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vol. IV. p. 323. Two years later further explanations appeared in his published letter (National Intelligencer. May 14, 1858; Boston Advertiser, Atlas and Bee, May 18), in which he said that he declined to attend because he had retired to private life and deprecated additional excitement; but that later, at Taunton, he made remarks to impart a more chastened and sober temper to the fiery indignation which pervaded the community. See also New York Evening Post, May 5, 1858, commenting on Mr. Yeadon's defence of him. Mr. Everett also in the same letter explained his signature, at the time of the assault, to a paper approving Sumner's course, which he had neglected to read, being under the influence of an anodyne, indicating that he did not approve Sumner's manner of treating the subject. he also made a similar explanation of his signature in a friendly letter to Sumner. The paper he signed unwittingly is given in Sumner's Works, vol. IV. p. 344. Sumner was always hearty in public t
ish from New York and Newport, John Bigelow from New York, Parke Godwin from Roslyn, Mr. Pell from the highlands of the Hudson, Mr. Adams from Quincy, Amos A. Lawrence from Brookline, F. W. Bird from Walpole, R. B. Forbes from Milton, Ellis Gray Loring from Beverly, John E. Lodge from Nahant, and Joseph Lyman from Jamaica Plain. Everywhere in the free States doors would have swung open to receive the honored guest. Yale College, in August, conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. Dr. Woolsey, the president, in communicating the action of the corporation, took occasion to express his hearty concurrence in its action. He said:— I would have you believe, my dear sir, that this measure had my own hearty concurrence. I write also to say that it was not dictated by political feeling, nor simply by recent occurrences, which have called forth the sympathy of a large portion of the American people on your behalf. Such motives would not justify literary honors. Still less was
r Davis voted against the expulsion of Brooks, and withheld his vote as to the censure of Keitt. The report and resolutions were defended by the Republican members,—by Bingham and Giddings of Ohio, Pennington of New Jersey, Simmons of New York, Woodruff of Connecticut; and by Massachusetts members, Comins, Damrell, and Hall. They, maintained the power of the House to punish Brooks, and denounced the assault fearlessly. Giddings, the veteran antislavery leader, spoke temperately, and avowed a re by conviction and tradition against the duel, he did not under the circumstances lose their confidence. Sumner deeply regretted that Burlingame, by accepting a challenge, recognized the duel as a proper resort in personal difficulties. Woodruff in his speech imputed to Brooks a lofty assumption of arrogance and a mean achievement of cowardice. He was waited upon with the inquiry from Brooks if he would receive a challenge, but answering that he would not, the matter dropped. Brooks w
Caspar Wister (search for this): chapter 12
he became the guest of Rev. William H. Furness, and put himself under the medical care of Dr. Caspar Wister. His expectation when he went North was to be in his seat the next month. In June the fferer from pressure on the brain, with weakness in the spine, and great nervous sensibility. Dr. Wister thus described his condition when he arrived in Philadelphia, July 9:— A condition of exening Post, August 4 and 16. Works, vol. IV. pp. 329, 338, 339, 340, where the reports of Drs. Wister and Jackson are found. Wilson, after conferring with Seward and other Republican senators, advisturned to Philadelphia, where he became again the guest of James T. Furness and the patient of Dr. Wister. He was at Washington for a day early in October, and met Chase there. He was at this time because I wished to get nearer to my duties. On reaching here I have consulted my physician, Dr. Wister, who is much pleased with my condition. He says that I am better than he expected; but he set
Henry A. Wise (search for this): chapter 12
British Parliament. London Star, June 21. the London Times, August 7, in referring to the speech as an alleged provocation for violence, said: The speech was elaborately strong, but not stronger than many delivered within the walls of our own Parliament during the discussion on the Reform and Emancipation bills. James W. Grimes said in a speech , at Burlington, Iowa: His [Sumner's] speech fell short in invective of the philippics of Randolph, Calhoun, McDuffie, Hayne, Prentiss, and Henry A. Wise. It was diluted when compared to Webster's onslaught upon Charles J. Ingersoll. (Grimes's life, p. 80.) The style of debate. marked by threats and epithets, which the partisans of slavery in Congress had long practised, is treated in Sumner's speech on The Barbarism of Slavery, June 4, 1860, Works, vol. v. pp. 85-99. At the close of the final encounter Sumner received hearty congratulations from political friends, who crowded about him, their faces beaming with delight at the abi
Robert C. Winthrop (search for this): chapter 12
