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The island is oblong, and extends nearly 1200 stadia from Cenæum1 to Geræstus.2 Its greatest breadth is about 150 stadia, but it is irregular.3 Cenæum is opposite to Thermopylæ, and in a small decree to the parts beyond Thermopylæ: Geræstus4 and Petalia5 are opposite to Sunium.

Eubœa then fronts6 Attica, Bœotia, Locris, and the Malienses. From its narrowness, and its length, which we have mentioned, it was called by the ancients Macris.7

It approaches nearest to the continent at Chalcis. It projects with a convex bend towards the places in Bœotia near Aulis, and forms the Euripus,8 of which we have before spoken at length. We have also mentioned nearly all the places on either side of the Euripus, opposite to each other across the strait, both on the continent and on the island. If anything is omitted we shall now give a further explanation.

And first, the parts lying between Aulis (Chalcis?) and the places about Geræstus are called the Hollows of Eubœa, for the sea-coast swells into bays, and, as it approaches Chalcis, juts out again towards the continent.

1 C. Lithada. The mountain Lithada above the cape, rises to the height of 2837 feet above the sea.

2 C. Mantelo.

3 The real length of the island from N. to S. is about 90 miles, its extreme breadth is 30 miles, but in one part it is not more than 4 miles across. See Smith art. Eubœa.

4 Cape Mantelo.

5 Strabo is the only ancient author who describes a place of this name as existing in Eubœa. Kiepert and the Austrian map agree in giving the name Petaliæ, which may here be meant, to the Spili islands.

6 ἀντίποοͅθμος.

7 Eubœa has various names. Formerly (says Pliny, b. iv. c. 12) it was called Chalcedontis or Macris, according to Dionysius and Ephorus; Aacra, according to Aristides; Chalcis, from brass being there first discovered, according to Callidemus; Abantias, according to Menæchmus; and Asopis by the poets in general.

8 The narrow channel between the island and the mainland.

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