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1 حَوِىَ حوى حوي [originally حَوِوَ]: see what next follows. 9 اِحْوَوَى احووى احووي , (As, S, K,) [like اِرْعَوَى, originally اِحْوَوَّ, of the measure اِفْعَلَّ, then اِحْوَوَوَ, and then اِحْوَوَى,] aor. يَحْوَوِى, inf. n. اِحْوِوَآءٌ, said of a horse, (As, S,) He was, or became, of the colour termed حُوَّةٌ [q. v. infrà]; as also ↓ اِحْوَاوَى , (As, S, K,) [originally اِحْوَاوَّ, of the measure اِفْعَالَّ, then اِحْوَاوَوَ, and then اِحْوَاوَى,] aor. يَحْوَاوِى, inf. n. اِحْوِيوَآءٌ, (As, S,) or, accord. to ISd, correctly, اِحْوِيَّآءٌ, because the ى changes the و [after it] into ى, as it does in أَيَّامٌ [which is originally أَيْوَامٌ]; (TA;) and ↓ اِحْوَوَّى , (ISd, K,) [accord. to the pronunciation of the Koofees, as will be seen below, originally اِحْوَوَّوَ,] said by IB to be found thus written in some of the copies of the book of As, [that entitled كِتَابُ الفَرَسِ,] but to be a mistake, because it is agreed that there is not in the language a verb ending with three letters of the same kind except اِبْيَضَضَّ [for اِبْيَضَّ]; (TA;) and ↓ حَوِىَ , (As, S, K,) like رَضِىَ, (K,) [originally حَوِوَ,] aor. يَحْوِى, inf. n. حُوَّةٌ, (As, S,) or حَوًى; (K;) this last verb mentioned by As as used by some of the Arabs. (S.) And الأَرْضُاِحْوَاوَتِ The land was, or became, green; as also ↓ اِحْوَوَّت ; (K;) [or the latter is correctly اِحْوَوَت:] IJ says that ↓ اِحْوَاوَت is of the measure اِفْعَالَّت, [originally اِحْوَاوَّت, then احْوَاوَوَت. and then اِحْوَاوَت,] and that the Koofees say اِحْوَاوَّت and ↓ اِحْوَوَّت ; but ISd says that their usage is wrong, for the Arabs say اِحْوَوَى, like اِرْعَوَى, and do not say اِحْوَوَّ. (TA.) 11 اِحْوَاوَى احواوى احواوي : see 9; for each in three places. 13 اِحْوَوَّى احووى احووي : see 9; for each in three places. حُوَّةٌ حوه حوة [A brown colour;] redness inclining to blackness: (As, S, K:) or a colour intermixed with [the blackish red termed] كُمْتَةٌ, like the rust of iron: (S:) or blackness inclining to greenness. (K.) In the lip, [The brownish colour termed] سُمْرَةٌ; (S;) [i. e.] a colour resembling [that termed] اللَّعَسُ and اللَّمَى: (T, TA:) or a blackness in the lips; which is approved. (Ham p. 386.) أَحْوَى ذ Of the colour termed حُوَّةٌ [q. v. suprà]: and also black: (K:) or black by reason of [intense] خُضْرَة [by which may be here meant either greenness, or dark, or ashy, dust-colour]: (TA:) applied to a horse, i. q. كُمَيْتٌ [i. e. bay] overspread with blackness; (TA;) or red in the back; (En-Nadr, TA;) or more yellow than, but nearly the same as, such as is termed أَحَمُّ, so that one swears, of such a horse, that he is أَحَمّ: (AO, TA: [see مُحْلِفٌ:]) applied to a camel, whose خُضْرَة [here meaning dark, or ashy, dust-colour] is intermixed with blackness and yellowness: (S:) applied to a man, having [a brownish colour such as is termed] سُمْرَةٌ in the lip; (S;) or having a blackness in the lips, which is approved; (Ham p. 386;) fem. حَوَّآءُ, applied to a woman, (S,) and also to a lip (شَفَةٌ) as meaning red inclining to blackness: (K:) applied to a plant, inclining to blackness by reason of its intense greenness; (K;) and such is the softest of plants: (TA:) the pl. is حُوٌّ; occurring in a trad., in which the best of horses are said to be those thus termed: (TA:) the dim. of أَحْوَى is ↓ أُحَيْوٍ , in the dial. of him who says أُسَيْوِدُ [instead of أُسَيِّدُ, dim. of أَسْوَدُ]; but there is a difference of opinion as to the form with idghám: 'Eesà Ibn-'Omar says ↓ أُحَىٌّ , making it perfectly decl., which Sb pronounces a mistake: 'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà, or Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà, (accord. to different copies of the S,) says ↓ أُحَىٍّ , after the manner of أُحَيْوٍ, which, also, Sb disallows: Yoo says ↓ أُحَىُّ , and this, says Sb, is the regular and right form. (S.) [Hence,] بَكْرَةٌ حَوَّآءٌ A sheave of a pulley formed of black wood. (TA.) And نَمْلٌ حُوٌّ Red ants; called نَمْلُ سُلَيْمَانَ. (TA.) فَجَعَلَهُ غُثَآءً أَحْوَى, in the Kur [lxxxvii. 5], means, accord. to Fr, And hath made it (the herbage mentioned before) dried up, black by reason of oldness: or it may mean and hath made it to become غثآء [or decayed, or dried-up, leaves and stalks,] after it has been green. (TA.) أَحْوِىٌّ ذ rel. n. of أَحْوَى. (TA.) أُحَىُّ ذ and أُحَىٌّ and أُحَىٍّ: see أحْوَى. أُحَيْوٍ ذ : see أَحْوَى.

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