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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 10: Kernstown. (search)
the bold front which Jackson assumed, held the enemy at a respectful distance. They did not venture to annoy him, save by a few cannon-shot; and, after the first day, discontinued their pursuit. He retired to the neighborhood of Woodstock; and thus, in three days, his army marched seventy-five miles, and fought a hardly contested pitched battle. The battle of Kernstown, was technically, a victory of the Federalists. They held the field, the dead, and the wounded. But, like those of Pyrrhus at Heraclea, and of Cornwallis at Guilford, it was a victory with the results of a defeat. The conquerors, crippled by their losses, and terrified by the resistance which they met, dared not press the retreating Confederates. But above all, the object of the battle was won by General Jackson. The Federal army in the Valley was detained there, and the troops which were on their way to Manassa's to increase the embarrassments of General Johnston, were recalled. The army of the latter extr
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 4.47 (search)
he whole matter then resolves itself into this: General Lee failed at Gettysburg on the 2d and 3d of July because he made his attack precisely where his enemy wanted him to make it and was most fully prepared to receive it. Even had he succeeded in driving the Federal army from its strong position by a general and simultaneous assault along the whole front (which was the only possible chance of success in that direction), he would have found his army in very much the same condition in which Pyrrhus found his, when, after driving the Romans from the field of Asculum, he exclaimed, Another such victory, and I am undone! The failure of General Ewell to seize Cemetery Hill and adjacent positions, on the evening of July 1st, has been frequently assigned as one of the causes of our loss of the battle. It is very doubtful whether General Ewell could have occupied those heights had he made the attempt, for General Pleasonton has asserted very positively that, on the night of the 1st of Ju
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Sketch of the principal maritime expeditions. (search)
ed with fifteen thousand men, descended upon Africa and made Carthage, even, tremble! This struggle lasted a century and a half. Alexander the Great crossed the Hellespont with only fifty thousand men, and his military marine being but one hundred and sixty sail, whilst that that of the Persians numbered four hundred vessels of war, he sent it to Greece in order not to expose it. Alexander's generals, who disputed his empire for half a century, made no notable maritime expedition. Pyrrhus, invited by the Tarentines, descended upon Italy by means of their fleet, bringing twenty-six thousand infantry, three thousand horse, and the first elephants which appeared in the Peninsulas, (280 years B. C.) Conqueror of the Romans at Heraclea and Ascolia, it is not well known why he went into Sicily to drive away the Carthagenians at the solicitation of the Syracusans. Recalled after some successes by the Tarentines, he repassed the strait harrassed by the Carthagenian marine; then rei
the cavalry marched to combat without any previous training. At Athens the cavalry service was more popular, and they formed a well-organized corps of twelve hundred horsemen. At Thebes also this arm had consideration in the time of Epaminondas. But the cavalry of Thessaly was the most renowned, and both Philip and Alexander drew their mounted troops from that country. The Romans had made but little progress in this arm when they encountered the Thessalians, who fought in the army of Pyrrhus. They then increased their cavalry, but it was not numerous till after their wars with the Carthaginians. Scipio organized and disciplined the Roman cavalry like that of the Numidians. This arm was supplied from the ranks of the richest citizens, and afterwards formed an order intermediary between the Senate and the people, under the name of knights. At a later period, the cavalry of the Gauls was particularly good. The Franks were without cavalry when they made their first irruption
owns, sieges, etc. The Greeks had but small rivers, and had no stone bridges until after the Roman conquest. We learn from the Greek historians that bridges were constructed by Cyrus (536 B. C.), Darius (490 B. C.), Xerxes (480 B. C.), and Pyrrhus (280 B. C.). Each of these was a military bridge for a special purpose, and had no permanent character. The bridge of Cyrus, over the Meander, was supported on boats, like those which crossed the Bosphorus and the Hellespont under the orders ofof flax and biblos united them; transverse beams were laid on the ropes; planks on the beams; soil on the planks; and the armies crossed thereon. Cords and posts at the sides afforded some degree of protection. How many bridges were built by Pyrrhus in his expeditions, history does not inform us; but the bridges in his Italian campaigns, about 280 B. C., over the streams emptying into the Adriatic, are mentioned by the Greek historians. The first bridge in Rome was built across the Tiber
