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1 رَكَنَ إِِلَيْهِ ذ , (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. رَكُنَ ; (S, Msb, K;) of the dial. of the lower (سُفْلَى) [app. in territory] of Mudar, and said by Az to be not chaste [thought it, or the third, seems to be the most common of the dial. vars. here mentioned]; (Msb;) and رَكِنَ aor. رَكَنَ ; (S, Msb, K;) mentioned by AZ; (S;) and رَكَنَ, aor. رَكَنَ ; (S, Msb, K;) which is a combination of two dial. vars., [namely, the first and second of those above mentioned,] (S, Msb,) because neither the medial nor the final radical letter is faucial; (Msb;) said to be the only instance of its kind except أَبَى aor. يَأَبَى; (T in art. ابى;) and رَكِنَ, aor. رَكُنَ ; which is likewise an instance of the commixture of two dial. vars., like فَضِلَ and حَضِرَ and نَعِمَ, aor. يَفْضُلُ and يَحْضُرُ and يَنْعُمُ; (TA;) inf. n. رُكُونٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and رَكَانَةٌ and رَكَانِيَةٌ; (TA;) He inclined to him, or it; syn. مَالَ: and he trusted to, or relied upon, him, or it, so as to be, or become, easy, or quiet, in mind; syn. سَكَنَ: (S, Mgh, K:) or he leaned, rested, or relied, upon him; syn. اِعْتَمَدَ عَلَيْهِ: (Msb:) or he inclined to him in the least degree; (Bd in xi. 115;) رُكُونٌ signifying slight inclining. (Ksh and Bd ibid.) It is said in the Kur [xi. 115], وَلَا تَرْكَنُوا إِِلَى ا@لَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا [And incline ye not, &c., to those who have acted wrongfully]: (S, Msb:) or, incline ye not in the least degree [&c.]: (Bd:) thus generally read; and also تِرْكَنُوا, (Ksh, Bd, TA,) accord. to the dial. of Temeem; and ↓ تُرْكَنُوا , in the pass. form, from أَرْكَنَهُ. (Ksh, Bd.) ― -b2- رَكِنَ فِى المَنْزِلِ, aor. رَكَنَ , inf. n. رَكْنٌ, He kept tenaciously to the place of alighting, or abode, (ضَنَّ بِهِ,) and did not relinquish it. (TA.) -A2- رَكُنَ, inf. n. رَكَانَةٌ (S, K) and رُكُونَةٌ (K) and رَكَانِيَةٌ, (TK,) [primarily, it seems, said of a mountain, meaning It was inaccessible, or difficult of access, having high, or strong أَرْكَان i. e. sides or angles: see Har p. 561; and see رَكِينٌ, below; and 5. ― -b2- And hence,] (tropical:) He (a man) was, or became, firm, (Har p. 561,) still, or motionless, (TA,) grave, staid, steady, sedate; or calm. (S, K, TA.)

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