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Further, the course for passengers from Greece and Asia is most direct to Brentesium, and in fact all who are journeying to Rome disembark here. Hence there are two ways to Rome; one, which is only walked by mules, through the Peucetii, who are called Pœdicli, the Daunii, and the Samnites, as far as Beneventum, on which road is the city Egnatia,1 then Celia,2 Netium,3 Canusium,4 and Herdonia.5

1 Torre d' Agnazzo.

2 Ceglie, south of Bari.

3 Now Noja; but the identity of this place has been much canvassed.

4 Canosa.

5 Now Ordona, about twelve miles to the east of Æca, now Troja. Livy records the defeat of the Roman forces at this place in two successive years. Hannibal removed the inhabitants and fired the town, (Livy xxvii. 1,) but it was subsequently repaired, and is noticed by Frontinus as Ardona. Ptolemy and Silius Italicus, viii. 568, mention it as Herdonia— “ . . . . . . . . . quosque
Obscura inculsis Herdonia misit ab agris.

” That through Tarentum is a little to the left, it runs about a day's journey round for one traversing the whole distance; it is called the Appian Way, and is more of a carriage road than the other. On it stands the city Uria,5 and Venusia;6 the one [Uria] between Tarentum and Brentesium, the other on the confines of the Samnites and Lucani. Both the roads from Brentesium run into one near Beneventum and Campania, and thence to Rome it receives the name of Appian, and runs through Caudium,7 Calatia,8 Capua,9 and Casilinum,10 to Sinuessa.11 The way from thence to Rome has been already described.—The whole length of the Appian Way from Rome to Brentesium is 360 miles. There is a third way from Rhegium, through the Bruttii, Lucani, and Samnites, along the chain of the Apennines, into Campania, where it joins the Appian Way;12 it is longer than those from Brentesium by about three or four days' journey.

6 Oria.

7 Venosa.

8 Paolisi.

9 Le Galazze

10 S. Maria di Capoa.

11 Capoa Nova.

12 Monte Dragone, or Mondragone.

13 At Capua, now S. Maria di Capua.

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