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From Norfolk.

Conference proceedings — flag presentation--Yankee misrepresentations — trial of Hughee — military, &c.

[Special Correspondence of the Dispatch]

Norfolk, Nov. 23d, 1861.
The Methodist Conference met at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, (3d day,) Bishop Andrew in the Chair.

Religious services were conducted by Rev. Geo. W. Langhorne.

On motion, the further calling of the roll was dispensed with.

The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved.

Edward M Peterson and John J. Lafferty were appointed a committee to procure the names of post- offices for the Richmond Christian Advocate.

George M. Robertson, who was received on trial at the last Conference, passed in examination of character, and was continued on trial.

Nelson Chamberlain, local deacon of Norfolk Circuit; Arthur A. Drewrey, L. D, of Surry Circuit; and Benj. F. Story, L. D., of Southampton Circuit, were severally recommended by the Quarterly Conferences of their respective Circuits as suitable persons to be ordained Elders in the Church of God, passed in examination of character, and were elected accordingly.

Rev. R. B. Thompson, D. D., Rev. M. J. Langhorne, and General Henry B. Woodhouse, Fraternal Messengers to the Conference from the Virginia Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, were introduced, and addressed the Conference on the subject of their mission, and presented a report and resolutions adopted by the body they represent at its late session.

On motion of Dr. Smith, D. S. Doggett, L. M. Lee, William B. Rowzie, and William McGill, were appointed a committee to confer with the messengers of the M. P. Church and respond to the report submitted by them and to their addresses. Dr. Smith was added to the committee.

A communication from E. W. Sehon, Corresponding Secretary, and J. B. McFerrin, Treasurer of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, was laid before the Conference and read.

On motion of Nelson Head and William B. Rowzie, the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved That the war of invasion, rapine and plunder, now being waged by the United states against the Confederate States, is so fanatical and unjust in its principles, and so in human and heartless in its conduct as to give to our armed and stern resistance to it a character of justice and holiness, which must commend it, when properly understood, to the approval of the civilized world, and enlist in its behalf the entire christian sentiment of our people.

Resolved, That such being the character of the war in which we are involved, it is by no means a matter of astonishment that some of the ministers of the Gospel of Peace, have felt it to be their duty to gird themselves with the panoply of the soldier, for the vindication of our past and holy cause against so marked and cruel an assault.

Resolved, That while we deem it as a rule to be the duty of the members of the Conference to devote themselves to their own proper and sacred calling as ministers of Christ, and judge that thereby they will best subserve the welfare and success of our Confederacy; yet there have arisen in the judgment of this Conference exceptional cases, in which ministers, feeling it to be their duty, have, without cause of censure of their brethren, entered into the service of the army, and in such cases we respectfully request our Presiding Bishop in making the appointments of the preachers, to recognize their connection with the army in such way as in his judgment may seem best.

Wm. A. Smith presented the report of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of Randolph Macon College, which was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Education.

Wm. H. Camper, John G. Bayley, Jas. W. Grant, Jacob H. Proctor, Jas. C. Watson, Wm. W. Duncan, Edgar H. Pritchett, L. H. Greyhill, Joseph A. Crowder, Geo. C. Vanderslice, Wm. E. Allen, Geo. E. Booker, Chas. V. Bingley, Larkin H. Crenshaw, James A. Crowder, Wm. J. Hunter, Jas. C. Martin, John W. F. Jones, and Wm. W. Spain, who were continued on trial at the last Conference, passed in examination of character, were severally admitted into full connection, and with the exception of Geo. C. Vanderslice and Geo. E. Booker, elected to Deacon's orders.

The remarks of Bishop Andrew to the young men thus examined and elected to a higher grade in the ministerial office, were singularly impressive and appropriate. During the delivery of this fatherly and affectionate address, which was noted, as well for general eloquence as for wise lessons of instruction, the audience listened with most eager attention.

A vein of good humor with not unfrequently a moderate mixture of wit, (entirely admissible) runs through the brief and sage counsels of the Bishop. He is getting old now, and shows the marks of toil and suffering in his great and holy work; and although he has labored on for half a century, travelling many thousands of miles, preaching often, telling and journeying by day, and scarcely halting at night; battling with error and the works of Satan, in the pulpit, in the social circle, among strangers and friends, and by the wayside; using his ready pen, too, when stopping awhile to rest. Still he is strong and vigorous in his ripening years, and a most effective laborer in the harvest field of human souls.

A presentation will take place to-day on Academy Square. A beautiful ‘"flag of the South"’ will be presented to the 16th Regiment Virginia volunteers, commanded by Col. Colston. Major-General Huger will participate in the ceremonies. The regiment is expected in town at half past 11 o'clock.

Among the many misrepresentations made by those enemies of the South who have been allowed to go to the North from this city by flag of truce, is a statement that our city is under the control of Col. Pryor and Captain Milligan, who have established a sort of oligarchy, which is oppressing the people. A greater falsehood never was uttered. Col. Pryor's regiment is in another part of the State, and that gallant and young officer and brilliant orator but seldom visits Norfolk, while Capt. Milligan labors industriously and efficiently in the discharge of his duties as signal officer, &c, at the same time keeping a vigilant look out upon the movements of the enemy's ships, and rendering himself highly useful to the Government by the faithful prosecution of any work committed to him by the General in command.

The case of Claiborn Hughes, charged with killing Lieutenant Adams, was closed last evening in the Circuit Court. The prisoner was ably defend by his counsel--Hon. John S. Millson, Tazewell Taylor, and John E. Ford, Esqs. S. S. Stubbs, Esq., for the Commonwealth.

Yesterday, General Millson addressed the jury in a speech of considerable length and with great ability; after which, Mr. Stubbs closed the argument, setting forth the law and the strong points in the case very clearly and strongly. The jury retired at 5 o'clock, and, after an absence of ten minutes, returned with a verdict of ‘"not guilty."’ The young man thus liberated, after long confinement and terrible suspense, was overjoyed at the verdict, and, with a sister on either side of him, left the hall of justice, to go forth free again amid the dangers and temptations of social life.

Colonel Colston's splendid regiment has just marched by towards Academy Square, to receive the flag to which I have alluded. The marching was admirable, and the regiment is manifestly one of the best in the State, which may well be proud of so noble a band of fighting men.

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