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رُمَّانٌ ذ [The pomegranate;] a certain fruit, (T,) the produce of a certain tree, (M,) well known: (T, S, M, K:) n. un. with ة: (S, M, Msb, K:) the sweet sort thereof relaxes the state of the bowels, and cough; the sour sort has the contrary effect; and that which is between sweet and sour is good for inflammation of the stomach, and pain of the heart: the رمّان has six flavours, like the apple; and is commended for its delicacy, its quick dissolving, and its niceness, or its elegance: (K:) رُمَّانٌ is of the measure فُعْلَانٌ accord. to Sb: (M in art. رم:) Kh, being asked by Sb respecting الرُّمَّان, (S,) or [rather] respecting رُمَّان, (M in art. رم,) when used as a proper name, (S,) said that he declined it imperfectly (S, M) when [thus made] determinate; (S;) and that he made it to accord to the majority, because its derivation is unknown, (S, M, *) i. e., that he regarded its ا and ن as augmentative: (S:) but accord. to Akh, the ن is radical, (S,) [i. e.] he held it to be of the measure فُعَّالٌ, making it to accord to many similar names of plants, (M,) like حُمَّاضٌ &c., (S, M,) فُعَّالٌ being more common than فُعْلَان; (S;) he meant, as applied to plants; for otherwise the contr. is the case: (TA:) [Fei says,] the measure is فُعَّالٌ, the ن being radical, and therefore the word is perfectly decl., unless when used as a proper name, in which case it is imperfectly decl., being made to accord to the majority [of proper names ending with ا and ن, as عُثْمَانُ &c.]. (Msb.) [Freytag mentions several varieties of رمّان, as follows: but the names, as given by him and here transcribed, require verification or correction: “ رمان القسطيسى, رمان المرسى, رمان العدسى, رمان الخزاينى, رمان الترحين, رمان المرونى, qui ad speciem dulcium pertinent: tum رمان شعرى dulce et corticem tenuissimum habens: رمان امليسى Malum Punicum maximum, esu gratissimum et acinorum expers: رمان السحى, رمان الدلوى, رمان الدوارى, sunt minoris magnitudinis, formæ rotundæ: رمان السفريا Malum Punicum magnitudine et sapore præstantissimum, a viro Sefri dicto ita appellatum, quod a Syria Cordubam regnante Abd-Alrahmano hanc speciem transtulerat: ” and he refers to “ Casiri, Bibl. Ar. Hisp. T. i. p. 329; and Avicenn. L. ii. p. 254; ” the latter of which authors only mentions the properties of the رمّان.] ― -b2- رُمَّانُ السَّعَالِى [in the CK السُّعالَى] The white خَشْخَاش [or poppy]: or a species thereof. (K. [The heads of the poppy are called رُمَّانُ الخَشْخَاشِ because of their resemblance to pomegranates.]) ― -b3- رُمَّانُ الأَنْهَارِ [Androsæmum; or hypericum majus;] the large species of هَيُوفَارِيقُون. (K.) ― -b4- [In the present day, رُمَّانٌ and more properly رُمَّانَتَانِ are used as meaning (assumed tropical:) A young woman's breasts, when small and round; they being likened to pomegranates. In a saying of Umm-Zara, (mentioned in the M in art. رم,) رُمَّانَتَانِ seems to be used in this sense, or as meaning a woman's posteriors.] ― -b5- The n. un., رُمَّانَةٌ, is also used, vulgarly, as meaning (assumed tropical:) The قَطِنَة [or third stomach, commonly called the manyplies, and by some the millet, of a ruminant animal]: (K in art. قطن:) or it signifies (assumed tropical:) the thing [or part] in which is the fodder, of the horse. (M and TA in art. رم and in the present art.) One says, مَلَأَتِ الدَّابَّةُ رُمَّانَتَهَا (assumed tropical:) [The beast filled its رمّانة]. (TA.) And أَكَلَ حَتَّى نَتَأَتْ رُمَّانَتَهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He ate until his navel with the parts around it projected. (TA.) ― -b6- [(assumed tropical:) A knob of metal, of wood, and of silk, &c.: so called as resembling in shape a pomegranate.] ― -b7- And [for the same reason] (assumed tropical:) The weight of a steelyard, or Roman balance. (MA.) [Also applied in the present day to (assumed tropical:) The steelyard itself; and so رُومَانَة.]

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