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An escaped convict's Souvenir.

--James Duggan, who killed Wm. Wallace, in Pensacola, and was sentenced to be hanged on the 6th inst., effected his escape from the Pensacola jail on the previous Saturday. He left behind him the following letter:

I leave here for a more useful scene of usefulness. I leave to join my brothers in Virginia: they are fighting for our beloved South, our homes and our friends, under the banner of our adopted State, Louisiana.--May God protect them and me in defending the rights of our homes and altars!

I am sorry that misfortune has placed me in my late position before my fellow-citizens. I assure you I am worthy of a more worthy and nobler position; and for my offence I ask forgiveness from my Redeemer.

I return my most heartfelt thanks to the Governor of this State, to the Sheriff and the Judges who have treated me with so much kindness, as also my fellow-citizens of this city. I shall always remember them in my prayers to Almighty God.

I leave not for fear of death, but to help my brothers who are fighting for the South. Pray for me and them and our companions in arms.

A Prayer:

May God bless you all, is the earnest prayer of your truest friend,

James Duggan,

Farewell — farewell!

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