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ope to be superscribed. Nordyke, March 1, 1859. The envelopes on an endless conveyer are fed beneath the forms which are fed upon one track and discharged upon another, being subjected at a given point to the action of a pressure-roller. carpenter, May 5, 1857. The forms are placed in pockets in the periphery of a wheel. The news- paper being held above the form, the platen is depressed by a treadle and the impression obtained. On releasing the treadle the spring raises the platen, ants of a framing of wroughtiron tubular ribs B B, with external coils of steel wire a a, and surrounding casings of india-rubber b b. Corrugated plates c c confine the tubes together, and serve as attachments for the inner and outer skins c d. Carpenter's armor. carpenter's Ship's Armor, May 23, 1865. In this device the middle plates, of steel or wroughtiron, have dovetailed projections fitting into corresponding grooves in their outer facings, which, as well as the inner backingplates, a
s held by the stop j on the sliding-piece h, which is moved by the end-screw g. When a board is placed edgeways in the vise e, its bottom edge may rest on a pin m, which is placed in either one of the vertical series of holes in the post. Carpenter's bench. Bench-camps. Bench-clamp. A jaw-tool attached to a workbench for holding an article to be operated on in place. The bench-clamp is shown on a painting in Herculaneum, where it is used to dog a timber to a bench while it is ed vertically from the hole by throwing the rack at the side in gear with a wheel on the crank-shaft, and rotating the latter. The rack is thrown in and out by an eccentric; an arrangement patented by Stanley and Johnson, September 12, 1865. Carpenter's boring-machine. Boring-machines of various kinds are in use in bedstead, furniture, and other manufactories. In some cases the bits or augers are arranged in gangs in a gate or slide, which is slipped forward towards the work, making a w
t a determinate distance from the fence A. Carpenter's gage. Carpenter's levels. Car′pen-teCarpenter's levels. Car′pen-ter's Lev′el. An implement for determining horizontality and verticality. It has a base piece, ermining a slope. Car′pen-ter's plane. Carpenter's planes are of various descriptions, adapteanother board, or by the edge of a panel. Carpenter's rule. Car′pen-ter's rule. Ordinarild since. See specific index, Woodworking. Carpenter's vise. Fig. 1122 shows a variety of oldg.Femerell. Carpenter's clamp.Fender-beam. Carpenter's square.Filling — in pieces. Carpenter's tCarpenter's tools.Fishing. Carriage.Flap. Carriage-piece.Flight. Cartouch.Flitch. Case-bay.Floor. Tongue.Wash-board. Tools. Carpenter's and joiners (see wood-working tools)Weathes-mouth chisel. Cant-chisel.Dental chisel. Carpenter's chisel.Diamond-point chisel. Carving-chisved considerable outlay for machinery. In Carpenter's process everything is carried on in as str[1
absolute surface-rate and in the same direction, and communicate motion equivalent to the difference between the circumferences of the two. See, for an illustration, differential feed. See also equational-box. Diffe-ren′tial Pul′ley. This, in a somewhat clumsy form, has been known for centuries under the name of the Chinese windlass, and one was found by the allied English and French armies to be in use for raising one of the drawbridges in the city of Pekin. It was described by Dr. Carpenter in his Mechanical philosophy, etc., 1844. The chain winds over two drums of different diameters, winding on to one as it unwinds from the other; the effect gained is as the difference between the two, the smaller the difference the greater the power and the less the speed. Differential Pulleu. Differential pulley. In the geared differential pulley the effect is produced by making one more tooth in one of the wheels the chain passes over than in the other. Differential scr
it to indicate the length of a page. 7. The depth of immersion of a vessel. See under the following heads: — Angle-gage.Gage-dial. Auger-gage.Gaged brick. Axle-gage.Gage-glass. Ball-caliber.Gage-ladder. Barometer-gage.Gage-lathe. Barrel-gage.Gage paper-cutter. Barrel-filling gage.Gage-pile. Bilge-water gage.Gage-rod. Bisecting-gage.Gage-saw. Boarding-gage.Gage-wheel. Boring-gage.Gaging-caliper. Broad-gage.Gaging-rod. Bur-gage.Gas-fitters' gage. Caliper-gage.Gas-gage. Carpenter's gage.Grain-gage. Center-gage.Gun-barrel gage. Chamber-gage.Hydraulic indicator. Clapboard-gage.Index-gage. Coffin-gage.Joiners' gage. Condenser-gage.Knitting-gage. Counter-gage.Liquor-gage. Croze.Marking-gage. Current-gage.Measuring-apparatus. Cutting-gage.Meter (varieties, see meter). Depth-gage. Diamond-gage.Meter-gage. Drill-gage.Mortise-gage. Electric steam-gage.Narrow-gage. Evaporation-gage.Nipper-gage. Gage and caliper.Page-gage. Gage-box for shingles.Pear-gage. Ga
der the slag less fusible, that it may be the more readily removed. The lead is said to be purer than that obtained by the smelting-furnace, as the heat is lower, and the silver and lead are sweated out without reducing the other metals. In Carpenter's furnace, steam is used in conjunction with air, the two being introduced either separately or together into the space above the ore. Lead-glance. Galena. Sulphuret of lead. Lead-har′ness. That appertaining to the leading-horses of c. A gutter for water to run in. See under the following heads:— Air-level.Level-lines. Artillery-level.Libella. Batter-level.Pendulum-level. Battering plumb-rule.Plumb-level. Bevel plumb-rule.Plumb-rule. Bubble.Reflecting-level. Carpenter's level.Road-level. Contact-level.Self-recording level. Dumpy-level.Slope-level. Foot-level.Spirit-level. Gunner's level.Triangular level. Level (mining).Water-level. Leveling-block.Water-level. Leveling-staff.Y-level. Table-leveler.
