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Versailles (France) (search for this): chapter 13
ion, and of the Boston Public Library. has put forth in America; drove to the Bois to hear the music of the bands in the Pre Catalan. Dined with Appleton; in the evening, Theatre Francais, where I enjoyed very much Fiammina. May 10. Went to Versailles, merely to see the waters play, without entering the Museum. All the jets seemed feeble by the side of that on Boston Common. In the evening went to French opera, where was the ballet of the Corsaire, given by order; in the imperial box were t to the region of medicine, examined the Musee Dupuytren and plunged into the dissecting rooms, strong with the stench of human flesh; in the evening was too tired for society or theatre; took to my room and books. May 19. Started early for Versailles, abandoning my morning exercise with my teacher; went through the Trianons, and then through the great museums; returned to town at the beginning of the evening, too tired for anything but my room. I could hardly read my grammar. May 20. Ma
Portsmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
ost of the great people; then to dinner at the Lord Chancellor's, where I met Lord Lyudhurst, Lord Lovelace; then to a reception at Lady Granville's. July 23. Dinner at the Earl Fortescue's, where were Lord John Russell, Lord Wensleydale, and General Sir William F. Williams of Woolwich. July 24. Breakfast at Lord Hatherton's, where were Lord Shaftesbury, Lord Glenelg, Mr. Curzon, the author of the book on monasteries in the Levant, and Admiral Martin, the commander at the dockyard at Portsmouth. Went with Lord Hatherton to Richmond Hill to call on Lord John Russell at Pembroke Lodge. He was out. Also called on the Duc d'aumale at Twickenham; in the evening attended debate on the divorce bill in House of Commons; heard Palmerston, but missed Gladstone. July 25. Went over the library of the British Museum with Mr. Jones, who is at the head of the department of printed books. The new reading-room is most beautiful. Early in the evening went to Argyll Lodge. Duke and Duchess
Carentan (France) (search for this): chapter 13
mall boat; the police came aboard, and with them the secretary of the mayor, who handed me a most hospitable letter from M. de Tocqueville. After an hour in the streets of Granville, a small sea-port and watering-place, took the diligence for Coutances (eighteen miles), where I did not arrive till dark. August 11. Rose before five o'clock to visit the noble cathedral here. At six o'clock was in a coupe for Valognes; found in the coupe an intelligent and talkative priest; breakfasted at Carentan,—poorly enough! At Valognes hired a char-à--bancs, with one horse and a man, to drive me to Tocqueville, where I arrived about five o'clock; kindly received; chateau three or four centuries old; was warned particularly by M. de T. not to wear a white cravat at dinner,—that the habits of country life in France were less formal than in England. Nobody here but M. and Madame de T. and an elderly French lady. August 12. Dejeuner at half-past 10 o'clock; then a walk with M. de Tocqueville i
Turin (Italy) (search for this): chapter 13
. Next he went to Basle, Berne, Thun, Interlachen, the Lake of Brienz, the Brunig Pass, Alpnach, and to Lucerne, where he met his old friend Theodore S. Fay, whom he had been disappointed in not finding at Berne, and the two recalled earlier days in long conversations. Then, after a day of the grandest scenery between Lucerne and Hospenthal, he crossed St. Gothard, took the steamer on Lake Maggiore, passing the Isola Bella and Lesa, the home of Manzoni, and went on by railway from Arona to Turin, then the capital of Piedmont, a city he had not before visited. Here he looked wistfully towards the south, but turning back, by mule or carriage, traversed the Val d'aosta, and crossed the Great St. Bernard, passing a night at the Hospice, and then by way of Martigny, Tete Noire, and Chamouni, reached Geneva, September 5. Here he was interested in the associations of Voltaire, Calvin, Rousseau, Madame de Stael, and Byron. At Lausanne he sought the garden of the Hotel Gibbon, to look upo
Manchester (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
kes at the Reform Club, but his friends were mostly absent from London. He then went north to attend the exhibition at Manchester, and to fulfil engagements for visits at Mr. Ashworth's at Bolton, Miss Martineau's at Ambleside, and Mr. Ingham's at Snd old friend of the late James Brown [the publisher, of Boston]. September 25. Left London in the train at 9.15 for Manchester; stopped at Palatine Hotel; went at once to the Exhibition. September 26. The whole day till night at the Exhibitionning went with Mr. Henry Ashworth to his house at Bolton, where I dined and passed the night. September 28. Again in Manchester, and all day at the Exhibition. In the evening dined with Mr. Thomas Bazeley, President of Chamber of Commerce, and pa31. Left Castle Howard at eight o'clock in the morning; C. rose to see me off; Mr. Grey left en route with me as far as Manchester; in the train, not far from York, met Sir Roderick Murchison; crossed the country by Crewe to Stafford, where I took a
Fontainebleau (France) (search for this): chapter 13
