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A rebel bill of fare.

J. H. Early, Surgeon of the Seventeenth Iowa regiment, found the following copy of a bill of fare in the rebel camps at Vicksburgh. While it is a capital specimen of burlesque, it is no less a melancholy specimen of burlesque upon the rebel rations of mule flesh indulged in by them during the last day of the siege:

Hotel de Vicksburgh: bill of Bare for July, 1863.

Mule Tail.
Mule bacon with poke greens.
Mule ham canvassed.
Mule sirloin.
Mule rump stuffed with rice.
Peas and rice.
Mule head stuffed á la mode.
Mule beef jerked á la Mexicana.
Mule ears fricasseed á la gotch.
Mule side stewed, new style, hair on.
Mule spare ribs plain.
Mule liver hashed.
side dishes.
Mule salad.
Mule hoof soused.
Mule brains á la omelette.
Mule kidney stuffed with peas.
Mule tripe fried in pea-meal butter.
Mule tongue cold á la Bray.
Mule foot.
Pea-meal pudding, blackberry sauce.
Cottonwood berry pies.
China berry tart.
White oak acorns.
Beech nuts.
Blackberry leaf tea.
Genuine confederate coffee.
Mississippi Water, vintage of 1492, superior, $3.
Limestone Water, late importation, very fine, $2.75.
Spring Water, Vicksburgh brand, $1.50.
Meals at all hours. Gentlemen to wait upon themselves. Any inattention on the part of servants will be promptly reported at the office.

Jeff Davis & Co., Proprietors.

Card.--The proprietors of the justly celebrated Hotel de Vicksburgh, having enlarged and refitted the same, are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. Parties arriving by the river or Grant's inland route, will find Grape, Canister & Co.'s carriages at the landing or any depot on the line of intrenchments. Buck, Ball & Co. take charge of all baggage. No effort will be spared to make the visit of all as interesting as possible

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