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حِدْجٌ حدج A certain thing upon which the women of the Arabs of the desert ride; not a رَحْل nor a هَوْدَج: (Lth, TA:) a certain vehicle, or thing to ride upon, for women, (Az, S, A, K,) like the مِحَفَّة, (Az, S, K,) and like the هَوْدَج; (Az, TA;) as also ↓ حِدَاجَةٌ : (S, A, K:) pl. of the former حُدُوجٌ and أَحْدَاجٌ (S, A, K) and حُدُجٌ; (AAF, TA;) and pl. of the latter حَدَائِجُ: (Yaakoob, S, A:) Az, however, says that ISk makes no difference between the حِدْج and the ↓ حِدَاجَة , though there is a difference between them accord. to the Arabs, as will be seen from what follows: Sh says that حِدْجٌ is a name given to a هُوْدَج bound upon a قَتَب [or small kind of camel's saddle] when it is bound upon the camel at once with all its apparatus: he also says that ↓ حِدَاجَةٌ is a name given to the apparatus composed of the أَبِدَّة], pl. of بِدَادٌ, q. v.,] which are also called مَخَالِى القَتَبِ, [and which are appertenances of the قتب,] when they are filled, and drawn together, and bound, and tied to the قتب: [and he shows, in his explanation of the verb حَدَجَ, that this apparatus comprises the قَتَب and بِدَادَانِ with the two girths called the بِطَان and the حَقَب: this is what is meant in the K by the saying that ↓ الحِدَاجَةُ also signifies الأَدَاةُ:] Aboo-Sá'id ElKilábee says that ↓ حداجة signifies the apparatus (اداة) of the قتب: and Az says that it signifies the قتب with its apparatus. (TA.) ― -b2- Also A load, or burden. (S, K.) ― -b3- And [its pl.] حُدُوجٌ, Camels with their رِحَال [or saddles]. (TA.)

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