s and Avignon. In 1839, when en route for Italy. June 10. Early this morning by train to Dijon, where I stopped to visit this old town, particularly to see its churches, and the tombs of the dukes of Burgundy; in the evening went on to Fontainebleau; was detained some hours on the road by an accident to the engine. June 11. Early this morning drove in the fanous forest of Fontainebleau; then went through the palace; then to Paris, reaching my old quarters, Rue de la Paix, at five o'clFontainebleau; then went through the palace; then to Paris, reaching my old quarters, Rue de la Paix, at five o'clock; in the evening went to Ambigu Comique to see Le Naufrage de la Meduse. June 16. Left Paris in train for Boulogne; while train stopped at Amiens for refreshments ran to see the famous cathedral; crossing from Boulogne to Folkestone was quite sea-sick; met aboard Miss Hosmer the sculptor, Gibson, Macdonald, and other artists from Rome; reached London between nine and ten o'clock in the evening. June 17. Looked about for permanent lodgings; took rooms at No. 1 Regent Street [Maurigy's];
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
will be found in his Works, vol. IV. pp. 402-405. May 2. At last got out to-day. During all this time I have read and seen company. I have hired a Frenchman who does not know English to come every forenoon to read and speak French with me. Went to the Institute and heard the discourse of M. Mignet on Lakaual. Joseph Lakanal, 17,2-1845. a French writer and naturalist; a Republican and revolutionist, living in the United States 1815-1837; at one time President of the University of Louisiana. Incidentally the lecturer made some comments unfavorable to life in the United States, to which Sumner took exception as applying only to localities, and not just as a statement of general characteristics. Mignet's lecture may be found in Memoires de l'academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques de l'institut Imperiale de France, vol. II. pp. 1-32. It was a masterpiece, but had sallies against our country. On my return I addressed him a letter at some length, making a reclamation. In
Lyons (France) (search for this): chapter 13
gence, hot and dusty, over the plains of Languedoc to Toulouse, which interested me much. June 8. Early in the morning took the train eastward; passed the day at Carcassonne, in order to explore its well-preserved and venerable ruins, reviving the Middle Ages; in the evening went on, passing ancient Narbonne and Beziers to Cette, where I arrived at midnight. June 9. Early again reached Montpellier at seven o'clock; rambled through its streets, visited its museum, and took the train for Lyons, passing Nimes, Avignon, and many other interesting places, but felt obliged to hurry. I had already seen Nimes and Avignon. In 1839, when en route for Italy. June 10. Early this morning by train to Dijon, where I stopped to visit this old town, particularly to see its churches, and the tombs of the dukes of Burgundy; in the evening went on to Fontainebleau; was detained some hours on the road by an accident to the engine. June 11. Early this morning drove in the fanous forest of
Llandudno (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
s seat near Penrith, William E. Forster at Burley, Wharfedale, the Earl of Carlisle at Castle Howard (whom he met for the first time after an interval of fifteen years,) and Lord Hatherton at Teddesley Park in Staffordshire. He passed a day at Llandudno in Wales as the guest of John Bright,—the first meeting of two kindred spirits. His last visits were to Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden, and to the Marquis of Westminster at Eaton Hall; and his last night was at Liverpool with Mr. Richard Rathbone, y old friend of the navy. November 3. Resisted all temptation to stay at Teddesley, and all further pressure to give up my idea of sailing at the end of the week for America. At noon left for the Stafford station on my way to John Bright at Llandudno, near Conway, in Wales, where I arrived in the rain just before dark. Stopped at hotel, where rooms were engaged for me by B. and as his guest; long talks with him on health and politics till eleven o'clock. November 4. This forenoon with B
Exeter (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
t me and showed me about the town; then train to York, where I visited the Minster; then train to Malton, whence by fly went seven miles to Castle Howard. My friend Lord Carlisle had gone to meet me in his carriage at another station. On his return we met for the first time after an interval of fifteen years. At dinner there were Lady Caroline Lascelles 1800-1890. and her daughters, Miss Mary and Emma Married to Lord Edward Cavendish. and Beatrice. Married to Dr. Temple, Bishop of Exeter. After dinner saw Lady Carlisle, the mother of my friend, on a sofa in her room, where she is confined by a slight paralysis. She died Aug. 8, 1858. October 29. Prayers in the morning by Lord Carlisle; then a walk in the grounds; then breakfast; then the pictures in the castle; writing letters; lunch; ramble with Lord C. in the grounds; tea at five o'clock; then dinner at seven o'clock; after dinner, in Lady Carlisle's rooms. To-day Lady Elizabeth Grey Sister of the Earl of Carlis
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