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LA-BASTIDE-L'ÉVÊQUE Aveyron, France.

1. Ancient marble heads are preserved in the castle of Requista, one of a faun or satyr, one of an old man. They may come from 19th c. excavations in the region of Villefranche-de-Rouergue.

2. At the Rivière farm, a Gallo-Roman votive altar has recently been discovered. It is 0.9 m high, hewn and carved from local sandstone.

The finds of sculptures are no doubt connected to the intensive exploitation of veins of lead containing silver in the region of Villefranche (CIL XIII, 1550), from the beginning of the Empire on.


A. Albenque, Les Rutènes (1948) 168-72; M. Labrousse, “Exploitations d'or et d'argent dans le Rouergue et l'Albigeois à l'époque romaine,” Actes du XIVe Congrès d'études régionales de la Fédération des Sociétés académiques et savantes Languedoc-Pyrénées-Gascogne 14-16 juin 1958, 99-103; id. in Gallia 22 (1964) 432-33 & figs. 10-11; 28 (1970) 398 & fig. 1.


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