginning of the war under Colonel I. B. Walton. It was distinguished by its services in the first great battle of Manassas, and in nearly every important conflict, as well of the army of Virginia as that of Tennessee, to the
entered the former on the 12th. Meanwhile General McLaws had been ordered to seize Maryland Heightseadiness to open fire upon Harpers Ferry. But McLaws found the heights in possession of the foe, wing the mountains at this point, in the rear of McLaws, so as to relieve the garrison at Harpers Ferrough Crampton Gap, only five miles in rear of McLaws. Under these circumstances it was determined k and rear of the enemy should he move against McLaws, and where we could more readily unite with thame up in the afternoon. The movements of General McLaws were embarrased by the presence of the eneer, delayed their progress until the troops of McLaws arrived, and those of General J. G. Walker cou Upon the arrival of the reenforcements under McLaws, General Early attacked resolutely the large f up the divisions of A. P. Hill, Anderson, and McLaws, hastening from Harper's Ferry, and these seve flank, consisting of Jackson's two divisions, McLaws's division, and the two small divisions, of tw
roubled with fear that my horse would further injure some wounded fellowsoldier lying helpless upon the ground. Our right flank, during this short but seemingly long space of time, was toward the main line of the Federals, and, after several ineffectual efforts to procure reenforcements and our last shot had been fired, I ordered my troops back to Dunkard church for the same reason which had previously compelled Lawton, Hays, and Trimble to retire (a want of cartridges). Upon the arrival of McLaw's division we marched to the rear, renewed our supply of ammunition, and returned to our position in the wood near the church, which ground we held till a late hour in the afternoon, when we moved somewhat farther to the right and bivouacked for the night. With the close of this bloody day ceased the hardest-fought battle of the war. The following account of Colonel Taylor, in his Four Years with General Lee, is more comprehensive, embracing the other forces besides Hood's brigade:
George B. McClellan (search for this): chapter 1.21
mber 3d, toward Leesburg. The armies of Generals McClellan and Pope had now been brought back to thederick, happening to fall into the hands of McClellan, disclosed to him the disposition of our for a soldier, and was soon in the hands of General McClellan. The copy of the order, it was stated ay by some one at Hill's quarters. Says General McClellan, Upon learning the contents of this ordeonce gave orders for a vigorous pursuit.—General McClellan's testimony, Report on the Conduct of thould not hazard a renewal of the engagement; McClellan, by his great superiority of numbers, could lished without interruption. The advance of McClellan's army did not appear on the west side of thof the river. It was now nearly dark, and McClellan had massed a number of batteries to sweep thvicinity of Bunker Hill and Winchester. General McClellan seemed to be concentrating in and near Ht as we contended with the advanced guard of McClellan on the 15th and forenoon of the 16th. Durin[3 more...]
t have been inflicted upon the citizens of a Commonwealth allied to the States of the South by the strongest social, political, and commercial ties, and reduced to the condition of a conquered province. Under the pretense of supporting the Constitution, but in violation of its most valuable provisions, your citizens have been arrested and imprisoned upon no charge, and contrary to the forms of law. A faithful and manly protest against this outrage, made by a venerable and illustrious Marylander, to whom in his better days no citizen appealed for right in vain, was treated with scorn and contempt. The government of your chief city has been usurped by armed strangers; your Legislature has been dissolved by the unlawful arrest of its members; freedom of the press and of speech has been suppressed; words have been declared offenses by an arbitrary decree of the Federal Executive; and citizens ordered to be tried by military commisions for what they may dare to speak. Believing
on the 17th, were immediately deployed and put to work. Every man was engaged. We had no reserve. The fighting was heaviest and most continuous on the Confederate left. It is established by Federal evidence that the three corps of Hooker, Mansfield, and Sumner were completely shattered in the repeated but fruitless efforts to turn this flank, and two of these corps were rendered useless for further aggressive movements. The aggregate strength of the attacking column at this point reached where they were, and General Ricket's, the only officer he could find, said that he could not raise three hundred men of the corps. There were troops lying down on the left, which I took to belong to Mansfield's command. In the mean time General Mansfield had been killed, and a portion of his corps had also been thrown into confusion. The testimony of General McClellan in the same report, Part I, p. 441, is to the same effect: The next morning (the 18th) I found that our loss had bee
James Longstreet (search for this): chapter 1.21
on Harpers Ferry began, the remainder of General Longstreet's command and the division of D. H. Hilo observe the enemy and retard his advance. Longstreet continued his march to Hagerstown, and Hill al D. H. Hill guarded the Boonsboro Gap, and Longstreet was ordered to support him, in order to preve army, and held it in check for five hours. Longstreet, leaving a brigade at Hagerstown, hurried tore the captured property. The commands of Longstreet and D. H. Hill reached Sharpsburg on the morLee, General commanding. The commands of Longstreet and D. H. Hill, on their arrival at Sharpsbuearly parallel to the course of that stream, Longstreet on the right of the road to Boonsboro and Hialker with his two brigades was stationed on Longstreet's right. As evening approached, the enemy fver the Antietam, opposite the right wing of Longstreet, commanded by Brigadier General D. R. Jones. thousand men, consisting of the commands of Longstreet and D. H. Hill, the two divisions of Jackson
our forces reach Sharpsburg letter of the President to General Lee address of General Lee to the people position of our fGeneral Lee to the people position of our forces at Sharpsburg battle of Sharpsburg our strength forces withdrawn casualties. The enemy having retired to the protion of the fortifications around Washington and Alexandria, Lee's army marched, on September 3d, toward Leesburg. The armie engage him as far as possible from his base. But a copy of Lee's order directing the movement of the army from Frederick, hns to oppose his advance. In Taylor's Four Years with General Lee some facts relative to this lost order are stated. An ohe evacuation of Frederick City by our forces, a copy of General Lee's order was found in a deserted camp by a soldier, and we: Colonel Venable, one of my associates on the staff of General Lee, says in regard to this matter: This is very easily expl had failed, but it was manifest that without reenforcements Lee could not hazard a renewal of the engagement; McClellan, by
Robert E. Lee (search for this): chapter 1.21
Sharpsburg until some time after the engagement of the 17th began. At this time the letter from which the following extract is made was addressed by me to General R. E. Lee, commanding our forces in Maryland: Sir: It is deemed proper that you should, in accordance with established usage, announce, by proclamation, to the peo and while the Southern people will rejoice to welcome you to your natural position among them, they will only welcome you when you come of your own free will. R. E. Lee, General commanding. The commands of Longstreet and D. H. Hill, on their arrival at Sharpsburg, were placed in position along the range of hills between the they met the large army of the enemy, fully supplied and equipped, and the result reflected the highest credit on the officers and men engaged. Report of General R. E. Lee. On the 18th our forces occupied the position of the preceding day, except in the center, where our line was drawn in about two hundred yards. Our ranks
age, announce, by proclamation, to the people of Maryland, the motives and purposes of your presence among them at the head of an invading army; and you are instructed in such proclamation to make known. . . . In obedience to instructions, General Lee issued the following address: headquarters, army of Northern Virginia, near Frederick, September 8, 1862. To the people of Maryland: It is right that you should know the purpose that has brought the army under my command within the lhe preceding day, except in the center, where our line was drawn in about two hundred yards. Our ranks were increased by the arrival of a number of troops who had not been engaged the day before, and, though still too weak to assume the offensive, Lee waited without apprehension a renewal of the attack. The day passed without any hostile demonstration. During the night of the 18th our army was withdrawn to the south side of the Potomac, crossing near Shepardstown, without loss or molestation.
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