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By the Governor of Virginia.
a Proclamation.

Whereas, from information received by the Executive, the Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling and the Northwestern Bank of Virginia, with the offices of Discount and deposit of each, except the Branch of the Northwestern Bank of Virginia at Jeffersonville, have given aid to the enemy in every way in which their influence could be exerted or their funds be employed, and have displayed hostility to the constituted authorities of the Commonwealth of Virginia by disloyalty, and by recognizing the existence of a Government unacknowledged by our Constitution of laws: Therefore.

I, John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do by virtue of authority vested in the Executive, hereby prohibit the bills or notes of either of said Banks, except those of the Branch of the North-Western Bank at Jeffersonville in Tazewell County, from being received in payment of any money due to the State of Virginia. The collecting officers throughout the Commonwealth are required to take notice of this prohibition.

Given under my hand as Governor, and under the seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, State of Virginia this 18th day of July, 1861, and in the eighty sixth year of the Commonwealth John Letcher.

By order of the Governor:
George W. Munford,
jy 20--d&cw6t Sec'y of the Commonwealth.

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