liquity that the first or coarsest band appears red, the second is orange, the third yellow, the fourth green, the fifth blue, the sixth indigo, and the seventh violet. Viewed with a suitably high power these bands are seen simply as groups of fine black lines, the distances of which from center to center can readily be measured by a micrometer. For farther details with regard to Nobert's plates, the reader may consult F. Nobert in Poggendorff's Annalen, Bd. 58, 1852. The treatises of Carpenter and Harting on the Microscope, and a number of papers published in the Quarterly journal of Microscopical science, and the Monthly Microscopical journal, since 1838. Kindly furnished for this work by Colonel J. J. Woodward, M. D., United States Army. Nock. (Nautical.) The upper front corner of a 4-cornered, fore-and-aft sail; such as a spanker, a trysail. Also called the throat. Noc′to-graph. a. A writing-frame for the blind. b. A nightly account or report. The conver
rawing off the water. l l l are running pans for receiving the liquids from h h′, etc., and m the main running pan. Carpenter's apparatus (Fig. 3663) is designed for generating a permanent illuminating gas from petroleum. The oil from a tank C s object is better effected by the double plane-iron, as shown at g; h, fillister; i, plow. Planes. In Smith and Carpenter's plane (A, Fig. 3784), the stock is stiffened by an upper metallic frame; the plane-iron a is held between the wedge bplane.Pistol-router. Bench-plane.Plane-guide. Border-plane.Plane-iron. Break-iron.Plane-table. Capping-plane.Plow. Carpenter's plane.Quarter-round. Compass-plane.Quirking-plane. Concave-plane.Rabbet-plane. Cooper's plane.Reed-plane. Core-boire to the passage of electricity. This may be adapted to measuring either high or low temperatures, and was used by Dr. Carpenter for ascertaining the temperature at great depths in the Atlantic Ocean. That for high temperatures (B, Fig. 4058) co
he platform. The driver and raker had seats on the machine. The gearing and crank were placed forward of the driving-wheel. 1835. Randall had a pair of knife-bars reciprocating past each other. Wray, 1852, had the same. 1836 Briggs and Carpenter combined the reaper and thrasher. Moore and Haskell, the same year. Ridley, in Australia, seven years afterward, did the same, and supposed himself to be the first inventor. Hazard Knowles, the machinist of the Washington Patent Office, ined successfully in the field. It uses cord, makes a square knot, and binds a gavel of any size, even no larger than the arm. The following automatic binders may also be consulted:— Bowron, January 16, 1872, cord band, secured by wire. Carpenter, December 22, 1868, wire. Clinton, July 13, 1869, cord. Chapman, May 7, 1872, wire. Fowler, June 7, 1870, stitches woven from gavel. Whitney, May 26, 1874, wire. Reaping machines. (Principles of Action.) Reaping machine
29, 1858. 20,763MillerJune 29, 1858. 20,990CarpenterJuly 27, 1858. 21,049HookJuly 27, 1858. 21,9. 94,212Howard et al.Aug. 31, 1869. 95,320CarpenterSept. 28, 1869. 97,856BairdDec. 14, 1869. 11, 1869. 94,924SupleeSept. 14, 1869. 99,158CarpenterJan. 25, 1870. (Reissue.)3,818SupleeFeb.49BlanchardMay 31, 1870. (Reissue.)4,002CarpenterMay 31, 1870. 104,660StrainJune 21, 1870. 1 (Reissue.)4,840PlummerApr. 2, 1872. 131,739CarpenterOct. 1, 1872. 133,553TurnerDec. 3, 1872. 1315, 1866. 63,117ThomasMar. 19, 1867. 81,138CarpenterAug. 18, 1868. 89,915ChesterMay 11, 1869. 9. 30, 1866. 65,768RoseJune 11, 1867. 87,633CarpenterMar. 9, 1869. 89,446ThomasApr. 27, 1869. 915. Guides (continued). No.Name.Date. 85,364CarpenterDec. 29, 1868. 86,474Van VleanFeb. 2, 1869. , 1873. 135,065BarnumJan. 21, 1873. 135,078CarpenterJan. 21, 1873. 135,919JohnstonFeb. 18, 1873.square in the days when the lathe was not. Carpenter's square, etc. (from Thebes). The square[1 more...]