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concĭlĭābŭlum , i, n. concilium,
I.a place of assembly, a public place, esp. for public intercourse or traffic; a marketplace, an exchange, a place for courts, etc.: conciliabulum dicitur locus, ubi in conciliam convenitur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 38, 3 Müll.; so Liv. 7, 15, 13; 25, 5, 6; 34, 1, 6, and 34, 56, 2; 39, 14, 7; 40, 37, 3; 43, 14, 10; Tac. A. 3, 40: “martyrum,where their memory is solemnly celebrated, Hier. Ep. 60, 12: spectaculorum, places for public exhibitions, as the theatre, circus, etc., Tert. Spect. 8: damni, in comic lang., for a brothel, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 38; “and, in the same sense, conciliabulum alone,id. Bacch. 1, 1, 47.
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