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But before we come to Erythræ, the first place we meet with is Eræ,1 a small city belonging to the Teians.

Next is Corycus, a lofty mountain; and below it, Casystes, a port;2 then another, called the port of Erythræ, and afterwards many others. It is said that the whole sea-coast along the Corycus was the haunt of pirates, who were called Corycæans, and who had contrived a new mode of attacking vessels. They dispersed themselves among the ports, and went among the merchants who had just arrived, and listened to their conversation respecting the freight of their ships, and the places whither they were bound. The pirates then collected together, attacked the merchants at sea, and plundered the vessels. Hence all inquisitive persons and those who listen to private and secret conversation we call Corycæans, and say proverbially, “‘The Corycæan must have overheard it,’” when any one thinks that he has done or said anything not to be divulged, but is betrayed by spies or persons anxious to be informed of what does not concern them.

1 Sighadschik.

2 Koraka, or Kurko.

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