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The Greeks give the name bulbine1 to a plant with leaves resembling those of the leek, and a red bulbous root. This plant, it is said, is marvellously good for wounds, but only when they are of recent date. The bulbous plant known as the "emetic" bulb,2 from the effects which it produces, has dark leaves,3 and longer than those of the other kinds.

1 The Hyacinthus botryoides of Linnæus, most probably.

2 "Bulbus vomitorius." The Narcissus jonquilla of Linnæus, the "emetic jonquil." The bulb of the Spanish jonquil acts as a strong emetic.

3 Dioscorides says, more correctly, a black outer coat or peeling.

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load focus Latin (Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff, 1906)
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