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ÆTOLIANS and Acarnanians border on one another, having between them the river Achelous,1 which flows from the north, and from Pindus towards the south, through the country of the Agræi, an Ætolian tribe, and of the Amphilochians.

Acarnanians occupy the western side of the river as far as the Ambracian Gulf,2 opposite to the Amphilochians, and the temple of Apollo Actius. Ætolians occupy the part towards the east as far as the Locri Ozolæ, Parnassus, and the Œtæans.

Amphilochians are situated above the Acarnanians in the interior towards the north; above the Amphilochians are situated Dolopes, and Mount Pindus; above the Ætolians are Perrhæbi, Athamanes, and a body of the Ænianes who occupy Œta.

The southern side, as well the Acarnanian as the Ætolian, is washed by the sea, forming the Corinthian Gulf, into which the Achelous empties itself. This river (at its mouth) is the boundary of the Ætolian and the Acarnanian coast. The Achelous was formerly called Thoas. There is a river of this name near Dyme,3 as we have said, and another near Lamia.4 We have also said,5 that the mouth of this river is considered by some writers as the commencement of the Corinthian Gulf.

1 The Aspropotamo.

2 G. of Arta.

3 B. vi .iii. c. § iii. 11.

4 B. ix. c. v. § 10.

5 B. viii. c. ii. § 3.

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