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1 سَقَفَ البَيْتَ ذ , (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. سَقُفَ , (S, O, Msb,) or سَقَفَ , (K, [but this is app. a mistake, being anomalous,]) inf. n. سَقْفٌ, (S, O, Mgh,) He made a سَقْف [i. e. ceiling, or roof,] to the house or chamber or tent; [he ceiled it, or roofed it;] (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اسقفهُ ; (Msb;) and ↓ سقّفهُ , inf. n. تَسْقِيفٌ; (O, K;) or this last has an intensive signification. (Msb.) -A2- سَقِفَ, [aor. سَقَفَ ,] inf. n. سَقَفٌ, He was, or became, tall, and bent, or bowed; said of a man, and of an ostrich, &c. (TA.) -A3- See also 5. 2 سَقَّفَ see 1. -A2- سُقِفَ, inf. n. تَسْقِيفٌ, He was made an أُسْقُفّ [i. e. a bishop]. (O, K.) 4 أَسْقَفَ see 1. 5 تسقّف ذ He became an أُسْقُفّ [i. e. a bishop]; (O, K;) as also ↓ سقف [app. سَقَفَ], inf. n. سِقِّيفَى [like خِلِيفَى inf. n. of خَلَفَ]. (TK.) سَقْفٌ ذ The ceiling, roof, or covering, (JK, MA, PS,) of a house or chamber or tent; (JK, S, MA, K, PS;) as also ↓ سَقِفٌ ; (K;) so called because of its height, and the tallness of its wall [or walls]: (TA:) pl. of the former سُقُوفٌ and سُقُفٌ, (S, Msb, K,) the latter pl. on the authority of Akh, (S,) extr., (Msb,) or, accord. to Fr, this is pl. of ↓ سَقِيفٌ , (S, Msb, TA,) or, accord. to Fr, it may be a pl. pl., i. e. you may say سَقْفٌ and سُقُوفٌ and [then] سُقُفٌ [as pl. of سُقُوفٌ], (TA,) and سُقْفٌ [also] is a pl. of سَقْفٌ. (Ham p. 227.) [In the Kur xliii. 32,] Aboo-Jaafar read سَقْفًا مِنْ فِضَّةٍ; with fet-h: (TA:) others read سُقُفًا: (S, TA:) in the former reading, it is a sing. denoting a pl. meaning; i. e., “ we would have made to the house of every one of them a سَقْف of silver. ” (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] The sky, or heaven: (S, K:) this is called سَقْفُ الأَرْضِ [the ceiling, or roof, of the earth]: of the masc. gender: occurring in the Kur xxi. 33 and lii. 5. (TA.) -A2- Also, applied to the لَحْى [or part on which the beard grows] Long, and flaccid, or pendulous; syn. طَوِيلٌ مُسْتَرْخٍ. (S, K.) -A3- See also أُسْقُفٌّ. سُقْفٌ ذ : see أُسْقُفٌّ. -A2- Also a pl. of سَقْفٌ [q. v.: perhaps a contraction of سُقُفٌ]. (Ham p. 227.) سَقَفٌ ذ Tallness, with a bending, or bowing: (S, K:) it is in a man, (S,) [and] in an ostrich &c. (K.) [See 1, second sentence.] السُّقَفَآءَ ذ in the saying of El-Hajjáj, إِِيَّاىَوَهٰذِهِ ألسُّقَفَآءَ [Beware ye of me with respect to these سقفاء], (S, K, * TA,) is [said to be] a word of which the meaning is unknown: (S:) Kt says, “ I have asked often respecting it, and no one knew it: ” but accord. to Z, as is related by IAth, (TA,) it is said to be a mistranscription for الشُّفَعَآء, (K, * TA,) pl. of شَفِيعٌ; (TA;) for they used to assemble in the presence of the Sultán and intercede for him who was suspected, (K, TA,) and for criminals; and he [i. e. El-Hajjáj] forbade their doing that. (TA.) سَقِيفٌ ذ : see سَقْفٌ, in two places: ― -b2- and see also the paragraph here following, in two places. سَقِيفَةٌ ذ A صُفَّة, (S, Msb, K, TA,) or the like, (TA,) [i. e. a roof, or covering,] such as projects [over the door of a house], (TA,) [or of which the ends of the beams rest upon opposite houses; i. e.] a ظُلَّة; [often applied in the present day to a roofed, or covered, portion of a street or the like;] and any wing or porch or other thing [of a building] that is roofed over: (Msb:) of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ: (TA:) pl. سَقَائِفُ (Msb) and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ سَقِيفٌ . (MA.) ― -b2- Any broad piece of wood, such as a plank, or a broad piece of stone, with