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1 دَسَرَهُ دسار دسر دسره دسرة , (S, M, A,) aor. دَسُرَ , (S, M,) inf. n. دَسْرٌ, (S, M, K,) He, or it, pushed, thrust, drove, impelled, propelled, or repelled, him, or it. (S, M, A, K.) Ambergris is said (by I' Ab, S) to be شَىْءٌ يَدْسُرُهُ البَحْرُ A thing which the sea drives (S, A) and casts upon the shore. (TA.) And دَسَرَتِ السَّفِينَةُ المَآءَ بِصَدْرِهَا means The ship repelled, (TA,) or opposed, (M,) the water with its prow. (M, TA.) ― -b2- He thrust, pierced, or stabbed, him, (S, M, A, K,) vehemently, (A,) with a spear. (S, A.) ― -b3- دَسَرَ, (M,) aor. دَسُرَ and دَسِرَ , (TA,) inf. n. دَسْرٌ, (M, K, TA,) He drove in a nail, with force: (K, * TA:) he nailed anything: (M:) he fastened, (M,) or repaired, (K,) a ship with a nail, (M, K,) or with cord of fibres of the palm-tree: (M:) or he fastened a ship by uniting its planks in the manner of sewing. (TA.) ― -b4- دَسَرَ, (A,) inf. n. as above, (M, K,) (tropical:) Inivit feminam: (M, * A, K: *) you say دَسَرَهَا بِأَيْرِهِ. (TA.) دَسْرَآءُ دسرآء , [fem. of ↓ أَدْسَرُ , and] sing. of دُسْرٌ, which (as some say, TA) means Ships that repel [or oppose] the water with their prows. (K.) دِسَارٌ دسار Cord of the fibres of the palm-tree (لِيف) with which the planks of a ship are bound together: (S, M, A, K:) or (so accord. to the S and M and A, but accord. to Fr and the K “ and ”) a nail, (S, M, A, K,) of a ship: (M:) pl. دُسُرٌ (S, M, A, K) and دُسْرٌ: (S, K:) used in one or the other of these two significations in the Kur liv. 13. (S, TA.) دَوْسَرٌ دوسر A bulky camel: fem. with ة: (S, K:) a camel (M) strong and bulky; (M, K;) as also ↓ دَوْسَرِىٌّ (S, * M, K) and ↓ دَوْسَرَانِىٌّ (S, * K) and ↓ دُوَاسِرٌ (M, K) and ↓ دُوَسِرِىٌّ : (L:) fem. دَوْسَرٌ [like the masc.] and دَوْسَرَةٌ: or دَوْسَرٌ, applied to a she-camel, signifies large: (M:) and ↓ دَوْسَرِىٌّ a strong camel: (Fr, TA:) and ↓ دُوَاسِرٌ sharp, spirited, or vigorous, and strong. (TA.) ― -b2- A tough, or hardy, lion, (K, B,) firm in make. (B, TA.) ― -b3- A penis bulky (M, K) and strong. (M.) ― -b4- كَتِيبَةٌ دَوْسَرٌ, and دَوْسَرَةٌ, An army, or a troop of horse, or a portion of an army, collected together. (M.) And دَوْسَرُ An army, or a troop of horse, or a portion of an army, belonging to En-Noamán (S, M, K) Ibn-El-Mundhir. (S, K.) دَوْسَرِىٌّ دوسرى دوسري : see دَوْسَرٌ, in two places. دَوْسَرَانِىٌّ دوسرانى دوسراني : see دَوْسَرٌ. دُوَاسِرٌ دواسر : see دَوْسَرٌ, in two places. دُوَاسِرِىٌّّ دواسرى دواسري : see دَوْسَرٌ. أَدْسَرُ ذ : see دَسْرَآءُ. مِدْسَرٌ مدسر [A man who thrusts much with the spear. A signification implied in the S.] ― -b2- (tropical:) Qui multum coit. (K.)

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