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It is generally acknowledged by writers, that the Bithynians, who were formerly Mysians, received this name from Bithynians and Thyni, Thracian people, who came and settled among them. They advance as a proof of their statement, first as regards the Bithynians, that there still exists in Thrace a people called Bithynians, and then, as regards the Thyni, that the sea-shore, near Apollonia1 and Salmydessus,2 is called Thynias. The Bebryces, who preceded them as settlers in Mysia, were, as I conjecture, Thracians. We have said3 that the Mysians themselves were a colony of those Thracians who are now called Mæsi.

Such is the account given of these people.

1 Sizeboli, south of the Gulf of Burgas.

2 Midjeh.

3 B. vii. c. iii. § 2.

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