which one may form a roof (O, K, TA) to the lurking-place of a hunter &c. (O, TA.) And [the pl.] سَقَائِفُ signifies The طوايق [app. a mistranscription for طَوَابِق, and, if so, meaning, agreeably with a modern usage, flat stones covering a hollow such as that] of the lurking-place of the hunter. (TA.) [And The pieces of wood which form the roof of the kind of vehicle called مَحْمِل: see عَارِضَةٌ: and see also خُذْرُوفٌ.] ― -b3- (tropical:) A plank [app. of the deck] of a ship or boat: (S, K, TA:) pl. as above. (S, TA.) ― -b4- (tropical:) A single cranial bone of the head of the camel: (Ibn- 'Abbád, K, TA:) the cranial bones being termed سَقَائِفُ الرَّأْسِ. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) ― -b5- And (tropical:) A single rib of a camel: (K, TA:) its ribs being termed سَقَائِفُ (Az, Z, O, TA) and ↓ سَقِيفٌ . (O, TA.) One says, هَدَمَ السَّفَرُ سَقَائِفَ البَعِيرِ [Travel disjointed, or luxated,] the ribs of the camel. (Az, Z, TA.) ― -b6- Also (tropical:) A splint; i. e. a piece of wood with which a bone is set, or reduced from a fractured state: (O, K, TA:) pl. as above. (O, TA.) ― -b7- And A broad and long piece of wood, which is put, or laid down, and upon which are wound the mats of reeds (البَوَارِىّ) above the house-tops of the people of El-Basrah. (TA. [See also سَفِيقَةٌ.]) ― -b8- And (assumed tropical:) Any piece of gold, and of silver, that is beaten thin and long. (TA. [See, again, سَفِيقَةٌ.]) سَقَّافٌ ذ One whose occupation is the construction of ceilings or roofs (سُقُوف). (TA.) سِقِيفَى ذ [and ↓ أُسْقُفِيَّةٌِ or أُسْقُفِيَّةٌ] The office of an أُسْقُفّ [i. e. of a bishop]. (K, * O, TA.) [See also 5.] أَسْقَفُ ذ Tall, and bent, or bowed; (S, K;) applied to a man, (S, TA,) and to an ostrich, &c.; (K, TA;) as also with damm, (K,) i. e. ↓ اُسْقُفٌ : (TA:) fem. سَقْفَآءُ, (K,) mentioned by IB as an epithet applied to a female ostrich: (TA:) and hence the ↓ أُسْقُفّ of the Christians, (S, K,) accord. to ISk [and others ignorant of its true derivation], because he affects lowliness. (S.) And, applied to a man, [simply,] Tall; (K;) likened to the سَقْف [or ceiling, or roof,] in height; (TA;) and so ↓ مُسَقَّفٌ : (O, K:) or thick and big in the bones: (K:) and [simply] bent, or bowed: (TA:) and, applied to an ostrich, crooked in the neck (K, TA) and the legs: (TA:) fem. as above; (K;) which is applied to a female ostrich as meaning long and crooked in the legs: (O:) or to a she-camel as meaning long in the hind legs, and in like manner applied to a she-ostrich. (JK.) ― -b2- And, applied to a camel, Having no fur upon him. (K.) أُسْقُفٌ ذ : see the next preceding paragraph: ― -b2- and the next following also. أُسْقُفٌّ ذ and ↓ أُسْقُفٌ , (S, Msb, K,) as also ↓ سَقْفٌ (K) and ↓ سَقْفٌ , (TA,) [each a variation of] a foreign word used by the Arabs, (TA,) [from the Greek ἐπίσκοπος , A bishop; i. e.] a headman of the Christians (S, Msb, K) in religion; (S, K;) or [more exactly] one who is above the قِسِيس [i. e. presbyter, or priest], and below the مَطْرَان [or metropolitan]: (K:) or one who is learned (K, TA) in their religion: (TA:) or a king who affects lowliness in his gait: (K: [a very strange explanation:]) pl. أَسَاقِفَةٌ (Msb, K) and أَسَاقِفُ. (K.) See also أَسْقَفُ. أُسْقُفِيَّةٌ ذ or أُسْقُفِيَّةٌ: see سِقِيفَى. مُسَقَّفٌ ذ Wide in the bone [or bones] of the body. (JK.) ― -b2- See also أَسْقَفُ. شَعَرٌ مُسَقْفَفٌ ذ , (K accord. to the TA,) or ↓ مُسْتَقِفٌّ , (so in several copies of the K,) or both, (TK,) Hair that is raised, and shaggy, or dishe-velled, or disordered. (K.) مُسْتَقِفُّ ذ : see what next precedes.

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