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حِبَّةٌ حب حبه حبة , a pl., [or rather quasi-pl. n.,] The seeds of desert-plants that are not used as food; pl. حِبَبٌ: (S:) or seeds of herbs, or leguminous plants, (بُقُول,) and of odoriferous plants: (K:) or of the latter only; (Ks, Az, TA;) and one of such seeds is called ↓ حَبَّةٌ ; (Az, TA;) or حِبَّةٌ; the coll. n. being ↓ حِبٌّ : (Msb:) or different seeds of every kind: or the seeds of the herbage called عُشْب: or all seeds of plants: sing. the same, and ↓ حَبَّةٌ : or this signifies everything that is sown: and حِبَّةٌ, the seed of everything that grows spontaneously, without being sown: or a small plant growing among the kind of herbage called حَشِيش: (K:) and dry herbage, broken in pieces, and heaped together: (Aboo-Ziyád, K:) or dry herbs or leguminous plants: (K:) or the seeds of wild herbs or leguminous plants, and of those of the kind called عُشْب, and their leaves, that are scattered and mixed therewith; such as the قُلْقُلَان and بَسْبَاس and ذُرَق and نَفَل and مُلَّاح, and all kinds of those herbs or leguminous plants that are eaten crude, and those that are thick, or gross, and bitterish: upon these seeds and leaves, cattle, or camels &c., pasture and fatten in the end of [the season called] the صَيْف (T, TA.)

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