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حَمَامٌ رَاعِبِىٌّ ذ , (S, A,) or رَاعِبِيَّةٌ, (K,) [or] the latter is the fem. form of the epithet, (S,) A certain kind of pigeons; (S;) accord. to the K, from a land called رَاعِبٌ [in the CK رَعِبٌ]; but this land is unknown, and is not mentioned by El-Bekree nor by the author of the Marásid; and in the Mj and other old works, الحَمَامَةُ الرَّاعِبِيَّةُ is expl. as meaning (assumed tropical:) the pigeon that is loud, or strong, in its cry, or voice: so says MF; and this is the truth: in the L it is said, الرَّاعِبِىُّ, meaning a kind of wild pigeons, or doves, has the form of a rel. n., but is not such; or, as some one says, is a rel. n. from a place of the name whereof I know not the form: in the A it is said that حَمَامٌ رَاعِبِىٌّ means a pigeon that cooes loudly, or vehemently, exciting admiration by its voice, or filling with it the passages thereof. (TA.)

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