s the lap or bond. The width of a shingle is about 6 inches in the mode of counting, so that a shingle of 12 inches running width counts as two. Boxes of a given size are made to pile them in, which saves trouble in counting; the clamp or yoke is then put around them, and the bunch removed. See patent 72,581 of 1867. Pliny says that the best shingles are made of oak, but they are more easily cut from pine. He cites Cornelius Nepos to the effect that down to the time of the war with Pyrrhus, Rome was roofed solely with shingles, a period of 470 years. It is to be presumed that they gave way to tiles, which maintained their supremacy in Europe till the introduction of slate. Machines are made for riving, sawing, cutting shingles; also for planing and jointing the rough shingle. Shin′gle-joint′ing ma-chine′. A machine for truing the edge of a rough shingle. It is of the nature of a saw or a circular planer, and acts upon the edge of the shingle, which is pushed along t<
ome of us can recollect as lining the capacious fireplaces of old mansions, have been studied by many thousands besides the excellent Doddridge, who there learned Scripture history. The glazing of delft-ware is given under pottery (which see). Under the same caption will also be found a description of the mode of making porcelain, which is closely allied to our present subject. Rome was originally roofed with shingles; tiles of baked clay were introduced about the time of the war with Pyrrhus. Tiles of marble were used in Greece about the time of Pausanias, 620 B C. The temples of Jupiter at Olympias, of Athenae at Athens (the Parthenon), were thus covered. Tiles of bronze, gilt, were also used in some cases. The lower edges of the joint tiles were protected and ornamented by frontons. The edges of the flat tiles were turned up and covered by semi-cylindrical joint tiles, termed imbrices. Roman tiles. The Greek and Roman tiles were made of marble, and have been imi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
ut as patriots as true as the world ever saw, earnestly engaged in the defence of the right, as God had given them to see the right. Great as was the disparity of numbers between the Federal and Confederate armies, between the navies it was far greater, if, indeed, we had anything worthy of the name; still a Confederate victory in Hampton Roads revolutionized the navies of the world, while in the fight on the Tennessee we suffered a defeat, Farragut might best describe in the language of Pyrrhus at his first encounter with the Romans: another such victory would cost him his army. On the point of a narrow sand promontory of some little elevation, which juts far in between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, stands Fort Morgan, commanding the eastern or main channel of the entrance to the Bay, five miles to the southwest. Fort Gaines guards the western entrance, only navigable for small vessels. Outside the fort, Farragut, with a numerous fleet, menaced an attack. Torpedoes and
Archidamia. "Pyrrhus next advanced against the city. It was resolved to send the women into Crete, but they remonstrated against it; and the Queen, Archidamia, being appointed to speak for the rest, went into the council hall with a sword in her hand, and said that they did their wives great wrong if they thought them so faint hearted as to live after Sparta was destroyed." The chiefs were met in the council hall; Their words were sad and few; They were ready to fight, and ready to fashame-- "I ask, by the memory of your race, Are ye worthy of the name! "Ye have bidden us seek new hearths and graves, Beyond the reach of the foe; And now, by the dash of the blue sea-waves, We swear that we will not go? "Is the name of Pyrrhus to blanch your cheeks? Shall he burn, and kill, and destroy? Are ye not sons of the heathless Greeks Who heed the gates of Troy! "What though his feet have scatheless stood In the rush of the Punic roam? Though his sword be red to its hil
he friends of the President, the friends and admirers of his administration, of his army and of his officers, who have grown fat and saucy and presumptuous from feeding on Treasury pap, are often they who call loudest off "Le panvre peuple" to resolve all Government into mob rule, and take the conduct of affairs into their own hands. Every school-boy and school-girl, every tyro in history, well knows that the sure way to conquer an invading enemy, is to exhaust it by delays. Thus was Pyrrhus and his army overcome and ruined by the Romans. Thus was Hannibal, the greatest of warriors, after many victories, repulsed from Italy, and thus did Carthage perish. A nation that invades another, if repulsed abroad, is easy to conquer at home. The citizens of France made little or no resistance to the allied armies who invaded her territory. The defence, on the first invasion, was made by the remnant of Napoleon's veteran soldiers. In the last invasion, there was no defence at all. So
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