orge S. Hillard, and S. H. Walley. Two managers of the Boston meeting, Prince Hawes and Jacob A. Dresser, waited on Mr. Winthrop and Mr. Everett, inviting them to address the meeting; but both excused themselves. The former was just going to Nahaous to do what he could to relieve Mr. Sumner's suffering, did not think highly of such meetings. Many regretted that Mr. Winthrop did not accept, hoping that his participation in the meeting would bring him into line with public sentiment, and openp. 344. Sumner was always hearty in public tributes to Everett (Works, vol. i. p. 245; vol. IX. pp. 200, 219). As to Mr. Winthrop's declining to attend the meeting in Boston, see C. T. Congdon's Reminiscences of a Journalist, p. 89. Chandler, who hse, voting viva voce, gave Sumner three hundred and thirty-three votes to twelve for all others, of which three were for Winthrop, two for N. J. Lord, and seven for as many other persons. The Senate gave Sumner every vote. An election so unanimous,
Hubbard Winslow (search for this): chapter 12
monton's. p. 1361; Morgan's, p 1357. while his assailant, seizing him by the collar, continued the blows at the head, which numbered according to different calculations ten, twenty, or thirty, Foster's testimony, Congressional Globe, p. 1356; Winslow's, p. 1361; Murray's, p. 1357; Simonton's, p. 1361. The statement was made at the time that as Sumner instinctively raised his arm on the side he was struck, Brooks, following the method of sword practice, struck on the other, and with such alteons of the two were reversed during the affair; and when it ended, Brooks was standing on the site of Sumner's seat and facing the president's chair, while Sumner was below him at or near Collamer's seat, which was just in front of Wilson's. Winslow's testimony, Congresssional Globe, p. 1361. No word was spoken by either, except Brooks's brief address at the beginning. Words and blows occupied only a few seconds,—ten, thirty, or from thirty to sixty, according to the varying impressions of
Henry Wilson (search for this): chapter 12
k. To Theodore Parker, February 25:— Wilson has earned his senatorship. He has struck a h of the black and white races. This drew from Wilson the retort that such taunts were the emanation that day he communicated his apprehensions to Wilson, whom he advised to take precautions against ither expecting something of the sort, p. 1360. Wilson thereupon asked Burlingame and Colfax of the He treated his opponents in the Senate, calling Wilson a liar in open Senate a few days later. May reports of Drs. Wister and Jackson are found. Wilson, after conferring with Seward and other Republosition. He paid tributes to his colleague, Mr. Wilson,—to his readiness, courage, and power, and hn territories, of which Douglas was chairman. Wilson named him for the committee on foreign affairshanan had been an apologist for the assault. (Wilson's History, vol. II. p. 490: Sumner's Works, vd his deed brutal, murderous, and cowardly. Wilson wrote to Sumner, January 27:— A few mome[42 more.
J. M. S. Williams (search for this): chapter 12
aspersions of Douglas, and had urged that it should reject altogether the tone of apology, and assert plainly its right to assist Northern emigrants. by R. H. Dana, Jr., with whom they counselled; and by two other gentlemen, Eli Thayer and J. M. S. Williams. The last named was present during the delivery of the speech. Sumner gave the manuscript of his speech to Mr. Williams. Mr. Thayer in a letter, March 27, 1856, which stated his purpose to visit Washington in order to confer with SumnerMr. Williams. Mr. Thayer in a letter, March 27, 1856, which stated his purpose to visit Washington in order to confer with Sumner as to the operations of the New England Emigrant Aid Company, wrote: It is quite apparent that no one there who has attempted to defend us has any adequate idea of the philosophy of the enterprise; neither have those who have assailed us. I shall expect you to do us justice. Sumner began his speech Monday, May 19. Notwithstanding the heat, with the thermometer at ninety, nearly all the senators were in their seats, and galleries and lobbies and doorways were crowded with a compact mass of s
John G. Whittier (search for this): chapter 12
also bleed in them! You have torn the mask off the faces of traitors, and at last the spirit of the North is aroused. Whittier, after reading and re-reading the speech, pronounced it a grand and terrible philippic worthy of the great occasion; theare the best debater on the floor of the Senate, and you must make them all confess it. We shall be proud of you. To Whittier, December 20:— Your letter charmed and soothed me. Every day I thought of it, and chided myself for letting it go se will live. But I cannot bear the thought that I may survive with impaired powers, or with a perpetual disability. Whittier's Last Walk in Autumn, printed at this time, paid a tribute to Sumner in these lines:— And he who to the lettered wealth beginning of December, he postponed taking his seat till January 1, and was at the later date still unable to go on. Whittier wrote, Nov. 12, 1856:— I would say a word to thee as an old friend. Do not leave home for Washington until thy he<
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